This film, shown at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival in 1996, follows Jadranka Cigelj and Nusreta Sivac. The women are childhood friends and successful attorneys from Prijedor. They speak about their lives before the war, then describe how their lives and living circumstances changed; they describe in detail how they entered the Omarska camp, their imprisonment, and then subsequent abuse and rape. Each describes the emotions and sensations they experienced as a result of the torture and cruelty that they were exposed to, illustrating how their internment changed their lives. The documentary also follows their lives after Omarska. As both became active in helping war victims and collecting their stories, they talk about the need for the world to start listening to the cries of people living in war situations. Footage includes images of pre-war Yugoslavia, war-time Prijedor, various refugees, murdered civilians, the Omarska camp, Serbian soldiers, and the International War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague. Statements are given by officials of the War Crimes Tribunal, journalists, and the families and friends of the two women.