- Anchor reads headline news.
- Ron Allen reports from Belgrade on the morning NATO bombing of downtown Belgrade.
- John Palmer reports from the White House on the administration’s response to NATO bombing of two Yugoslav government buildings.
- John Hockenberry, reporter. Live panel discussion with former U.S. Ambassador in Croatia Peter Galbraith, U.S. Army (Ret.) Major General Edward Atkeson, and former Bosnia Peacekeeping Commander Major General William Nash. Topics of discussion: Why bomb Belgrade? Is the refugee crisis bigger than the war? Why NATO picked certain targets? Statement by President Clinton included, as well as Serbian TV footage of the two government buildings set aflame and of Kosovar Albanian refugees.
- Jim Maceda reports from Belgrade on the aftermath of NATO bombing of two Yugoslav government buildings (the report also shown 1048).
- Carol Off , CBC correspondent reports from London on how the residents of their home towns react to the three American soldiers being imprisoned in Serbia. Statements by Deputy Prime Minister of Yugoslavia Vuk Draskovic, the soldiers’ family members, and President Clinton included. Serbian TV (RTS) images of three American soldiers held hostage and of young people in Belgrade forming a human shield on a bridge shown.
- John King reports from the White House on the refugee crisis. Statements by President Clinton, Frank Carlin of Catholic Relief Services, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Lieutenant General John McDuffie included.
- Brent Sadler reports from Belgrade on evacuation of maternity ward adjacent to the ministry of interior, which was hit by NATO bombs.
- Brief excerpt from NATO press conference in Brussels, Belgium. NATO Spokesman Jamie Shea gives an update on refugees.