HU OSA 104-1-1 Publications

Identity Statement

Reference Code
HU OSA 104-1-1
1994 - 2011
Description Level
Extent and medium (processed)
36 Archival boxes, 4.5 linear meters

Content and Structure

Scope and Content (Abstract)
The files include publications of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI). The LGI publications deal with the promotion of democratic and effective governance and public administration, local and regional governmental reform, ethnic relations, minority protection in primarily Central and Eastern Europe.


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Archivist's note
Processed by Judit Izinger, February 2009; revised by Csaba Szilágyi, April, 2009.
Call Number Description
Archival boxes #1
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI): Annual Report 2001, 2002
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI); 11 p.]
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI): Annual Report 2002, 2003
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI); 19 p.]
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI): Annual Report 2003, 2004
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI); 35 p.]
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI): Annual Report 2004, 2005
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI); 47 p.]
Creating Instruments for Good Governance: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI): Annual Report 2005, 2006
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI); 73 p.]
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI): Activity Report 2007, 2008
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 27 p.]
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI): Annual Report 2008, 2009
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 70 p.]
Hogyan írjunk pályázati programot?: Útmutató Közép- és Kelet-Európa és a volt Szovjetunió országaiból pályázók számára a közigazgatás és az egyetemirányítás területén, 1995
[Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 61 p.]
Közep-és Kelet-Európában és a volt Szovjetunióban közigazgatási és egyetemirányítási programokat támogató alapítványok és intézmények jegyzéke, 1995
[Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 68 p.]
Directory of Funding Sources for Public Administration and University Administration in CEE and the Former Soviet Union, 1995
[Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 63 p.]
Catalog al surselor de finantare pentru proiecte in domeniul administratiei publice si in cel al administratiei universitare pentru Europa Centrala si de Est si fosta Uniune Sovietica, 1995
[Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 70 p.]
Imenik pokrovitelja za podrucja javnih sluzbi i uprave skolstva u zemljama srednje I istocne Europe, te bivseg Sovjetskog saveza, 1995
[Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 64 p.]
Spravochnik fondov, finansiruiushchikh proekty v sfere gosudarstvennogo i universitetskogo upravleniia v stranakh Tsentral'noi I Voctochnoi Evropy I v gosudarstvakh byvshego SSSR, 1995
[Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 74 p.]
Guidebook to Proposal Writing in CEE and the Former Soviet Union: Highlighting Local Government and Public Administration Projects, 1999
[Second Edition (1999 c1995); Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 62 p.]
Program for Developing Policy Institute Functions, 2000
[Series: LGI Program; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 32 p.]
LGI Publication Catalog, 2002
[Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI)]
LGI Publications Catalog, 2005
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute-Budapest (OSI); 30 p.]
LGI Publications Catalog, 2007
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute-Budapest (OSI); 35 p.]
LGI Publications Catalog, 2009
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute-Budapest (OSI); 38 p.]
LGI Publications Catalog, 2010
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute-Budapest (OSI); 18 p.]
Archival boxes #2
Decentralization: Experiments and Reforms / edited by Tamás M. Horváth, 2000
[Series: LGI Books; Local Governments in Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Volume 1, Second edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 424 p.]
Detsentralizatsiia: Eksperimenty I reformy / Pod redaktsiei Tamasha M. Khorvata, 2000
[Series: LGI Books; Local Governments in Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Volume 1, Second edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 484 p.]
Archival boxes #3
European Union Enlargement and the Open Society Agenda: Local Government and Public Administration, 2000
[Series: LGI Studies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 170 p.]
European Union Enlargement and the Open Society Agenda: Local Government and Public Administration. Summary Report, 2000
[Series: LGI Studies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 30 p.]
Local and Regional Tax Administration in Transition Countries / edited by Mihály Hőgye, 2000
[Series: LGI Studies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 490 p.]
Urban Planning and Capital Investment Financing in Hungary / Gábor Locsmándi, Gábor Péteri, Béla Varga-Ötvös, 2000
[Series: LGI Studies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 110 p.]
Archival boxes #4
Developing New Rules in the Old Environment / edited by Munteanu Igor and Victor Popa, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Local Governments in Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Volume 3; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 652 p.]
Diversity in Action: Local Public Management of Multi-Ethnic Communities in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Anna-Mária Bíró and Petra Kovács, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 390 p.]
Archival boxes #5
Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography / edited by Margit Feischmidt, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 256 p.]
Navigation to the Market: Regulation and Competition in Local Utilities in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Gábor Péteri and Tamás M. Horváth, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 502 p.]
Navigation to the Market: Regulation and Competition in Local Utilities in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Gábor Péteri and Tamás M. Horváth, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; Second Edition (2003 c2001), CD inside; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 139 p.]
Open Society Institute Related Public Policy Centers: Activity Report, 2001
[Series: LGI Documents; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 120 p., Publication is related to Fonds 208-1-6, OSI-New York, Board Records Background Materials, Box 13.]
Archival boxes #6
Razrabotka novykh pravil igry v starykh usloviiakh / Pod redakstiei Igoria Muntianu I Viktora Popa, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 822 p.]
Open Society Institute Related Public Policy Centers: Activity Report, 2002
[Series: LGI Documents; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 128 p.]
Archival boxes #7
Stabilization of Local Governments / edited by Emilia Kandeva, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Local Governments in Central and Eastern Europe, Volume 2; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 472 p.]
Consolidation or Fragmentation?: The Size of the Local Governments in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Pawel Swianiewicz, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 329 p.]
Archival boxes #8
Health Care Reform in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: A Literature Rewiev / Hernan L. Fuenzalida-Puelma, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 88 p.]
Local Governance and Minority Empowerment in the CIS / edited by Valery Tishkov and Elena Filippova, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 331 p.]
Local Government Budgeting / edited by Mihály Hőgye, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; CD inside; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 102 p.]
Mastering Decentralization and Public Administration Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Gábor Péteri, 2002
[Series: LGI Studies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 236 p.]
Mastering Decentralization and Public Administration Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Gábor Péteri, 2003
[Series: LGI Studies; Second Edition (2003 c2002), CD inside; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 71 p.]
Archival boxes #9
Pisanje delotvornih predloga za javnu prakticnu politiku: Vodic za savetnike za prakticnu politiku u zemljama Srednje i Istocne Evrope / Urednici Oin Jang i Lisa Kvin, 2002
[Series: LGI Documents; Serbian language; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 122 p.]
A Practical Guide for Local Government Training in Central and Eastern Europe / Daniel Serban, 2002
[Series: LGI Studies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 50 p.]
Regionalization for Development and Accession to the European Union: A Comperative Perspective / edited by Gérard Marcou, 2002
[Series: LGI Studies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 206 p.]
The State of Local Democracy in Central Europe / edited by Gábor Soós, Gábor Tóka, and Glen Wright, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 460 p.]
Archival boxes #10
A Budapest-modell: Egy liberális várospolitikai kísérlet / Szerkesztette Pallai Katalin, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), Individual Papers: World Bank, World Bank Institute; 414 p.]
The Budapest Model: A Liberal Urban Policy Experiment / edited by Katalin Pallai, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), Individual Papers: World Bank, World Bank institute; 440 p.]
A New Balance: Democracy and Minorities in Post-Communist Europe / edited by Monica Robotin and Levente Salat, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 208 p.]
Civil Service Training Assistance Projects in the Former Communist Countries: An Assessment / György Gajduschek and György Hajnal, 2003
[Series: LGI Sudies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 93 p.]
Dilemmas and Compromises: Fiscal Equalization in Transition Countries / edited by Sergii Slukhai, 2003
[Series: LGI Sudies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 169 p.]
Drop by Drop: Water Management in the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia / edited by Sarah O'Hara, 2003
[Series: LGI Sudies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 108 p.]
Archival boxes #11
Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography / edited by Margit Feischmidt, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; CD inside; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); vi-xi, 235-256 p.]
Evolving Intergovernmental Relations for Effective Development in the Context of Regionalization / Claudia Pamfil, 2003
[Series: LGI Studies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 110 p.]
From Usage to Ownership: Transfer of Public Property to Local Governments in Central Europe / edited by Gábor Péteri, 2003
[Series: LGI Studies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 149 p.]
Gauging Success: Performance Measurement in South Eastern Europe / edited by Zeljko Sevic, 2003
[Series: LGI Studies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 167 p.]
Housing Policy: An End or a New Beginning? / edited by Martin Lux, 2003
[Series: LGI Books Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 461 p.]
Archival boxes #12
The Impact of Decentralization on Social Policy / edited by Katalin Tausz, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; CD inside; Second Edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 87 p.]
Investing in Regional Development: Policies and Practices in EU Candidate Countries / edited by Kenneth Davey, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; CD inside; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 175 p.]
Local Government Reform in Poland: An Insider's Story / Jerzy Regulski, 2003
[Series: LGI Studies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 263 p.]
A New Balance: Democracy and Minorities in Post-Communist Europe / edited by Monica Robotin and Levente Salat, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 208 p.]
Archival boxes #13
National-Building, Ethnicity and Language Politics in Transition Countries / edited by Farimah Daftary and Francois Grin, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; LGI/ECMI Series on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 292 p.]
Public Perception of Local Governments / edited by Pawel Swianiewicz, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 281 p.]
Public Perception of Local Governments / edited by Pawel Swianiewicz, 2003
[Series: LGI Books; Second Edition (2003 c2001); CD inside, Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 40 p.]
Combating Conflict of Interest in Local Governments in the CEE Countries / edited by Barbara Kudrycka, 2004
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 332 p.]
Archival boxes #14
Decentralization and the Governance of Education: The State of Education Systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland and Romania / edited by Péter Radó, 2004
[Series: LGI Studies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 101 p.]
Intergovernmental Finance in Hungary: A Decade of Experience 1990-2000 / edited by Mihály Koppányi, Deborah Wetzel, and Samir El Daher, 2004
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: World Bank Institute, The World Bank, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 629 p.]
Managing Hatred and Distrust: The Prognosis for Post-Conflict Settlement in Multiethnic Communities in the Former Yugoslavia / edited by Nenad Dimitrijevic and Petra Kovács, 2004
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 328 p.]
Archival boxes #15
Minority Protection and the Enlarged European Union: The Way Forward / edited by Gabriel N. Toggenburg, 2004
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 181 p.]
Too Poor to Move, Too Poor to Stay: A Report on Housing in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia / edited by James Fearn, 2004
[Series: LGI Studies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 127 p.]
Public Money for Public Schools: Financing Education in South Eastern Europe / edited by Casandra Bischoff, 2009
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 227 p.]
Upravlenie analiticheskimi tsentrami: Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlia razvivaiushchikhsia organizatsii / Reimond Dzh. Straik, 2011
[Series: LGI Books; Second Edition (2011 c2006); Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), The Urban Institute; 350 p.]
Concept and Hypotheses / Gábor Soós, 2001
[Series: LGI Documents; The Indicators of Local Democratic Governance Project; Copyright: Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 60 p.]
Archival boxes #16
Decentralization in Healthcare: Analyses and Experiences in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s / edited by George Shakarishvili, 2005
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 543 p.]
Faces of Local Democracy: Comparative Papers from Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Gábor Soós and Violetta Zentai, 2005
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 304 p.]
Archival boxes #17
The Fate of Ethnic Democracy in Post-Communist Europe / edited by Sammy Smooha and Priit Järve, 2005
[Series: LGI Books; LGI/ECMI Series on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues, Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 268 p.]
Housing Finance: New and Old Models in Central Europe, Russia, and Kazakhstan / edited by József Hegedüs and Raymond J. Struyk, 2005
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 365 p.]
Local Government and Economic Development / edited by Sona Capkova, 2005
[Series: LGI Books; CD inside, Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 692 p.]
Archival boxes #18
NGO Sustainability in Central Europe: Helping Civil Society Survive / edited by Katalin E. Koncz, 2005
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 251 p.]
The Vicious Circle: Weak State Institutions, Unremedied Abuse and Distrust: Reports from Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia and Poland / edited by Edwin Rekosh, 2005
[Series: LGI Studies; LGI Fellowship Series; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), Public Interest law Initiative; 159 p.]
Making Public Finance Public: Subnational Budget Watch in Croatia, Macedonia, and Ukraine / edited by Katarina Ott, 2006
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 108 p.]
Managing Think Tanks: Practical Guidance for Maturing Organizations / Raymond J. Struyk, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), The Urban Institute; 265 p.]
Managing Think Tanks: Practical Guidance for Maturing Organizations / Raymond J. Struyk, 2006
[Series: LGI Books; Expanded Second Edition (2006 c2002); Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), The Urban Institute; 349 p.]
Poverty and Equity in Healthcare Finance: Analyzing Post-Soviet Healthcare Reform / George Shakarishvili, 2006
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 91 p.]
Archival boxes #19
The State of Local Democracy in Central Europe: Reports from Bulgaria, Estonia and Slovakia / edited by Gábor Soós, 2006
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 521 p.]
Fast Track: Municipal Fiscal Reform in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union / edited by George M. Guess, 2007
[Series: LGI Sudies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 180 p.]
Talk is Cheap: Turning Local Economic Development Strategies into Reality in Transition Countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Moldova / edited by Gwen Swinburn, 2007
[Series: LGI Sudies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 247 p.]
Archival boxes #20
Finding the Money: Public Accountability and Service Efficiecy through Fiscal Transparency / edited by Gábor Péteri, 2008
[Series: LGI Sudies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 236 p.]
Managing and Financing Urban Public Transport Systems: An International Perspective / edited by George M. Guess, 2008
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 414 p.]
Mind Your Own Business!: Community Governance in Rural Municipalities / edited by Gábor Péteri, 2008
[Series: LGI Sudies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 172 p.]
Archival boxes #21
Mixes, Matches, and Mistakes: New Public Management in Russia and the Former Soviet Republics / edited by B. Guy Peters, 2008
[Series: LGI Sudies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 300 p.]
Reforma ZHKKH: puti k effektivnosti i sotsial'noi spravedlivosti, 2009
[In Russian; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), Kiev; 254 p.]
Who Decides?: Development, Planning, Services, and Vulnerable Groups / edited by Katalin Pallai, 2009
[Series: LGI Sudies; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 254 p.]
Archival boxes #22
Governing Decentralized Education Systems: Systemic Change in South Eastern Europe / Péter Radó, 2010
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 340 p.]
The Impact of the Economic Downturn on Local Governments in Europe: What Is Happening and What Can Be Done?: Collected texts from the Council of Europe / edited commentary by Kenneth Davey, 2010
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 130 p.]
Managing Multiethnic Cities in South Eastern Europe: Case-based Solutions for Practitioners / edited by Meghan Simpson and Radomir Sovljanski with an introduction by Gábor Péteri, 2010
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 224 p.]
A Practical Guide to Building Local Government: The Polish Experience / Jerzy Regulski, 2010
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 138 p.]
Archival boxes #23
Strategic Planning for Local Development: Case Studies from Small and Mid-Sized European Cities / edited by Ligia Ramirez and Gulelat Kebede, 2010
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), UN-HABITAT SIRP; 188 p.]
Strateško Planiranje Lokalnog Razvoja: Studije Slučaja Malih i Srednjih Evropskih Gradova / Urednici: Ligia Ramírez i Gulelat Kebede, 2010
[In Serbian; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), UN-HABITAT SIRP; 188 p.]
Territorial Consolidation Reforms in Europe / edited by Pawel Swianiewicz, 2010
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 341 p.]
Archival boxes #24
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (affiliated with the Open Society Institute), 1997
[Volume I, No. 1; 12 p.]
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (affiliated with the Open Society Institute), 1997
[Volume I, No. 2; 12 p.]
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (affiliated with the Open Society Institute), 1998
[Volume I, No. 3; 12 p.]
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (affiliated with the Open Society Institute), 1998
[Volume I, No. 4; 12 p.]
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (affiliated with the Open Society Institute), 1998
[Volume I, No. 5; 12 p.]
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (affiliated with the Open Society Institute), 1999
[Volume I, No. 6; 8 p.]
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative of the Open Society Institute, 1999
[Volume II, No. 1; 12 p.]
LGI Newsletter: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative of the Open Society Institute, 1999
[Volume II, No. 2; 12 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2004
[Spring 2004; 56 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2004
[Summer 2004; 48 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2004
[Autumn 2004; 44 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2005
[Spring-Summer 2005; 60 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2005
[Autumn 2005; 32 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2005
[Winter 2005; 52 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2006
[Spring 2006, Volume 7, No. 1; 48 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2006
[Summer 2006, Volume 7, No. 2; 44 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2006
[Autumn 2006, Volume 7, No. 3; 32 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2007
[Autumn 2007, Volume 8; 36 p.]
Local Governance Brief: Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2008
[Summer 2008, Volume 9, No. 1; 72 p.]
Archival boxes #25
Bibliography on Ethnic Relations in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 / prepared by Margit Feischmidt, 1998
[Series: LGI Bibliography Series No. 1; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Central European University (CEU), Nationalism Studies Program; 121 p.]
Impact Evaluation of LGI Activities / Ondrej Simek with assistance from Richard Delyser, 2000
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 65 p.]
Managing Multiethnic Local Communities in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia / edited by Nedan Dimitrijevic, 2000
[Series: LGI Books; In languages of the Former Yugoslavia; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 468 p.]
Local Development and Socio-Spatial Organization: Trends, Problems and Policies: The Case of Koper, Slovenia / edited by Zdravko Mlinar, 2000
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 92 p., 12 t.]
Zyczliwa Obojetnosc: Wladze lokalne i reforma samorzadowa w oczach opinii publicznej w krajach Europy Srodkowej / Pawel Swianiewicz, 2001
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 81 p.]
Archival boxes #26
The Impact of Decentralization on Social Policy / edited by Katalin Tausz, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 312 p.]
Minority Governance in Europe / edited by Kinga Gál, 2002
[Series: LGI Books; LGI/ECMI Series on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 378 p.]
Ur hölöö bukhii bodlogyn barimt bichig bolovsruulakh ni: Töv ba Zuun Evropyn ornuudyn bodlogyn zövlökhuuded zoriulsan garyn avlaga / Eoin Iang, Liza Kvin, 2002
[In Mongolian; Series: LGI Documents; ; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 115 p.]
Razrabotvane na efektivni strategicheski dokumenti v oblastta na obshtestvenite politiki: Rkovodstvo za svetnitsi v oblastta na izrabotvaneto i prilaganeto na politiki v Tsentralna i Iztochna Evropa / Ouen Iang i Laiza Kuin, 2002
[In Bulgarian; Series: LGI Documents; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 110 p.]
Archival boxes #27
Godishnik na obshtinite v Bulgariia 2002, 2003
[In Bulgarian; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Foundation for Local Government Reform (FLGR); 409 p.]
Autonomia şi eficiența fiscală: Reformele din spațiul ex-sovietic / edited by Kenneth Davey, 2004
[In Romanian; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), Technica-Info Publishing House; 135 p.]
Local Government Borrowing: Risks and Rewards: A Report on Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Pawel Swianiewicz, 2004
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 434 p.]
The Kosovo Decentralization Briefing Book / edited by Robert D. Ebel and Gábor Péteri, 2007
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI), Forum 2015; 271 p.]
Archival boxes #28
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Newsletter of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2000
[Series: LGI Newsletter, June 2000; 27 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Newsletter of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2000
[Series: LGI Newsletter, September 2000; 43 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Newsletter of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2001
[Series: LGI Newsletter, January 2001; 51 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2001
[Series: LGI Journal, March 2001; 63 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2001
[Series: LGI Journal; Summer 2001; 71 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2001
[Series: LGI Journal; Fall 2001; 63 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2002
[Series: LGI Journal; Winter 2002; 71 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2002
[Series: LGI Journal; Spring 2002; 67 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2002
[Series: LGI Journal; Summer 2002; 71 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2002
[Series: LGI Journal; Fall 2002; 67 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2003
[Series: LGI Journal; Winter 2003; 67 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2003
[Series: LGI Journal; Spring 2003; 67 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2003
[Series: LGI Journal; Summer 2003; 79 p.]
Local Government Brief: The Quarterly Policy Journal of the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2003
[Series: LGI Journal; Fall 2003; 75 p.]
Archival boxes #29
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2000
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; September 2000; 43 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2001
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; January 2001; 51 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2001
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; March 2001; 63 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2001
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; Fall 2001; 63 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2002
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; Spring 2002; 67 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2002
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; Summer 2002; 71 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2002
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; Winter 2002; 71 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2003
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; Spring 2003; 67 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2003
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; Summer 2003; 79 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Ezhekvartal'noe izdanie programmy "Initsiativa reformirovaniia mestnogo samoupravleniia i gosudarstvennykh uslug", 2003
[In Russian; Series: LGI Bulletin; Winter 2003; 67 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Zhurnal programmy LGI, 2004
[In Russian; Summer 2004; 51 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Zhurnal programmy LGI, 2004
[In Russian; Fall 2004; 43 p.]
Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v perekhodnykh eknomikakh: Zhurnal programmy LGI, 2005
[In Russian; Winter 2005; 55 p.]
Archival boxes #30
Innovation in a Post-Communist Environment. Preliminary Results from a Hungarian Project / Jeffrey D. Straussman, 1996
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 1; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 33 p.]
Local Government in Post-Socielist Cities / Robert J. Bennett, 1997
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 2; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 42 p. (Two editions with slight different format and page numbers. 42 p. and 37 p.)]
Administrative Reform in Ukraine: Setting the Agenda by Bohdan Krawchenko, 1997
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 3; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 20 p. (Two editions with slight different format and page numbers. 20 p. and 14 p.)]
Nongovernmental Organizations, Local Government and the Development of Social Services: Managing Social Needs in Postcommunist Hungary by Stephen P. Osborne and Anikó Kaposvári. A Comparative Typology of Ethnic Relations in Central and Eastern Europe / Petra Kovács, 1998
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 4; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 32 p. (Two editions with slightly different format and page numbers. 32 p. and 26 p.)]
A Comparative Typology of Ethnic Relations in Central and Eastern Europe / Petra Kovács, 1998
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 5; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 40 p.]
Are the People Victims or Accomplices?: The Use of Presents and Bribes to Influence Officials in Easter Europe / William L. Miller, Ase B. Grodeland, Tatyana Y. Koshechkina, 1998
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 6; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 46 p.]
The Systemic Model of the Voivodeship in a Democratic Unitary State / Zyta Gilowska, Józef Ploskonka, Stanislaw Prutis, Miroslaw Stec, and Elzbieta Wysocka, 1999
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 7; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 26 p.]
The Ethical Codes of Polish Public Officials / Prof. Dr. habil. Barbara Kudrycka, 1999
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 8; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 20 p.]
Building Democracy in Poland: The State Reform of 1998 / Jerzy Regulski, 1999
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 9; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 56 p.]
The Role of Civil Society in Containing Corruption at the Municipal Level: Proceedings from the Regional Conference of Transparency International Representatives: An Activity Jointly Sponsored by Transparency International and the Open Society Institute, April 29-30, 1999, Bratislava, Slovakia / Jul, 1999
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 10; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 48 p.]
Reengineering Administrative Districts in Slovenia / Mirko Vintar, 1999
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 11; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 29 p.]
Local Development in Moldova: Concepts and Practices / Igor Munteanu, 1999
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 12; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 59 p.]
Fiscal Decentralization in Estonia / Tarvo Kungla, 1999
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 13; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 41 p.]
The Practice of Best Practices / Mátyás Gáspár, 2000
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 14; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 66 p.]
Regional Development in the CEECs: The Association Agreements and EU Regional Aid Policy / Milena Minkova, 2000
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 15; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 27 p.]
Archival boxes #31
Public Sector Reforms in Ukraine: On the Path of Transformation / Alex Sundakov, 2001
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 18; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 47 p.]
In Search of International Roles: Volga Federal District / Andrey S. Makarychev, 2001
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 21; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 48 p.]
The Poverty Index: A Multi-Dimensional and Operational Poverty Measurement System for International Development Practitioners / George Shakarishvili, 2002
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 22; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 33 p.]
Determinants of Decentralization within Russian Regions / Andrey Timofeev, 2003
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 23; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 51 p.]
The Role of Hungarian County Public Education Funds in the Development of the Primary and Secondary Education of Roma Pupils / Péter Radó, 2003
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 25; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 43 p.]
Foundations of Fiscal Decentralization: Benchmarking Guide for Countries in Transition / Pawel Swianiewicz = Osnovy fiskal'noi detsentralizatsii: Spravochnoe rukovodstvo dlia stran s perekhodnoi ekonomikoi / Pavel Svianevich, 2003
[In English and Russian; Series: Discussion Papers; No. 26; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 57 p. + 77 p.]
Structure and Practice of State Administration in Uzbekistan / Dmitry Pashkun, 2003
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 27; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 63 p.]
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 1: Sector Background, 2002
[Information Exchange and Peer Assistance Program Between Local Government Officials and Energy Regulators; Copyright: Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 20 p.]
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 2: Monitoring, 2002
[Information Exchange and Peer Assistance Program Between Local Government Officials and Energy Regulators; Copyright: Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 12 p.]
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 3: Performance Measurement, 2002
[Information Exchange and Peer Assistance Program Between Local Government Officials and Energy Regulators; Copyright: Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 12 p.]
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 4: Price Setting and Revenue Administration, 2002
[Information Exchange and Peer Assistance Program Between Local Government Officials and Energy Regulators; Copyright: Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 20 p.]
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 5: Meeting Low-income Consumers' Needs, 2002
[Information Exchange and Peer Assistance Program Between Local Government Officials and Energy Regulators; Copyright: Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 20 p.]
Writing Effective Public Policy Papers: A Guide for Policy Advisers in Central and Eastern Europe / Eóin Young and Lisa Quinn, 2003
[Series: LGI Documents; Second Edition (2003 c2002); Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 113 p.]
How to Write an Effective Analytical Document in the Field of Public Policy: Practical Guide for Sources on Public Policy: Practical Guide for Public Policy Advisors in Central and Eastern Europe / by Owen Young and Lisa Quinn / Kak napisat' deistvennyi analiticheskii dokument v sfere gosudarstvennoi politiki: Prakticheskoe posobie dlia sovetnikov po gosudarstvennoi politike v Tsentral'noi i Vostochnoi Evrope / Eoin Iang i Liza Kuinn, 2003
[In Russian; Series: LGI Documents; Russian language; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 122 p.]
How to Write an Effective Analytical Document in the Field of Public Policy: Practical Guide for Sources on Public Policy: Practical Guide for Public Policy Advisors in Central and Eastern Europe / by Owen Young and Lisa Quinn / IAk napysaty diievii analitychnii dokument u galuzi derzhavnoi politiki: Praktichnii posibnik dlia radnikiv z derzhavnoï polityky: Praktychnyi posibnyk dlia rabnykiv z berzhavnoï polityky u TSentral'nii ta Skhidnii Evropi / Eoin IAng ta Liza Kuinn, 2003
[In Ukrainian; Series: LGI Documents; Ukrainan language; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 118 p.]
Archival boxes #32
Helyi önkormányzatok Közep-Kelet Európaban és a Független Államok Közösségében: Leíró jellegű tanulmányok gyűjteménye, 1994
[Hungarian edition; Copyright: Önkormányzati és Közszolgálati Intézet (Institute for Local Government and Public Service, ILGPS, affiliated with the Open Society Institute Budapest, Hungary); 234 p.]
Kohalikud omavalitsused Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopas ning SRÜ-s 1994.a.: Kirjeldavate artiklite antoloogia, 1994
[Estonian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 230 p.]
Local Governments in the CEE and CIS, 1994: An Anthology of Descriptive Papers, 1994
[English edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 227 p.]
Lokalnata samouprava vo Centralna i Istocna Evropa i vo Zaednicata na Nezavisnite Drzavi 1994 god: Antologija na deskriptivni trudovi, 1994
[Macedonian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 257 p.]
Lokalne vlade v drzavah Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope in v Skupnosti neodvisnih drzav, 1994: Izbor dokumentov, 1994
[Slovenian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 222 p.]
Archival boxes #33
Mestni upravleniia v stranite ot Tsentralna i Iztochna Evropa i ot bivshiia Suvetski Suiuz, 1994: Antologiia ot opisatelni studii, 1994
[Bulgarian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 255 p.]
Miestna správa v Krajinách Strednej a Východnej Európy a v Spoločenstve Nezávislých Štátov, 1994: Antológia deskriptívnych štúdií, 1994
[Slovakian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 213 p.]
Mistseve samovriaduvannia v Krainakh Skhidnoi Evropi ta Spivdruzhnosti Nezalezhnikh Derzhav u 1994 rotsi: Antologiia opisovikh dokumentiv, 1994
Local Self-government Bodies in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS, 1994: Anthology of Descriptive Materials
[Ukrainian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 246 p.]
Organy mestnogo samoupravleniia v stranakh Tsentral'noi i Vostochnoi Evropy i v SNG, 1994 g.: Antologiia opisatel'nykh materialov, 1994
[Russian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 261 p.]
Organy miastsovaga samakiravannia u Tsentral'nai Europe i SND, 1994: Antalogiia apisal'nykh dakladau., 1994
[Belarusian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 254 p.]
Pasvaldibas austrumeiropa un NVS valstis 1994. gada: Informativu dokumentu antologija, 1994
[Latvian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 213 p.]
Pushtetet lokale ne Evropen qendrore dhe lindore si dhe ne Komunitetin e Shteteve te Pavarura ne vitin 1994: Antologji me punime pershkruese, 1994
[Albanian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 236 p.]
Archival boxes #34
Sistemul administratiei locale in Europa Centrala si de Est si in Comunitatea Statelor Independente: Antologie de lucrari descriptive, 1994
[Romanian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 234 p.]
Vietos savivaldybes Centrines ir Rytu Europos ir NVS salyse: Antologine apzvalga, 1994
[Lithuanian edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 225 p.]
Wladze lokalne w Europie Centralnej i Wschodniej oraz we Wspolnocie Niepodleglych Panstw, 1994: Zbior opracowan, 1994
[Polish edition; Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest, Hungary; 234 p.]
Effective Democratic Governance at Local and Regional Level, 2005
[Proceedings of the South-Eastern Europe Regional Ministerial Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 25-26 October 2004; Copyright: Open Society Institute, Council of Europe, Published by Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 149 p.]
Reforma gosudarstvennogo upravleniia: Institutsializatsiia konsul'tatsii mezhdu institutami vlasti I nepravitel'stvennymi organizatsiiami v stranakh SNG: Usloviia, formy, praktika, 2002
[Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) of the Open Society Institute, Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS of the United Nations Development Programme; 118 p.]
Mestnoe upravlenie mnogoetnichnymi soobshchestvami v stranakh SNG / Pod redaktsiei Valeriia Tishkova i Eleny Filippovoi, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) of the Open Society Institute, EAWARN; 385 p.]
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2003
[Flyers; Copyrights: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative]
Visnik, 1997 - 2003
[In Ukrainian; No. 1, 1997; No. 4, No. 5, 2002; No. 7, 2003; Associated with LOGIN; One page English summary added on separate sheets.]
Archival boxes #35
Writing Effective Policy Papers to Influence Decision-Making: Training Materials: Resources & Reference Readings / Lisa Quinn, Eóin Young, 2006
[in English; Prepared for LGI Policy Fellowship Workshop held in Budapest, October 14-15, 2006; Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 210 p.]
Writing Effective Policy Papers to Influence Decision-Making: Training Materials: Resources & Reference Readings / Katarina Staronova, Lucian Ciolan, 2007
[in English; Prepared for the Workshop for RIO NGO network held in Budapest, April 11-13, 2007; Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 208 p.]
Writing Effective Policy Papers to Influence Decision-Making: Training Materials: Resources & Reference Readings / Lisa Quinn, Eóin Young, 2007
[in English; Prepared for the Workshop for 2007 LGI Policy Fellows held in Budapest, October 27-28, 2007; Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 193 p.]
Declaration on the Role of Local Governments in the European Union Accession Process, 2001
[in English, Czech, Hungarian, Slovak and Polish; Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 26 p.]
Ethnic Diversity and Conflict Management: Part I - Concepts / Ana Vasilache, 2004
[English edition; Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 93 p.]
Ethnic Diversity and Conflict Management: Part II - Training Toolkit / Ana Vasilache, 2004
[English edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 87 p.]
Reader (Croatian): Managing Multiethnic Communities: Training of Trainers, 2001
[in Croatian and English; Prepared for the Managing Multiethnic Communities Project Workshop held on November 5-10 in Sarajevo-Ilidža, 2001; Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 218]
Reader (Bosnian): Managing Multiethnic Communities: Training of Trainers, 2001
[in Bosnian and English; Prepared for the Managing Multiethnic Communities Project Workshop held on November 5-10 in Sarajevo-Ilidža, 2001; Copyright: Open Society Institute (OSI), Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); 176 p.]
Archival boxes #36
Evaluation of the Hungarian General Civil Service Training Program / György Gajduschek, György Hajnal, 2000
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 16; English edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 33 p.]
Public Grants & Private Investment in Solid Waste Management-Alföld, Hungary / Paul Dax, József Fucskó, Péter Krajner, Gábor Ungvári, 2001
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 19; English edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute; 88 p.]
Good and Bad Government: Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Frescoes in the Siena Town Hall as Mission Statement for Public Administration Today / Wolfgang Drechsler, 2001
[Series: Discussion Papers; No. 20; English edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), affiliated with the Open Society Institute); 29 p.]
Priručnik za izradu predloga projekata u zemljama centralne i istočne Evrope i bivšeg Sovjetsjog Saveza, 2002
[Copyright: Institute for Local Government and Public Service (ILGPS), affiliated with the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; 59 p.]
Local Government Policy Partnership: Public Perception of Local Government / Pawel Swianiewicz, 2001
[Series: LGI Books; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 22 p.]
Rólunk: Velünk: Az idősek és a döntéshozatal Kelet- és Közép-Európában / Renáta Kürthy
[Hungarian edition; Published by: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), HelpAge International (HAI); 41 p.]
Nieko apie mus be musu: Pagyvene zmones ir sprendimu priemimas Rytu ir Centrines Europos valstybese / Nijole Arbaciauskiene
[Lithuanian edition; Published by: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), HelpAge International (HAI); 28 p.]
Ničesar o nas brez nas: Starejši in odločanje v vzhodni in srednji Evropi / Mateja Kožuh Novak
[Slovenian edition; Published by: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), HelpAge International (HAI); 59 p.]
"Nic o nás bez nás": Senioři a rozhodování ve východní a střední Evropě / Zdeněk Placher
[Czech edition; Published by: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), HelpAge International (HAI); 14 p.]
"Nič o nás bez nás": Starší ľudia a možnosť podielať sa na rozhodovacom procese vo východnej a strednej Európe / Ľubica Gálisová
[Slovak edition; Published by: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), HelpAge International (HAI); 27 p.]
"Asgje per ne, pa vete ne": Te moshuarit dhe vendim-marrja ne vendet e Europes Lindore dhe Qendrore / Edmond Haveri
[Albanian edition; Published by: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), HelpAge International (HAI); 32 p.]
Detsentralizatsiia: Eksperimenty i reformy / edited by Tamash M. Khorvat, 2000
[Series: LGI Books; Russian edition; Copyright: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute (OSI); 484 p.]