
Call Number

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Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #643 / No. 1
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Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
30 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
834 Serbian Television April 4, 1999 Beta TC: 03:50:45-04:21:28 03:50.43 - Federal Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia, Jovanovic, comments on the General Council's incompetence to intervene in NATO air strikes. NATO has endangered civilian lives and objects, as well as cultural monuments. American aggression is accompanied by a media campaign intended to pull wool over the eyes of the international public (cited). - Report from Greece: the Greek Orthodox Church archbishop speaks out against NATO aggression on Yugoslavia while commemorating a WW (1 or 2) battle in Northern Greece. Greek President was present. Foreign representatives, esp. those of Great Britain, France, and Germany were jeered at; anti-NATO protest meeting held close to Macedonian border – 10, 000 people gathered; a protest race held at Timvos; anti-NATO sentiments expressed at Yugoslav-Greek soccer match, a minute of silence held to express support for all victims of NATO air strikes; anti-NATO protest just began in Athens. - Report from Macedonia: anti-NATO protest in Skopska Crna Gora, residents of villages with mixed Serb-Macedonian population express pro-Yugoslav and anti-NATO sentiments. - Report from Innsbruck, Austria: more than 4,000 people gathered to protest NATO air strikes: NATO leaders are insane and are destroying civilian objects, genocide must be stopped, "Kosovo is Serbian" and "We are all Milosevic." Yugoslav national anthem sung. - Report from Brussels, Belgium: the Belgian police has forcefully broken up peaceful anti-NATO demonstrations in Belgium. More than 140 Belgian citizens spent over ten hours in jail, where they were physically molested and are seriously injured. Journalists trying to film the protests were severely beaten by the police and their film was destroyed. (TRANSLATE) 03:59.00 - Footage from anti-NATO protests in: Banja Luka - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vlasenica. - There is almost no town in our country where our people are not showing their dignity through song. Footage from anti-war protests throughout Yugoslavia: Belgrade, Podgorica - Montenegro, Leskovac, Smederevo, Malo Crnice, Nis, Kostolac, Zrenjanin, Ruma, Pirot, Lapovo ("our unreserved support goes to our president Slobodan Milosevic"), Varvarin, ?icevac. 04:08.04 - Propaganda animation: the Yugoslav army. 04:08.20 - Report from Novi Beograd: At four o'clock, a loud explosion could be heard nearby a heating plant which provided heat for the homes of Novi Beograd and Zemun residents. The firefighters responded immediately. The heating plant security guard, father of two children, was killed during the aggressor's criminal NATO attack on this civilian object. More than a million people depend on the heat provided by the plant. The damage is more than 700 million German Marks. - Report on air strike against the Military Medical Academy. The Academy was struck by NATO at about the same time the heating plant was struck. Ambulances and firefighters were at hand. Glass was broken, and shrapnel could be found around the building. No one was hurt. - Report from Pancevo: at 4:30 a.m. today two criminal NATO missiles hit the energy plant of Pancevo oil refinery. There were victims. Timely measures were undertaken to contain damage. Workers and refinery leaders are working on removing all signs of destruction and resuming production. Refinery has undertaken all measures to prevent an ecological catastrophe. CEO of refinery says refinery will resume production in 10-15 days. CEO gives political commentary on NATO. 04:12.02 - Report on NATO air strikes targeting civilians throughout country: Novi Beograd heating plant, Military Medical Academy, and Pancevo refinery were hit. Political commentary: the international media are co-perpetrators of this crime. - Report from Cacak: criminal NATO air force fired four missiles on the Cacak area at three a.m. Sloboda factory production plants were targeted, and the factory is now completely destroyed. A missile fell on a civilian crossroads. Family homes were damaged. - Report from Kablar Mountain near Cacak: Yugoslav army anti-aircraft defense units struck down a NATO airplane. Footage clearly shows parts of an F-15 U.S. airplane. Ljubo Perica who found the plane, interviewed. - At four a.m. this morning, a NATO airplane fuel tank fell into a Prijepolje kindergarten backyard. The other fuel tank was found in a village home backyard. Anti-aircraft defense units struck down an enemy missile in the Uzice area this morning (no footage). - Report from Bogutovac near Kraljevo: at 2:10 a.m. today NATO targeted a fuel warehouse in Bogutovac with four bombs. Three bombs exploded near the warehouse, while the fourth, probably intended to hit an elementary school, ended up in a pine grove. Firefighters soon contained the fire. Three people were hurt in the explosion, while several buildings were damaged. The Bogutovac elementary school was damaged as well. 04:16.35 - Report from Sirogojno: remains of a bomb thrown near Sirogojno are proof that the criminal American NATO armada is indiscriminate when it comes to targets. Sirgojno is a pearl of Serbian culture, tradition, history, and art. The neo-fascist package luckily did not explode. - Report from Smederevo: NATO targeted industrial zone. Firefighters reacted quickly, there were no human losses, two people were hurt. Material damage was great. - Report from Gnjilane: civilian sites in the town were again under attack - mostly commercial buildings. Missiles were fired from Adriatic weapons carriers. 04:19.03 - Siptar terrorist gangs used the most modern weaponry to attack our security forces in the municipality of Pec last night. However, all attacks were stopped. - Milovan Drecun reports: Commander of the Third Army Corps Nebojsa Pavkovic and Pristina Corps commander Vladimir Lazarevic toured units in the areas of defense. General Pavkovic was especially interested in the soldiers' morale. Unit commanders reported to Gen. Pavkovic. All unit forces expressed their readiness to defend the country. - Report from Kursumlija: the footage proves that NATO strikes against civilian targets. Fourteen civilians have been killed since the beginning of aggression. A 14th century church was damaged, as well as most family homes in the area. END CUT OFF END OF TAPE


Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)