
Call Number

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Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #642 / No. 2
Digital ver. identifier
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
30 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
Rabbi Tzabik Danon (sp.), former head Rabbi for Yugoslavia, appeals to all Jewish organizations and Jews throughout the world to help stop the damaging effects of NATO bombs and lies (cited). Rabbi Danon: I cannot keep silent when Serbs are being attacked for the third time, especially when all they have done is to defend their centuries-old holy land, Kosovo, for which I have said time and again it represents their Jerusalem. NATO manufactures lies about the freedom-loving and brave Serbian people (cited).
Report on foreign media coverage:
- The National Spanish Press Agency reports: two guided missiles hit the governmental buildings close to a medical center in the very downtown of Belgrade.
- Le Figaro: the NATO aggression is a mistake. The aggression is what caused the Albanian exodus. Clinton will not admit defeat, and although he barely ever sleeps, he is still pretending to be decisive.
- Germany: the number of people opposed to NATO aggression increased after the public saw footage of Belgrade in flames.
- Osservatore Romano: the peace proposition offered by the Catholic Church was denied. For the first time ever, a Pope stood up for defense of the Orthodox Church. President of the Austrian Democratic Party, Heinz Fischer, demanded immediate stop to NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia, a peaceful solution based on UN principles must be found.
- The Indian Express (India): critique of criminal NATO aggression, stating the U.S. has made a mistake. U.S. action should worry both India and the entire world.
- The servile and subjugated government in Skopje finally acknowledged that the wave of refugees arriving to Macedonia is a consequence of NATO air strikes. Even the pro-government publication Nova Makedonija published on its front page a confession of an Albanian refugee who was advised, he said, by the KLA terrorists to leave Kosovo and go to Macedonia, where he could easily get a visa for European countries. A deputy of the Macedonian Prime Minister stated to Western journalists that their countries are at fault for the catastrophe going on in Macedonia and throughout the Balkans. Take in at least one refugee, we are not getting the help your countries had promised us.
- The Executive editor of the largest Pristina Albanian daily Koha di Tore (sp.), Vatol Hadziju (sp.), is safe and sound in Macedonia, the Macedonian daily Nova Makedonija was confirmed today, stating there were rumors of the editor being dead.
- Report from Skopje: Macedonian and Greek Defense Ministers meet. Greece cannot take part in a military campaign against its neighbors. The Kosmet crisis can only be solved through political dialogue.
- The Guardian has run one of the strongest criticisms of Tony Blair's policy in its Saturday supplement. The Guardian commentator: what is wrong with Blair? Is he in love with Clinton? If Clinton wanted to test the atomic bomb in Blair's backyard while his wife and children were barbecuing, Blair would say, Yes, Billy! We are bombing Yugoslavia, a glorious, whole, and independent Yugoslavia, which has always been congratulated by the West for its "no" to Stalin. It is a country which fought against the Nazis, and was never anyone's puppet. The Guardian goes on to say, "perhaps this is exactly what we cannot stand, a country that is showing to others that it can stand on its own. The Serbs have shown us the brown-nosing potential of our potentially great country - Great Britain, and we do not like it. The American General Wesley Clark has many medals, I wonder, where has he earned them? Was it in Vietnam? I wonder what he has done to earn them, and what crimes against women and children he took part in. America has so much blood on its hands that it's a miracle it can still hold on to its weapons. Serbs are not doing anything against the Kosmet Albanians that various Latin American countries have not done to their people. But that is a different matter, because these countries are in the American backyard. Could Catholic NATO country members attack Great Britain for its bad treatment of North Irish Catholics? Whatever is going on in Yugoslavia, if anyone is killing anyone, is a situation caused by the West. Blair says what is being done is right, because everything now is just like WW2. And it is, except that now we have joined our Luftwaffe colleagues and become Fascists ourselves," the Guardian commentator said.
- Today too, there were protests against the criminal NATO aggression on our country around the world:
- Report from Rome: Catholics and laymen are protesting against NATO (footage shows people carrying Communist flags.) Communist Party leader denounces NATO: NATO is waging a war against Europe.
- Stockholm, Sweden: 5,000 protesters gathered, yelled "We won't give up Kosovo!"
- Cyprus, Turkey: pro-Yugoslav protests.
- Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland, Adelaide, Australia: anti-NATO protests.
- Timisoara, Romania: anti-NATO protest and concert.
- Budapest, Hungary: anti-NATO protest in front of American Embassy.
- Frankfurt, Germany: over 10,000 Germans and Serbs took part in anti-NATO protest.
- Munich, Germany: anti-NATO protest.
- Graz, Bregenz, Austria: anti-NATO protest.
- Cambridge, Great Britain: large anti-NATO protest, a large group of American and Canadian tourists joined the group.
- Warsaw, Poland: anti-NATO protest.
- Copenhagen, Denmark: anti-NATO protest, Serbs and Danes gathered.
- Russian Ministry of Defense representative, Leony Ivashev, states: NATO aggression against Yugoslavia was planned ahead in order to disrupt peaceful resolution; there was a conspiracy by NATO to start military conflict, to move in NATO ground troops; Russian Ministry of Defense is increasing its forces; NATO aggressors are unprecedented in their inhumanity; there have been 17 civilian targets so far, one of the most cruel the Birthing Hospital in Belgrade; even cultural monuments protected by the Geneva Convention are not spared (cited). Stressing that NATO strategists are now nervous because they are not getting the results they wanted, he pointed out they are also hiding their losses.
- Citizens continue to protest throughout Serbia by holding concerts: footage from concerts and protests in: Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Zrenjanin (also footage of Serbian Orthodox Church procession), Vrsac (Romanian Community president speaks stating Romanians will fight for Yugoslavia), Lajkovac, Temerin, Borca, Vrbas.
- Anti-NATO propaganda animation (Mission Impossible theme song).
- Report from Belgrade: press conference held at the Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty of the Belgrade University, focusing on the missiles which barely avoided hitting the largest clinical center in Serbia. Medical Faculty Dean speaks, as well as Vice President of Yugoslav Government, Milovan Bojic: is targeting hospitals the main focus of the new world order? Director of the Clinical Center of Serbia states morale is high.
- Serbian Radical Party: The terrorist armada is trying to win a victory over the unconquerable Serbian people. Various insults of NATO.
- Yugoslav United Left: report from press conference, the terrorist nature of NATO's attack is a criminal act against peace and humanity. Taking down the Police Building is a crime, because the Police is fighting against terrorists. Closeness of the hospital did not matter to NATO, and CNN did not inform their viewers of the danger the hospital was put in. Who are the main perpetrators of crimes in Yugoslavia? Those wretches who solve their existential questions by doing the dirty work and even crimes, if needed. They are the Ramirezes, Sanchezes - the people who are among the poorest in America and throughout the NATO countries. These poor people have to die for the interests of international capitalists. (Report from press conference really a political commentary. Footage of Mira Markovic at conference).
- Report from Novi Sad: nighttime footage of bombed bridge. Footage of nighttime anti-aircraft defense action. There were civilian vehicles on the Freedom bridge at the moment it was hit.
- Socialist People's Party of Montenegro: NATO's attack on Yugoslavia the worst aggression since WW2. All forces in Montenegro should be put into service of the country's defense - state the party leaders. Unity and inner harmony agreed upon by all the parties in Montenegro.
- Academician Mihajlo Markovic: we are creative, free, and imaginative in our defense. Belgrade must never become Washington's threshold.
- Academician Milorad Ehmecic: another wave of student protests will begin in America. Academician Vlado Strugar speaks. Other Serbian intellectuals address the international public.
- Serbian Orthodox Patriarch held mass for the Feast of St. Lazarus.


Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)