Beta TC: 06:29:08-06:53:34
- Protests in Belgrade and Sofia.
- Reactions from Italy.
- The association for the protection for the Danube organizes a protest regatta down the Danube.
- Protests on Brankov, Pancevo, and Gazela bridges, Podgorica, Pozarevac, Zrenjanin, Kula, Vrbas, Novi Sad, and Belgrade. Interviews with protesters. Various speakers.
- Serbian Patriarch Pavle serves a liturgy in the memory of Ustasha victims.
- Serbian Socialist Party press conference, spokesperson Ivica Dacic speaks; Serbian Radical Party press conference, Party President Vojislav Seselj speaks; United Yugoslav Left press meeting, spokesperson Ivan Markovic makes comments; and Serbian Renewal Movement statement.
- Belgrade's Museum of Contemporary Art hosts photo exhibit despite being damaged during the bombing.
- Pancevo exhibits artworks created by local painters.