
Call Number

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Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #641 / No. 2
Digital ver. identifier
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
36 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
- (02:11.15) Report from Novi Sad: anti-NATO march toward "Memory" Bridge which was destroyed in NATO air strike. CNN crew, headed by Brent Sadler, reported from Novi Sad. Brent Sadler told Serbian Television crew things completely opposite to what CNN has been reporting in the past two days. Sadler's statements are first shown in English, then in Serbian, so that the international public can be sure of the authenticity of this footage. "Intentional attack on civilian infrastructure... the bridge is of no strategic importance." (Serbian translation adds certain phrases.) (translate)

- (02:14.15) Former president of Novi Sad Jewish Community, Pavle Šosberger, speaks to CNN reporters about renewed fascist threat to Novi Sad after fifty years (cited).
- Report from Belgrade: people hold hands over Belgrade "Brankov most" bridge over the river Sava, creating a living shield. Designer of the bridge speaks.
- Report from Zastava car factory in Kragujevac: workers continue work posing as a living shield against bombs. Tonight, workers were joined by their wives (wives interviewed). Zastava workers appeal to the international public for peace.

- (02:18.00) Yugoslav army forces are extremely proud of defending our country. Third Army Commander General Nebojsa Pavkovic: all units have successfully fulfilled their duties. Personnel are safe, morale is high. Third Army units took down seven enemy airplanes, one helicopter, one non-pilot aircraft, and 27 cruise missiles. There is complete control of the territory, many civilians were arrested because they were undermining the state. There will be many victims, regardless of which enemy we fight. (TRANSLATE!!!)

- (02:19.55) Report on Pristina Corps Commander, General Major Vladimir Lazarevic touring his units on the border. Milovan Drecun interviews Lazarevic about terrorists on the Yugoslav borders with Albania and Macedonia. NATO aggressor is using the terrorist forces as scouts for the possible ground troop occupation of our country. Footage of Pristina corps tank unit, soldiers show three-finger sign. (translate)
- Report from Urosevac: more than twenty cruise missiles hit the town last night. More than twenty buildings and homes are inhabitable. Power-plant was damaged. The post office was destroyed, as well as other commercial sites. There are plenty of grocery supplies, however.

- (02:22.31) Report from Nogavac village near Orahovac: destructive missiles with cluster bombs launched from American bomber planes, have razed the Nogavac village near the town of Orahovac last night at two a.m. The village was mostly inhabited by Albanians. Most houses were burned to the ground. A massacre of innocent civilians was committed by NATO killers. (TRANSLATE!!! Footage of burning Albanian village!) NATO also bombed the suburb of Štavice, near Orehovac. Several buildings were damaged, but there was no loss of lives.

- (02:23.20) Report from Gracanica village: the village was the criminals' target for the fourth time last night. Cluster bombs were used. Much material damage was done to family homes.
- Report from Kursumlija: one civilian died and one was wounded during the criminal attack. Grenade hit ruins of the Holy Mother of Christ Chapel from the twelfth century, one of the oldest cultural monuments in the area. Railroad was damaged, as well as a newly planted field.
- Report from Vranje: Vranje was attacked. There was much material damage, but there was no loss of lives. The town's institutions are still in operation.
- Report from Pristina: after yesterday's meeting of Slobodan Milosevic and Ibrahim Rugova, life has been normalized here. Albanians are returning to the city - the Albanians had, when attacks began, moved to the villages on the outskirts of the city. Albanian terrorists were the cause of this, as they demanded that the public take part in their faked humanitarian catastrophe. Some Albanians returned because they found out that NATO bombs fall on the outskirts, where mostly Albanians live, and they saw that NATO had been giving them false promises. (translate)

- (02:26.40) Special program from Prizren: there is a humanitarian catastrophe as all ethnicities flee Kosovo due to NATO air strikes. Albanian, Turkish, Roma Gypsy, and Muslim representatives of the Rambouillet talks delegation appear in studio to talk to their people. Turkish representative speaks (in Turkish, Serbian subtitles): NATO strikes against all ethnicities, not only Serb. Albanian (in Albanian, Serbian subtitles) and Muslim representatives give short statements.

- Report from Pancevo: NATO criminals began aggression by targeting a non-military target, a factory of agricultural-use airplanes.
- Report on NATO using cluster bombs (footage of cluster bombs), instructions to viewers on what to do if they spot one.
- Three American soldiers captured by the Yugoslav army are POWs. The U.S. would not acknowledge it was at war before this.
- A missile fell in the area of the Lipovo village in Northern Macedonia – only the fuse exploded. Macedonian police would not allow filming because of security reasons.
- London: a diplomatic solution must be found. Diplomatic initiatives have already been undertaken in London, a political solution may be found in the near future.
- The Daily Telegraph: Milosevic and Rugova talks in Belgrade are impossible to ignore, which is what London and Washington would like to do. The talks are very advantageous to Yugoslavia. The Independent: despite a large-scale propaganda campaign and NATO governments' manipulations there is no hiding the fact that the NATO aggression is a terrible mistake. The London Times writes it was a bad day for NATO, and a good one for Milosevic: three American soldiers were captured and he met with Rugova. The only thing Americans can do is lie, stating the soldiers were captured in Macedonia. Milosevic and Rugova's agreement to turn to the political process poses problems for the US. China warned that international relations must not be tainted by a new type of interventionism. A Chinese daily reminds the reading public that the Chinese president stated that one of the five principles of peaceful coexistence is not meddling in key affairs of a certain country.
- Bonn: former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt criticized Germany and other European Union countries for letting Americans use them for their interests. Germany in particular should carry greater responsibility, as it helped along the breakup of former Yugoslavia. A lawsuit is being brought forward against German Chancellor Schroeder because the German government went against its own constitution by participating in the aggression against Yugoslavia.
- Tel Aviv: Ariel Sharon, Israeli foreign minister, strongly criticizes the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia: the same thing could happen to Israel, since certain areas where Palestinians live can easily be compared to Kosovo (cited).
- Local French politician denounces NATO action.

- Washington, DC: American Senator, Robert Doricelli, loudly criticized the White House leader. Pat Roberts stated Clinton's policy was wrong and counter-productive (both cited). Criticism of Clinton's mad action is increasing on Capital Hill.
- Skopje, Macedonia: Law professor at Skopje University states "humanitarian catastrophe" was invented only to change the present world order. Macedonian Parliament president meets with Yugoslav ambassador, states NATO troops in Macedonia must not be used for anything other than a peace mission (cited).
- Vice president of Bulgarian parliament states a group of leading Bulgarian intellectuals are loudly protesting the NATO attack on Yugoslavia.
- Madrid, Spain: Pablo Alvarez Salas, a Spanish CEO, wrote to Yugoslav embassy stating he was ashamed of NATO's action (cited).
- Movie theaters in Siberia have switched all their American movie features for Yugoslav ones to show protest against the criminal NATO aggression on Yugoslavia.
- Bulgaria: two NATO missiles fell on Bulgarian territory so far. Bulgarian official states their country's anti-aircraft defense will take down any missiles that approach the Bulgarian nuclear power plant.

- Albanian president Redzep Mejdani (sp.) threatens Yugoslavia Albania will attack it using its armed forces. (translate)
- The NATO aggressor spokesperson, Jamie Shea demanded in Brussels that the three captured U.S. soldiers be released immediately, since they committed no crime (cited). NATO unit commanders and their spokespeople ask for mercy for the three soldiers whose existence was confirmed by NATO only after close examination of footage by Serbian television.
- At their press conference in Brussels today, the leaders of the criminal NATO alliance have mostly focused on denying charges brought up by the Washington Post that terrorists in Kosovo are close to being destroyed, that they've been broken up, and that they are not what they seemed to be. This press conference was a propaganda session - the false humanitarian intention for the action was again stressed.
- An expert from the Center for Strategic International Relations based in Washington DC states he is against the violence waged by the U.S. government against Yugoslavia, the aggression is a violation of the U.S. Charter, as well as a violation of human rights (cited).
- Corriere Della Sera, an Italian daily, writes: Yugoslavia could turn out for Clinton what Vietnam was to LBJ. Regular Americans are hard-pressed to find a reason for aggression, and even the pro-government publications such as The Washington Post, and the New York Times have turned against the government policy after the capture of American soldiers. The Italian journal uncovered a series of lies, mostly the "humanitarian catastrophe".

- Henry Kissinger contested Bill Clinton's arguments for the aggression against Yugoslavia, stating the Kosmet territory is a national Serbian shrine, and that complete the nation has completely unified around Slobodan Milosevic's policy. Kissinger states WW1 did not break out because of Serbs, but because outside powers meddled in small countries, and that WW2 did not break out in the Balkans to begin with. The terrorist KLA's goal has always been secession. Kissinger asked Clinton to redefine his Balkan policy (cited).
- Chicago: The Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S. has sued Bill Clinton for destroying monasteries and churches in Serbia and Kosovo. The Serbian Orthodox Church means to go all the way to the Supreme Court. This was a chance for church representatives to turn to American media and speak out on Kosovo.
- Democratic Party of Serbia (DSD): American president Bill Clinton and his European gofers cannot hide the consequences of their crimes despite their frenzied propaganda campaign. On behalf of fake humanitarian values, a true humanitarian catastrophe has been caused throughout Yugoslavia, and it seems as if it will soon spread to both Macedonia and Albania.
- Rome: Sinisa Mihailovic, a soccer player for an Italian team, meets with Italian parliament representative. Mihailovic: I have hope air strikes against my country will stop. It seems Italy is the only NATO member country which is doing everything possible to stop the war. I believe air strikes will stop soon.

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Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)