Various News Reports [8/42]

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HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
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BetaSP NTSC #488 / No. 1
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Date of production
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Moving image
Bosnian, English
1 hour
Part 8, visual, Hungarian


Television program
Contents Summary
This report describes the atmosphere in Sarajevo the day after a peace treaty was signed. Half an hour after the signing, a grenade hit an apartment building. For the first time in three years, Sarajevans were able to receive packages which arrived from relatives in Germany. Gorazde remains inaccessible for humanitarian trucks as the road is littered with mines. Footage included: Sarajevans reading a list of people who received packages from Germany, people walking through a former sniper alley in the shadows of a tank, people in the streets of Sarajevo, a Bosnian Serb commander telling the cameraman to quit filming, and UN convoys lined up on the road to Gorazde. Statements are made by an unidentified young woman, an unidentified young man, an unidentified French UN soldier, and an unidentified Bosnian Serb officer. HRT (SCB): This report is on a meeting between Bosnian Serb leaders, Bosnian government leaders, and UN negotiators whose goal is to draw up a plan for the peace implementation. Even though a peace agreement was signed, the road to Gorazde is still not open. Cited is a statement made by UN Spokeswoman Miriam Sohazky. Footage included: a soldier cleaning his gun, and UN trucks lined up on the road. HRT (SCB subtitles): Originally produced by French TV5, this report outlines the retaking of Sanski Most by Bosnian government soldiers. As a result of the offensive, 49,000 Bosnian Serbs have been fleeing towards Banja Luka. In Sarajevo, water and electricity have become available again. During the night-time, one grenade hit an apartment building. Footage included: Bosnian government soldiers marching into Sanski Most, Bosnian government Commander Atif Dudakovic redrawing the map of Bosnia, and refugees fleeing Sanski Most. SLO1 (Slovenian W/SCB voiceover): Matej Šurc reports on developments in relations between Yugoslav Serbs and Bosnian Serbs. Bosnian Serbs asked Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for help, to which he replied that no help would come until Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his men are in power. The Milosevic opposition has accused him of sending the Serbian police force to halt Bosnian Serbs from entering Yugoslavia. Bosnian Serb General Milan Gvero is cited as stating that Bosnian Serbs would not be satisfied with losing territories if the Bosnian Croat/Muslim federation does not return previous Bosnian Serb territories. Other footage included: Milosevic getting off an airplane, Radovan Karadzic, Bosnian Serb Parliament President Momcilo Krajisnik and Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladic at a meeting, soldiers standing around a tank, and soldiers cleaning their guns. HRT (English W/SCBsubtitles): Originally produced by CNN Newsroom, Jackie Shymanski details issues surrounding the peace agreement. While Bosnian Serb authorities agreed to the cease-fire, Bosnian Croat forces managed to capture Mrkonjic Grad, and a key road which links them to the Bosnian government army. As a result of the Bosnian Croat/Muslim offensive, thousands of Bosnian Serb refugees are fleeing towards Banja Luka. Bosnian Serb para-military troops have expelled around 10,000 Bosnian Muslims, most of whom are women, children, and elderly from Bosnian Serb territory. Footage included: Republika Srpska Foreign Minister Aleksa Buha in a meeting with Head of the UN Mission Antonio Pedauye, Sarajevan men celebrating the functioning of the utilities, Bosnian Muslim refugees in Northern Bosnia, and Bosnian Croat forces in Mrkonjic Grad. Statements are made by Antonio Pedauye and UN High Commissioner for Refugees Kris Janowski. HRT (English W/SCB subtitles): This broadcast was originally produced by SKY News. Peter Sharp reports on the failed attempt by UNHCR trucks to enter Gorazde due to mines on the road. In the same night that the peace agreement went into effect, a grenade hit an apartment building. There is growing concern among humanitarian organizations regarding the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have been driven from their homes. A statement is made by UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Kris Janowski, and International Red Cross Representative John Sparrow. Footage includes trucks moving through Sarajevo, UN soldiers inspecting the bombed apartment, refugees in a gym hall, and refugees fleeing on an unidentified road. HRT (SCB): This broadcast was produced by TV VUKOVAR. The broadcast states that the October 16, 1995 negotiation meeting between delegations from Croatia, Republika Srpska, and international mediators will be rescheduled. HRT (German W/SCB voiceover): Originally produced by ZDF HEUTE. Ariane Vuckovic reports on the aftermath of the self-defense NATO bombing of Bosnian Serb targets. She then outlines the peace prospects for Bosnia. HRT (SCB): Originally produced by RTS, this broadcast shows a statement by Serbian opposition leader Vuk Draskovic regarding the actions all Serb republics should take in order to eventually unite. EURONews: This "No Comment" broadcast was recorded near Krasulje on October 3, 1995. Footage includes soldiers running through fields and firing heavy artillery. The second "No Comment" broadcast was recorded in Kiseljak, on the road to Sarajevo on October 4, 1995. This broadcast shows UN soldiers building a makeshift bridge. HRT (SCB voiceover): Originally made by France's TF1, this report discusses the upcoming peace negotiations. The main concern for Sarajevo is the re-installment of gas and water power, and the reopening of the road to Gorazde. The fighting has continued in the countryside, with Arkan and his para-military units having been seen in Western Bosnia. The president of the Bosnian government, Alija Izetbegovic, is cited as having stated that the fighting will continue until October 9, 1995. British and Canadian UN troops will also be replaced by a 5,000-strong multinational force. Statements are made by two Sarajevo women. Footage includes Sarajevans watching a Clinton speech, a man in a wheelchair, people walking in Sarajevo streets, people filling up water jugs, children carrying jugs of water, Arkan directing his tanks, and UN soldiers loading their trucks. HRT (English W/SCB voiceover): Originally produced by BBC World, this report discusses increased fighting where each side is trying to grab as much territory as possible before the cease-fire. Diplomatic Correspondent Brian Hanrahan explains that while the Bosnian Serbs are advancing towards the Kljuc area, Croatian forces have been crossing the Bosnian border in order to help out their Bosnian Croat allies. Statements are made by Radovan Karadzic and Zeljko Raznjatovic-Arkan. Footage includes Bosnian soldiers fighting in a forested area, and Bosnian soldiers riding on tanks. HRT: This brief report states that Karadzic has been visiting Bosnian Serb troops in order to reaffirm his leadership. In a brief interview clip he is shown stating that accusations of him being a war criminal are laughable. Footage includes Karadzic looking over maps with Bosnian Serb military commanders. HRT (October 8, 1995): Elizabeta Gojan reports on the increased fighting going on before a cease-fire comes into effect. The most intense fighting has been around Kljuc and Mrkonjic Grad. Two Bosnian Serb attacks on an area near the Zivinice refugee camp resulted in the death of 11 people. Sarajevo is still lacking water, gas, and electricity. Footage includes workers trying to rebuild the electric and water power, and wounded civilians being taken care of after the shelling. CNN: Jackie Shymanski reports on incidents of Bosnian Serb shelling of refugee camps. Ten civilians were killed and 34 wounded after Zivinice refugee camp was shelled. At a nearby refugee collection point, one person was killed and six people were wounded. The UN called for close air support by NATO warplanes to target for Bosnian Serb heavy weaponry. She also reports on the shelling of Tesanjka, where two children were killed and 50 civilians wounded. Around 35,000 Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims were expelled from Bosnian Serb territories. Statements are made by UN Spokesman Jim Landale, and UNHCR Spokesman Chris Janowski. HRT (FRENCH W/SCB subtitles): Originally produced by French TV5, this broadcast reports on the shelling of the Bosnian Muslim refugee camps in Zivinice and Tesanjka, and the increased fighting among all three sides. A statement made by Alija Izetbegovic is cited. Other footage includes Bosnian soldiers firing artillery shells. HRT (English W/SCB subtitles): This report was originally produced by SKY News. Brian Thompson reports on the escalation of fighting as all three sides try to grab more land before the cease-fire. One refugee camp near Tuzla was shelled, resulting in the death of six people, and the wounding of ten. A NATO mission to destroy Bosnian Serb heavy artillery was aborted due to bad weather. In a brief statement, Karadzic states that he hopes that the U.S. will be able to bring about peace and stop the Bosnian Muslim sabotage of the peace process. Other footage includes Karadzic toasting his troops, heavy artillery being fired, a man trying to get his gas burner to work, and civilians pumping water. HRT: Ante Ivankovic reports on the Bosnian Croat takeover of Mrkonjic Grad from Bosnian Serb forces. Bosnian Serb forces left much heavy artillery behind and suffered many casualties while withdrawing. A statement is made by an unidentified Bosnian Muslim Mrkonjic Grad native. Footage includes Bosnian Croat forces firing heavy artillery, riding on tanks, and marching into the city. HRT: Goran Rotim reports that life in Sarajevo is getting back to normal. Electricity, gas, and water installations are functioning again. The city also received a shipment of gas from Russia. In the area of Kljuc, fighting between Bosnian Serb and Bosnian government forces has increased. According to an anonymous source, the whole area of the Una-Sana district will be liberated by Bosnian government forces. A Norwegian UN soldier died, and several other were wounded, after two grenades hit the UN base near Tuzla. According to UNHCR reports, around 4,000 Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslim were driven out from the Banja Luka area, and arrived in Bistricak, near Zenica; 10,000 more refugees are expected in the following days. Cited is a statement made by Hans Karsing, the Norwegian UN Deputy Commander. Footage includes Sarajevo citizens lighting their stoves with the newly-arrived gas, an older woman walking with the help of two soldiers, a soldier carrying an older man on his back, and refugees getting onto a truck. HRT (October 10, 1995): The report shows the unearthing of a mass grave found near the former JNA base in Petrinje, Croatia. According to the report, the 40 massacred Petrinja civilians were Croats who stayed behind after the area fell under the control of the Krajina Serb forces. Statements are made by Forensic Expert Dr. Henry Lee, and Croatia's Vice-President Dr. Ivica Kostovic. HRT: Marija Dumic reports on the unearthing of a three-person grave in the Kupres area. It is assumed these bodies are of Croat soldiers shot in 1992. She then reports on another mass grave in the Kupres area, where another 34 bodies were found. A statement is made by Michael Badel, Director of Forensic Science for the state of New York. HRT (English W/SCB voiceover): This report was originally produced by BBC World. Jonathan Birchall reports on the large extent of ethnic cleansing in Bosnian Serb-held territories in Northern Bosnia. The report states that around half a million Bosnian Muslims lived in Northern Bosnia, but that only 30.000 remain. According to refugee statements, Bosnian Muslims from the Sanski Most area were driven out after the arrival of Zeljko Raznjatovic-Arkan and his forces (Arkan's Tigers). A statement regarding the expulsion of non-Serb Bosnians is made by Ron Redmond, UNHCR Spokesman in Geneva. Other footage includes Bosnian Muslim refugees arriving and getting settled in a field near Zenica, and BBC Library footage of Arkan giving a statement and his forces in action. HRT: Zdravko Strizic reports on the unearthing of a mass grave found near the former JNA base in Petrinje. According to the report, the victims were killed between September 22 and September 28, 1991. The report also shows Michael Badel and Dr. Henry Lee at work. Statements are made by Mijo Mladjenovic, survivor of the Petrinja massacre; Davor Strinovic, Forensic Expert; Colonel Mladen Pezelj, Head of the Department for deceased soldiers of the Croatian Army; and Ivan Grujic, President of the Government Commission for imprisoned and disappeared persons. HRT (October 11, 1995): Ante Ivankovic reports on the activities taking place on the second day after the Bosnian Croat forces took over Mrkonjic Grad. The report shows a congratulatory speech made by Vladimir Šoljić, defense minister for Croatia and Herceg-Bosna. A statement is made by Operation "Juzni Potez" Spokesperson Colonel Josko Bonacin. Footage included: Croatian forces in Mrkonjic Grad. HRT: Goran Rotim reports that the Bosnian government army and Bosnian Croat forces (HVO) recaptured the areas of Sanski Most and Trnovo. Aside from Arkan's forces fighting around Kljuc, Bosnian Serb forces were inactive during the day. Arkan gives a statement regarding battles around Kljuc. Footage includes Bosnian government and Bosnian Croat soldiers in action, and a soldier cleaning his gun. HRT (October 11, 1995): This broadcast was originally produced by SRT. The city of Banja Luka war council ordered all schools to be closed, and prohibited all public functions due to increased fighting around the area. Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat/Bosnian government forces in the Manjaca and Sanski Most region have increased their fighting. All Bosnian Serb forces were put under alert by their military headquarters, particularly in the regions of Banja Luka, Prijedor, Novi Grad, and Sanski Most. The report is cut off. Footage includes Bosnian Serb soldiers in a field. SRT: This broadcast reports on the fifth anniversary commemoration of the Serbian Volunteer Guard (Srpska Dobrovoljacka Garda). The report gives a brief history how the guard was formed. The Guard's leader was not present as he was on the Bosnian frontlines. HRT: This broadcast contains Bosnian Serb Commander General Ratko Mladic giving a short interview regarding the presence of UN Rapid Reaction Forces in the area of Sarajevo. HRT (French W/SCB subtitles): Originally produced by TV5, this report discusses the role of NATO and the international community, and its future in Bosnia. Footage includes UN soldiers taken as hostages by Bosnian Serb forces, U.S. Congress voting on a measure, British UN soldiers leaving Gorazde, refugees in flight on tractors, Alija Izetbegovic in a meeting, and Radovan Karadzic walking into a building. The report is cut off. HRT: This broadcast was originally produced by RTS. It contains a phone interview with Ratko Mladic who discusses issues surrounding his meeting with NATO General Jeanvieux. HRT: This broadcast was originally produced by RTS. Miroslav Lazanski, Political Commentator for "Politika," comments on the NATO bombing of Bosnian Serb military targets. ARD (German): This broadcast reports o