Published in: Sobranie Dokumentov Samizdata, Vol. 5. English title given by RL; one copy, two Western reproduction and one photocopy from the book. Published Versions: (Rus.) Andrei Amalrik, Statii I Pisma, 1967-1970, Amsterdam, 1971, Herzen Foundation, pp. 31-49; (Eng). Daily Telegraph, 23 Feb. 1970; Guardian, 24 Feb. 1970.
Contents Summary
A.A. Amal'rik's response to the article by G. Bradsher in Washington Evening Star (26.11.1969) that accused him of collaborating with the KGB.
Отклик Андрея Амальрика на статью Г. Брэдшера об авторе в газ. "Вашингтон ивнинг стар" (26.11. 1969) с обвинениями в сотрудничестве с КГБ.