[Information Technology: Background Materials: Articles in English, French, and in Hungarian V.]

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 429-1-2 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Use of Computer Techology in Education, Office Automation
Located at
Archival boxes #2 / No. 4
Original Title
Számítástechnika; Háttéranyagok; Cikkek angolul, franciául és magyarul V.
1974 - 1999
Primary Type


Contents Summary
R. Kling: Le Soir L'Economie Aujouro'hui; R. Kling: Assessing Computer Technology; R. Kling, S. Iacono: Computerization a Social and Technical Intervention into Work Organization: The Case of Desktop Computerization; R. Kling, S. Iacono: The Mobilization of Support for Computerization: The Role of Computerization Movements; R. Kling: Abstracts and Descriptions; R. Kling, S. Iacono: Making a "Computer Revolution"; R. E. Kraut: Technology and the Transformation of White-Collar Work; R. Ligonnière: Les origines de L'industrie informatique anglaise; Réti P.: Mikroelektronika az NDK-ban, Nyugati alkatrészek nélkül (P. Réti: Microelectronics in the GDR, without Western components); Tömpe Z.: Hiedelmek a szoftverről, Kilenc Mítosz (Z. Tömpe: Beliefs about software, Nine Myths); Information and Computer Science, Winter 1989: Organizational Information Systems.
R. Kling: Le Soir L'Economie Aujouro'hui; R. Kling: Assessing Computer Technology; R. Kling, S. Iacono: Computerization a Social and Technical Intervention into Work Organization: The Case of Desktop Computerization; R. Kling, S. Iacono: The Mobilization of Support for Computerization: The Role of Computerization Movements; R. Kling: Abstracts and Descriptions; R. Kling, S. Iacono: Making a "Computer Revolution"; R. E. Kraut: Technology and the Transformation of White-Collar Work; R. Ligonnière: Les origines de L'industrie informatique anglaise; Réti P.: Mikroelektronika az NDK-ban, Nyugati alkatrészek nélkül; Tömpe Z. : Hiedelmek a szoftverről, Kilenc Mítosz; Information and Computer Science, Winter 1989: Organizational Information Systems.