Morning session Witness: Mirsad Mujadzic.Examining: Michael Keegan–trial resumed at lunchtime.SDA party programme, HDZ and SDS relations; attempts at mutual election campaign; commom election poster; voting; Mujadzic was an MP; disputes over the JNA funding; disputes with the SDS; disputes over the police; census participation in the war in Croatia; Serbs for and against Milosevic; SDA asking people not to respond to JNA draft for Croatian war; arms and tanks passing through for Croatia; mentioning famous Karadzic speech in the parliament; all was planned; autonomous regions created; plebiscit of the Serbs; Banja Luka police wanted Prijedor to become part of their structures; refused; Stojan Zupljanin claimed someone tried to assasinate him; discussion about the witnesses for the defence.