
Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #610 / No. 1
Digital ver. identifier
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
30 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
- Announcer: the Pentagon confirms the downing of a F-117 fighter plane; Yugoslav experts disassembled the plane's most important systems for firing and controls before the plane burnt out.
- Report on downed F-117: Yugoslav air defense greatly damages the enemy's criminal air force; "Tony Blair, a pathetic clone of Washington's confirmed murderer, their bloodthirsty generals, and American trash Xavier Solana continue to hide these losses from their public; the F-117 was only one of numerous planes shot down by the Yugoslav air defense; interesting that Lockheed made the plane in complete secrecy."

Report on Foreign Media Coverage:
- New York: CNN interrupts the regular program to announce the downing of an F-117; recounts Brent Sadler's report given to CNN; cites Sadler as stating that there have been earlier NATO losses, but that this the first downed plane recorded on film/video; the F-117 downing shows the high capabilities of the Yugoslav aid defense.
- Pentagon Spokesman Ken Bacon, in a very ill-disposed manner, confirms the downing of the F-117 in a press conference; the pilot is safe at an Allied air base; Bacon added that NATO's aggressive actions will continue (cited).
- London: London in shock over the downing of the F-117; it is a major blow to the NATO military; Yugoslav army to be remembered in history for downing the most sophisticated plane; NATO will be forced to admit the downing of other NATO planes; Italian and Dutch governments announce the downing of a Canadian plane near the Macedonian border; one German plane was shot down near Cacak according to CNN research (cited).
- Beijing: Chinese news agency, Xinhua, announces the downing of the F-117 – the downing of the most sophisticated, radar-evading plane shows the high skill of the Yugoslav air defense (cited).
- France: all media announce the downing of the F-117 plane, RTS footage shows all markers of plane; Russia: the F-117 is the pride of the U.S. air force, Russians tired of looking at footage of a downed Yugoslav MIG 29 (cited). CUT OFF.

- (01: 39:55) One NATO missile falls near Konjusa village: three farmers detail the explosion.
- NATO missiles fall on military air fields in Golubovci and Radovce, both near Podgorica in Montenegro, and the head of the Zeta river; the State headquarters for emergency (Republicki Stab za uzbunjivanje) announced that cluster bombs were also used in the attack.
- Announcer: Phase II of NATO bombing begins with the downing of the F-117; this news has dominated all world news, thus shadowing all other crimes committed by the U.S. and its allies in the aggression on Yugoslavia.
- Report on the downing of the F-117 similar to the first report at 01:02:10.
- Domestic and foreign journalists visit the remains of the F-117 plane; Yugoslav experts disassembled the plane's most important systems for firing and controls.
- From Bonn, Germany (BEGINNING CUT OFF): certain Green Party members and mothers of soldiers stationed in Germany call for the cessation of NATO aggression against Yugoslavia.

Report on Foreign Media Coverage:
- London media still shocked by the F-117 downing, the British government attempts to get the press and media under control; French media reports on the F-117 downing; Greek media: the F-117 downing is a major blow to U.S. and NATO forces, inspires Yugoslav defenders in fight against more powerful aggressor; Rome: plane not completely invisible, images of burning plane dominate Italian media (all cited).

- (01:47:52) Yugoslav air defense shot down another NATO plane near Sapne (a Serbia/Bosnia border crossing); the plane crashed in the Teocak municipality; SFOR is working to find the pilot; a NATO helicopter disappears near Krstac village during a pilot search-and-rescue mission, 12 commandos died in a helicopter crash; Bosnia and Herzegovina air space used to attack Yugoslavia.
- Report from Nis bomb shelter: civilians interviewed.
- Report from Belgrade shelter: civilians interviewed.
- "Zastava" car factory workers position themselves as human shields against neo-Nazism which escalated to aggression on a sovereign country; shown is night between March 27 and 28, 1999: factory workers interviewed.
- Concert "With Culture and Love against Crime" held at the National Museum (Mira Markovic present); a similar concert was held in Stalingrad while fascist aggressors were surrounding the city during WWII; speech by conductor Aleksandar Pavlovic.
- Yugoslav government decides to use all financial and material resources towards defending the country; government passed laws referring to the Yugoslav National Bank in accordance with war-time conditions.

- (02:00:00) Announcer: Moscow residents fire various weapons at the U.S. embassy in Moscow in protest of the U.S. and NATO's criminal policies towards freedom-loving Yugoslavia; U.S. embassy in Moscow has experienced protests where Russians are asking their government to help the Serbs.
- An unidentified gunman attempted to launch a grenade at the U.S. embassy in Moscow; after the failed attempt, he shot at the building with a machine gun, leaving bullet holes in the embassy walls.
- Announcer: CNN, the aggressor's propaganda machine, broadcast an edited statement by Yugoslav Colonel Milivoje Novkovic, head of the Yugoslav army Headquarters Information Services, explaining that RTS left out parts of the statement which did not agree with Yugoslav policy – Novkovic: air attacks came from Albanian, Croatian, and Hungarian air space; aggression began with cruise missiles fired from the U.S.'s Sixth Fleet ships stationed in the Adriatic and Ionic sea – all RTS left out were direct English translations.
- Announcer: Yugoslav diplomatic representatives receive numerous letters of support, calling for immediate cessation of NATO bombing.
- Madrid, Spain: protests in front of the U.S. embassy in support of the Yugoslav people and against the NATO bombing; present were several Yugoslav athletes.
- Bonn, Germany: anti-bombing protests in center of city.
- Paris, France: anti-bombing protests.
- Vienna, Austria: protests in front of OSCE headquarters.
- Russia: anti-NATO protests in front of U.S. consulates held in Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, and Tula.
- Vicenca, Italy: anti-bombing protests in front of NATO base in Vicenca and Aviano.
- Sydney, Australia: protests in front of U.S. embassy against NATO bombing.
- New York, US: anti-bombing protests.

Report on reactions among diplomats:
- Announcer: Jacques Chirac talks to Evgeny Primakov; Primakov: NATO's barbaric bombing must stop immediately (cited).
- Moscow: Gennady Zyuganov: the attack on Yugoslavia is a lesson for Russia, condemns U.S. and NATO aggression as war for extermination of a people (cited).
- New Delhi: Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee calls for cessation of NATO air attacks; Kosovo crisis should be solved by the UN, Kosovo crisis cannot be example for Kashmir (cited).
- Moscow: Russian Orthodox Patriarch Aleksey II – need to show Serbian people they are not alone, Russian people support them (cited).

02:12:21 – Report on Foreign Media Coverage:
- London's The Independent: no legal grounds for bombing of Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia no threat to Western countries, NATO ignorant about history of Kosovo crisis; British Observer: it's risky and humiliating that Great Britain takes orders from the U.S., do you [the British government] not know the U.S.'s hypocrisy and that Ambassador [William] Walker financed the Contras in Latin America?; The Independent: a behind-the-scenes war is waged for EU leadership, the U.S. used its Trojan horse [Great Britain] to promote an Anglo/American/French alliance as world political leaders (cited).
- Spanish El Pais: criticizes NATO Secretary-General Xavier Solana for double standards regarding Spain's involvement with NATO (cited).
- Beijing: China calls for cessation of air attacks on Yugoslavia, military intervention on a sovereign state is unacceptable and threatening to world peace; Bulgarian generals condemn NATO criminal aggression on sovereign state, U.S. and other countries participating in the aggression should answer to the International Court of Justice; Prague, Czech Republic: International Slovenic Council states that NATO's military destroys holy sites and cities because [Yugoslavia] refuses to submit itself to demands by Western countries; British Sunday Telegraph: British intelligence began investigating and following Serbs living in England, a particular target are universities (all cited).

- (02:17:00) Report on a private lawsuit against Madeleine Albright's father Josef Korbel for the possession of goods stolen from the Karl Neubricht family; Albright's father received the goods from Czechoslovakia's communist government after WWII.
- Announcer: Serbian Commissioner for Refugees (iz Republicki Komesari za Izbeglice) Bratislava Bugomorina (sp.), gives a statement in response to UNHCR Sadako Ogata's claims that a humanitarian catastrophe is occurring in Kosovo – Bugomorina: the West manipulates refugee numbers with the goal of intensifying NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, a number of Kosovo Albanians are leaving areas of NATO attacks on civilians targets, NATO must stop bombing if they want refugees to return home (cited).
- Djafer Djuka, a member of the Temporary Executive Council on Kosovo and Metohija: NATO attacks Yugoslavia to defend its strategic and material interests, we don't need NATO, Albanians must carry responsibility for Kosovo, the best solution for Albanians is to live peacefully with other minorities, Kosovo should be an autonomous province of Serbia, Clinton is doing what Hitler wanted to do: be the world's policeman, the enemy of Albanians and Kosovo is Bill Clinton, Albanians need financial and humanitarian help not bombs (translated from Albanian, VO).
- Yugoslav army cracks down on KLA Drenica headquarters: terrorists frequently attacked Serbian police and Yugoslav army from this area, and along with its ally NATO, attempted to create a terrain where NATO troops from Macedonia could be possibly taken on; indication of a civilian mass grave in the area is being investigated; OSCE observers and criminals from the U.S. protected KLA by repeating that their hideouts were peaceful villages; terrorists had medicines from Western European countries; terrorists had humanitarian aid designated for civilians; a NATO search-and-rescue mission helicopter shot down; Albanian civilians fleeing towards Macedonia and Albania from NATO bombs intentionally thrown on civilian targets; NATO Generals use this to help terrorists through Kosovo/Macedonian border; these terrorists would then attack the Macedonian border creating the illusion that Yugoslavia attacked Macedonia; Siptar separatists gangs unhappy with NATO's failure to damage Yugoslav army and Serbian police.

- (02:25:42) Jela Veselic: [NATO] did not study Serbian history, [Serbs] say 'no' to American fascist diplomacy.
- Podgorica: anti-NATO protests in front of the U.S. Information Service Office.
- Banja Luka: anti-NATO protesters wanted to demonstrate in front of SFOR base in Ramici near Banja Luka but were halted by Republika Srpska police due to danger from potential unwanted incidents.
- Serbian Radical Party recognizes the Yugoslav army and Serbian police for their defense against NATO which is commanded by the world's most ruthless murderers, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schröder, and their court jester Xavier Solana (cited).
- Jul Party Information Secretary Ivan Markovic: the best nation in the world [Serbs] is attacked by the worst president the world has even seen [Clinton], media manipulators [make up stories] about massacred Albanians; Albanians die from NATO bombs, not from Yugoslav army or Serbian police.
- Serbian Renewal Movement: in its brutal attacks, NATO sends bombs on cultural and religious monuments in Kosmet, schools, refugee camps, companies, civilian airports, and targets which could cause ecological (cited).
- Yugoslav army Commander General Dragoljub Ojdanic meets a group of academicians and scientists: academicians and scientists praise Yugoslav army for decisive and heroic defense of the country; will put their knowledge to use for the army.
- Serbia Writer's Association meets: Slobodan Rakitic, President of the Association responds to letter by Gunter Grass where Grass defended NATO's policy towards Yugoslavia; author Radomir Andric, writer Professor Dr. Kosta Cavoski, writer Matija Beckovic, writer Miodrag Pavlovic.
- Singer Zdravko Colic, actress Ruzica Cokic, actor Sergej Trifunovic, actor Tihomir Stanic, actor Bata Paskaljevic, actor Branislav Lecic, "Galija" lead singer Nenad Milosavljevic give statements regarding NATO bombing.


Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)