
Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #642 / No. 1
Digital ver. identifier
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
30 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
831 – Beta TC: 02:47:41–03:18:00

Serbian Television – April 3, 1999

- Report on NATO's bombing of Belgrade city center: several govt. buildings in Kneza Milosa Street were hit. A missile fell only about ten meters away from the largest birthing hospital in Yugoslavia. The missiles fell on the most traffic-congested street in Belgrade. Shop windows shattered in the explosions.
- Report from the Belgrade Birthing Hospital: babies slept peacefully until 1 a.m., but due to the murderers' attack they now have to be moved into the basement shelter. These children will be traumatized by NATO's inhumanity. Doctors from the hospital interviewed. All patients and staff had to be evacuated. Patients interviewed. No one could believe this would happen. Vlajko Stoiljkovic, Minister of the Interior, interviewed: Hitler's Nazis bombed Belgrade in April, 1941. In April 1999, Clinton's neo-Nazis are bombing Belgrade once more. They are harming themselves and the entire civilized world. The building they destroyed was an architectural beauty of the Balkans. This is a work of monsters and criminals. We are unified, and our descendants will build even nicer buildings than the ones the neo-Nazis are trying to destroy. Sergei Baburin, Russian Duma vice president interviewed about bombing: we saw the wounded civilians at the Medical Military Academy just a while ago tonight, and we can see the appearance of a new type of cannibal in Europe. Russia has not remained impassive, help to Serbia is unavoidable (in Russian, VO). Daniel Schiffer, French philosopher, interviewed: speechless, this is pure Fascism (in Serbian).
- Footage of people holding hands over Belgrade bridge, chanting "Serbia". Designer of bridge states bridge is sacred and should be defended (see 830).

- The Western alliance aggressors and their forces known as SFOR have mined and damaged about 15 meters of the Belgrade - Bar railroad track in the Rudo municipality in Republika Srpska. Report from Štrpci: SFOR forces, mostly Americans, first killed the railroad guard, Miloje Tomic, and then mined the railroad track. After the explosion, the criminals left, and then returned to cause another explosion. SFOR helicopters supported the terrorist attack from the air. Municipality president wrote letter of protest to SFOR unit. Attack was undertaken minutes before a train carrying passengers to the coast passed, but luckily, there were no victims. (translate?)
- The Belgrade city center has been shaken up by last night's explosions and fires when governmental buildings were targeted. It was a horrible sight, and caused many Belgrade residents to ask themselves, "Is this possible?" Report on Belgrade city center bombing: 8 cruise missiles targeted Belgrade. CNN had another spectacular show during prime time. As reporters described their shock and horror, anchor-people could not hide their joy of presenting a good show. During Belgrade's critical moments, they did not fail to remind people of the columns of Albanian refugees, forgetting to mention these refugees were fleeing from NATO attacks. Both CNN and SKY news plugged into Serbian Television programming at exactly 1 a.m. They did not show the report on the evacuation of babies and new mothers from the Birthing Hospital. - Russian government president Evgeny Primakov met with Yugoslav ambassador to Russia, Borislav Milosevic. They talked about the situation caused by NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia.
- Igor Ivanov suggested an emergency G-8 meeting. France stated Russia could play a large role in a peaceful solution of the crisis (cited).

- Italian Minister Dinni supports Russian suggestion for G-8 meeting (cited).
- Early this morning in the outskirts of Tirana, two powerful explosions were heard. It is not known where they came from.
- A Washington Post columnist writes that the militant policy led by Washington leaders is nothing but a roadtrip to hell. A terrible mistake has been committed by Clinton, and it will turn out to be the worst for the aggressors. The columnist writes that Clinton is so traumatized by the genocide in Kosovo and the war, that he went golfing. The article is sarcastic and anti-Clinton (cited).
- The Federal government President, Momir Bulatovic, wrote to the president of the European Committee in Brussels, Romano Prodi, stressing need for immediate action to stop the NATO aggression. Anti-NATO sentiments expressed.
- Belgrade: report on NATO usage of cluster bombs. Cluster bombs shown at the Yugoslav Army Press Center press conference.
- The center of Belgrade was hit by NATO missiles, which caused explosions and fires in the middle of the night. The consequences could not be seen until the morning, Belgrade residents were shocked and dismayed.
- Report on the Belgrade city center bombing (footage of destroyed governmental institutions), Belgrade Birthing hospital shown, building for Refugee Welfare also destroyed. Extremely important archives housed in one of the governmental buildings were ruined.
- Report from Pristina: NATO air strikes damaged the Sports, Youth, and Business center "Boro i Ramiz". Over a thousand square meters of "security glass" broke. About a thousand students attended extracurricular activities at the center.
- Report from Magura village: two missiles fell on village where mostly Albanians and Macedonians live.

- Report on Yugoslav soldiers giving oath "to their nation and fatherland" upon entering the air force. General Major Djoko Radakovic spoke at the event about importance of entering the army now.
- Report from Pristina: Spanish television TELE5 reporters, and a Dutch reporter were arrested near the border town of Djeneral Jankovic by the Yugoslav-Macedonian border. All three were arrested because they entered the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia illegally. Statements by reporters (translation, VO, subtitles). (translate)

- Incomprehensible report on a new Eurovision television Center opening up in Podgorica under name of Yurts. The rights to the name is exclusive to Serbian television in Belgrade, however.
- Report from Pristina: despite the increasing NATO attacks, there are more and more Albanians on Pristina's streets. They returned to their homes, since the meeting between Milosevic and Rugova was encouraging. Albanians interviewed: they are not threatened by Serbs, only by NATO. (TRANSLATE!!!)

- Anti-NATO propaganda animation and footage. "Throw NATO in the mud! Today, lots of airplanes took off from Aviano. Even more came back!" (BREAK DOWN!!!)
- Skopje, Macedonia: students protest against NATO.
- Athens, Greece: Greek media reports on the Belgrade city center bombing by NATO. Greece is dismayed by the criminal NATO attack. It seems that the leadership of NATO has since last night been overtaken by the military commander of the fascist armada, Wesley Clark. The Greek public is loud and clear about their dismay. Protests in Greece are gathering more people every day. Peace concert was a success. Other humanitarian concerts still have to take place.

- The Chinese media was dismayed as they reported news that missiles fell near the Birthing hospital in Belgrade. The NATO policy is fascist, and the aggressor is losing control.
- Bulgarian television showed RTS footage of the mothers and babies being evacuated from the Birthing hospital several times. Few viewers could remain untouched by the report.



Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)