HU OSA 406-0-1 Home Movies

Identity Statement

Reference Code
HU OSA 406-0-1
Home Movies
1992 - 1995
Description Level
Extent and medium (processed)
25 Digital container, 0.03 linear meters

Content and Structure

Scope and Content (Abstract)
Film excerpts in this series cover various aspects of military and civilian life in Srebrenica before the fall of the enclave in July 1995.

Some of the amateur footage was created with the aim of informing residents who already emigrated about life conditions in the town and on how the life of those who remained there unfolded. These audiovisual postcards are about parties, wedding ceremonies, community outings, horse races and local sports events.

Another group of films cover the presence of international organizations in the area, including the UNHCR delivering and distributing aid and supplies to the local population, or the building of permanent homes for over 5,000 refugees by the Swedish Shelter Project just outside Srebrenica.

A third thematic chapter consists of footage on military activities in Srebrenica and its surroundings. It includes recordings of military drills and excercises, interviews with Bosnian Muslim military commanders and other personnel on the causes of the war, the defense of the area, and the latest military operations.

Not Expected

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Description Control

Archivist's note
Arranged by Branislav Kovacevic; described by Csaba Szilagyi, May, 2011.
Call Number Description
Digital container #1
Interview with Bosnian soldiers / Intervju sa bosanskim vojnicima
Akif Ustić, founder of the Srebrenica Batallion, talks with a foreign journalist about the Bosnian soldiers' reasons to defend their country, their family members fighting in the frontline and the ongoing operations|Naser Orić walks with the foreign journalist on the streets of Srebrenica
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-08-19, Duration: 5 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_001-001
Digital container #2
A man drives a car through the city / Čovek vozi auto kroz grad
Footage of a man driving a car, passing by a football court next to a school
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-08-19, Duration: 3 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_002-001
Digital container #3
Everyday life in Srebrenica: A diary for the relatives in Germany / Svakodnevni život u Srebrenici: Dnevnik za rođake u Nemačkoj
Recording made for emigrants from Srebrenica living in Germany during the war|Scenes of the UN Office and its vehicles in Srebrenica|A camera man films and comments on the streets, ordinary people and buildings in which refugees live in Srebrenica|The camera man talks with local citizens|Footage of the local post office and hospital|A truck driver talks about his working conditions|Footage of a bus station and a small hydro-power, a vet station, and a school|Local people play games with stones on a street|A family talks about their daily life in Srebrenica|Camera showing UN vehicles passing by|Interview with the owner of the local inn
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994-08-05, Duration: 43 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_003-001
Everyday life in Srebrenica: A diary for the relatives in Germany / Svakodnevni život u Srebrenici: Dnevnik za rođake u Nemačkoj
Recording made for emigrants from Srebrenica living in Germany during the war|People swimming and jumping in the river|Footage of the new accommodation for approximately 5,000 refugees|Footage from the refugee camp|Footage of people swimming in the river|The camp built by the Swedish Shelter Project
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994-08-05, Duration: 18 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_003-002
Everyday life in Srebrenica: A diary for the relatives in Germany / Svakodnevni život u Srebrenici: Dnevnik za rođake u Nemačkoj
Recording made for emigrants from Srebrenica living in Germany during the war|Footage of the city bar, the town hall, and a house burnt at the beginning of the war|Footage of the only shop working in the city|The camera man shows the department store destroyed in airplane attacks, as well as the building accommodating refugees|Footage of Sarajevo Bank, closed for two years now|Conversations with locals passing by|Footage of a barbershop: customers pay in goods if they do not have money|Locals sitting in front of a butcher shop|Footage of a local market|Scenes from the local bar, and conversation with guests|Local woman says that life is getting better in Srebrenica
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994-08-06, Duration: 45 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_003-003
Everyday life in Srebrenica: A diary for the relatives in Germany / Svakodnevni život u Srebrenici: Dnevnik za rođake u Nemačkoj
Recording made for emigrants from Srebrenica living in Germany during the war|A local man talks about getting married for the second time and sends greetings to his family|Another local man talks about how they are getting basic goods using smuggling in war times|A local man announces what they will film while walking around Srebrenica|A family from Srebrenica sends greetings to emigrants from Srebrenica living abroad|Footage of the mosque and destroyed houses|The camera man and a woman working for the Red Cross Office in Srebrenica show the destroyed houses in the neighborhood and name their owners|A woman working for the Red Cross Office in Srebrenica describes her war experience and the situation when a house was bombed|Footage of the downtown area, showing many destroyed buildings
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994-08-23, Duration: 17 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_003-004
Digital container #4
Wounded civilians in hospital / Povređeni civili u bolnici
Footage from a hospital with wounded civilians|Doctors perform a leg amputation surgery on a wounded woman [disturbing content]
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-08-03, Duration: 5 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_004-001
Digital container #5
Snake catcher / Zmijolovac
A snake catcher plays with a snake in his hands in front of a crowd and kills it
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_005-001
Digital container #6
Street duet / Ulično duo
Local musicians play a war song for a crowd gathered on a street
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_006-001
Digital container #7
UNHCR delivers supplies / UNHCR dostavlja namirnice
Heavy UNHCR trucks accompanied by UN tanks deliver supplies to Srebrenica
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_007-001
Digital container #8
A sport race in Srebrenica / Trka u Srebrenici
People gather at the finish line of an athletic race waiting for the runners
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-14, Duration: 1 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_008-001
Digital container #9
A horse race / Trka konja
People gather to watch a horse race
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_009-001
Digital container #10
Country gathering / Seoski sabor
Country gathering with people dancing on traditional folk music|Musicians entertain the crowd
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-19, Duration: 29 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_010-001
Country gathering / Seoski sabor
Musicians entertain the crowd on a public event in Srebrenica|Footage of people dancing and talking
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-19, Duration: 8 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_010-002
Country gathering / Seoski sabor
Musicians entertain the crowd on a public event in Srebrenica|Footage of people dancing and talking
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-19, Duration: 3 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_010-003
Country gathering / Seoski sabor
Musicians entertain the crowd on a public event in Srebrenica|Footage of people dancing and talking
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-19, Duration: 33 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_010-004
Digital container #11
Raw footage of Srebrenica / Nemontirani snimci Srebrenice
Raw footage of Srebrenica, its buildings, local people and soldiers
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-09-25, Duration: 5 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_011-001
Digital container #12
Interview with Nedžad Vekić / Intervju sa Nedžadom Vekićem
Interview with Battalion Commander Nedžad Vekić|Vekić explains the wartime situation and the strategy of his unit to fight against the aggressor|Vekić explains the problems his unit faced, such as lack of supplies and accommodation
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-09-02, Duration: 3 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_012-001
Digital container #13
Local horse race / Lokalna trka konja
Footage of a local horse race in Srebrenica|A child is riding a horse
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-19, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_013-001
Digital container #14
Military patrol report / Raport vojne patrole
Report about attacks on Srebrenica: the only question that everyone in the town is asking oneself in the night is whether to die from a bullet or of hunger the next morning|Scenes of the road leading to Zeleni Jadar where a crucial battle for the defense of Srebrenica took place|Hakija Meholjić talks about the defense of Srebrenica
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-05-26, Duration: 4 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_014-001
Digital container #15
Srebrenica: refugees on the move / Srebrenica: izbeglice u pokretu
Scenes from a warehouse in Srebrenica|Footage of soldiers lying down with guns in their hands and civilians standing nearby|Scenes of refugees on the move
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-09-29, Duration: 6 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_015-001
Digital container #16
Local gathering / Lokalno okupljanje
A man with the violin entertains a gathering of people
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-20, Duration: 3 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_016-001
Local gathering / Lokalno okupljanje
Musicians entertain a gathered crowd of men only|Footage of an ox on the spit being roasted
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-20, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_016-002
Local gathering / Lokalno okupljanje
Musicians entertain a gathered crowd of men only|Footage of an ox on the spit being roasted|People in a group celebrate the first place of their team in the local football tournament|People enjoying a feast
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1993-09-20, Duration: 7 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_016-003
Digital container #17
Wedding in Potočari / Svadba u Potočarima
Footage of a wedding|A man congratulates to the newly married couple|Greetings to relatives living abroad|Guests in the house talking and sending greetings to relatives abroad|Guests move to the backyard to drink and have lunch, only men are sitting at the table|Women are in the house and some are observing from the balcony|Footage of guests sitting around the table and of two men playing the violin and the guitar|Four soldiers arrive and congratulate to the groom, one of them is Naser Orić|Scenes of soldiers talking with the hosts inside the house|Guests on the wedding continue the feast in the backyard accompained by music|Night falls and the feast in the backyard continues|People enter the house and drinnk coffee
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994, Duration: 2 hours 58 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_017-001
Digital container #18
Military groups in Srebrenica: From self-organized units to joint command / Vojne jedinice u Srebrenici: Od samoorganizovanih jedinica do zajedničke komande
Report on the third anniversary of establishing the headquarters of the territorial defense unit of the Srebrenica municipality|Interviews with members of the first self-organized military group defending the Srebrenica area: the history of the formation of the territorial defense of Srebrenica is being told|Soldiers from the self-organized military group share their experiences from the war and their memories from past battles|Celebration of the third anniversary of establishing the headquarters of the territorial defense unit of the Srebrenica municipality: Hamdija Fejzić holds a speech in front of the guests|Hamdija Fejzić talks about the history of the formation of voluntary military groups and on specific battles at the beginning of the war|Fejzić stresses the meeting in Bajramovići on May 20, 1992 as crucial in making a united group out of many existing self-organized military groups|People present at the celebrationtalk about their personal experiences of the war within this unit and their entrance in Srebrenica
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1995-05-20, Duration: 1 hour 13 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_018-001
Digital container #19
Second anniversary of the formation of armed forces of Srebrenica / Druga godisnjica formiranja oružanih snaga Srebrenice
Marking the second anniversary of establishing the headquarters of the armed forces of Srebrenica: a statement is read which commends several units for their accomplishments during the war
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994-05-20, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_019-001
Digital container #20
A man playing violin / Čovek svira violinu
Musicians play music in a house surrounded by other people
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994-02-13, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_020-001
Digital container #21
Military drill / Vojna vežba
Footage of Naser Orić and his unit during a military exercise|
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1994-02-20, Duration: 23 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_021-001
Digital container #22
Captured tanks enter Srebrenica/1 / Zarobene tenkove ulaze u Srebrenici 1
Two captured tanks enter Srebrenica, followed by a cheering crowd
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-09-25, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_022-001
Captured tanks enter Srebrenica/2 / Zarobene tenkove ulaze u Srebrenici 2
Footage of soldiers and civilians gathered around captured tanks in Srebrenica|The crowd celebrates the capturing of the tanks|Military commanders describe the latest military operations and how some artillery weapons were captured|Commander of the Bosnian soldiers claims that they need to coexist with the Serbs: "we are fighting against Serbian extremism, the Chetniks, not against Serbs"|Footage of captured vehicles and weaponry
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-09-25, Duration: 14 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_022-002
Digital container #23
Airforce bombing of Srebrenica: aftermath / Avionsko bombardovanje Srebrenice: posledice
Footage after the airplane bombing of Srebrenica
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-09-26, Duration: 2 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_023-001
Digital container #24
UN delivers humanitarian aid / UN dostavlja humanitarnu pomoć
UN convoys bring humanitarian aid to Srebrenica| Footage of people gathered around the trucks to pick up supplies
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-11-28, Duration: 3 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_024-001
UN delivers humanitarian aid / UN dostavlja humanitarnu pomoć
UN convoys bring humanitarian aid to Srebrenica|Bosnian soldiers with weapons stand close to UN tanks|Footage of people gathered around the trucks to pick up supplies
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1992-11-28, Duration: 1 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_024-002
Digital container #25
Srebrenica before the war / Predratna Srebrenica
Scenes from pre-war Srebrenica|Footage of a gas station in Srebrenica
Bosnian language, Date of production: 1990-07-17, Duration: 5 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 406-0-1_025-001