Beta TC: 04:00:45-04:40:04- NATO hits targets in Nis, Pirot, Leskovac, Ladjevci, Vladicin Han, and Subotica.- Yugoslav army forces seize documents of the114th KLA brigade near the village of Galica.- Major General Milorad Obradovic visits an air defense unit.- Announcer reads list of targets hit by NATO bombs.- Yugoslav government vice-president Zoran Lilic visits Uzice.- Delegation of Polish-Yugoslav representatives visit Belgrade.- Reactions to NATO actions from Russia and China. - The bodies of three Chinese correspondents killed in the Chinese embassy bombing arrive in Beijing.- Reactions from Russia (Russian Duma accuses Russiant TV of being sympathetic with NATO), India, Italy, England, the US, Greece, and Bulgaria. - Macedonian media question William Walker's (OSCE) presence in Macedonia.- Anti-NATO protests in Canada and Austria.- Spanish intellectuals and Yugoslavs living in Spain organize a cultural performance in protest against NATO bombing.- Report compares the bombing of Nis today to that of 1943, and how the selling of postal stamps aided war victims.- Vojvodina's political leaders meet in Subotica to discuss Vojvodina's ethnic relations.- Statements by the Serbian Radical Party and the Serbian Democratic Party.- One NATO plane shot down by Yugoslav defense forces, crashes in Macedonia. - Judges in the Hague to discuss Yugoslavia's charge that NATO's actions in Yugoslavia are illegal. - Russian envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin (sp) meets Strobe Talbot.- German Chancellor Schr?der meets Chinese leaders.