Morning session - tape IWitness: Nasiha Klipic - eyewitness; Nihad Seferovic - eyewitness.Excerpts: photo of brother Enver Alic; father told her he dissapeared in Omarska; more photos of relatives missing; photo of husband; more of family; saw Tadic twice, once in a car with Brane Bolta, uniform beginning of June 1992 near Trnopolje; and civilian near a restaurant on June 8, 1992; shame on you; exam, Steven Kay, locating where she was when she saw Tadic the first time after the attack; about seeing Tadic separate people; about seeing him again; about her previous statement; about the beard–she says unshaven; about seeing him later in Prijedor, too; asked her about Jovo Samopvo about seeing him with Jakupovic in front of the SUP.Nihad Seferovic called, examined by Niemann; born in Kozarac in 1950, a carpenter; shown video of town, recognizing the buildings around; knew Tadic family; helped the brothers; says who were Tadic's friends; beginning of war; media; saw events near the church; saw Tadic, Borovnica, E. Karabasic, Ekrem Besic, Osman and some others; saw Tadic put a knife into Osman–the neck; then Edin; all started shooting; witness wounded; went back; captured soon; beaten; taken to Omarska; interrogated; taken to the room with Karabasic; says hear Jasko called, heard screams; conditions; taken to Manjaca; saw dead there; ID's Tadic; Tadic smiling; exam, Kay; retracting the steps of the witness; the event itself; about the gathering of people near the tin-can station; could not see that; blood; witness' old statement; tieger repairing the damage; permanently excused.