
Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #602 / No. 1
Digital ver. identifier
Original Title
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
28 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
Serbian television evening news:
- Yugoslav army Pristina Corps Information Center: Albanian terrorists attack Yugoslav army vehicles in Central Kosovo region on two occasions; OSCE observers document incidents; attacks designed to provoke Yugoslav army and Serbian police, hence give creators of the New World Order reason to use force.
- Announcer: the corpses of two Albanian farmers were found in Zac village; the men were abducted and killed by masked terrorists wearing KLA insignia on their uniforms; terrorists have so far killed four townsmen (sugradjana) from the Istok municipality. (translate)
- Report outlining how terrorist activities around Kacanik increased after NATO's arrival in Macedonia; terrorists' plans included mobilizing the local population and securing a corridor for more terrorists, and eventually NATO troops, to enter through Macedonia; in a clash with the terrorists, the Yugoslav army found a document outlining the financial help the terrorists received from Macedonia and a university in Istanbul (hard to understand this); TV crew recorded footage of a terrorist standing in the distance; TV crew found terrorist trenches, their belongings, and U.S. humanitarian aid; propaganda war is waged by lighting fires next to private homes to give appearance that houses are burning; this is done for OSCE observer William Walker and foreign media. (translate)
- Russian President meets Primakov. (BEGINNING CUT OFF)

- ( 04:20:30) Chinese media: warn of Albanian terrorist attacks on Serbian police and Yugoslav army, Yugoslavia protests foreign troops with reason; Western media, in particular BBC/CNN, launched an anti-Serb campaign claiming that Serbs are committing ethnic cleansing and suppressing peaceful Albanians (cited).
-The Washington Times: criticize U.S. media, particularly CNN, demonizing Serbs, lack of clear definition regarding U.S. interests in Kosovo; Christiane Amanpour charged for directing an unseen campaign against Serbia and Yugoslavia; criticize Wesley Clark and Madeleine Albright for supporting terrorists (cited).
- Skopje daily Nova Makedonija: Albanian Science Academy publishes platform for solving Albanian national question which includes border changes on the Balkans, Albanian President Redjep Mejdani (sp.) behind the platform; according to this plan, Kosovo would become the third Yugoslav republic, the Montenegro Albanians would get territorial and cultural autonomy, and in Macedonia Albanians would have their own state; Albanian delegation referred to this platform during Rambouillet negotiations (cited).
- Greece: two protests against Greece aiding NATO forces; Bulgarian daily Duma: Kosmet question is Yugoslavia's internal matter, world powers are getting ready to establish a permanent U.S. and NATO presence in the Balkans (cited); Serbian Patriarch Pavle meets Slovenia's leaders: need peaceful solution, Kosmet is Serbia's cradle (cited).

04:23:34 – News in English:
- Ratko Markovic and the Yugoslav delegation arrive at the Paris peace talks; Serbian President Milan Milutinovic meets with Yugoslav delegation and Contact Group mediators (cited).
- Head of Yugoslav delegation Ratko Markovic: Serbia will never give up Kosovo voluntarily, autonomy only within the State (Serbia), foreign troops by invitation only – otherwise considered aggressors, NATO serve purpose of Kosovo independence (cited).
- British Foreign Minister Robin Cooke and French Foreign Minister Hebert Vedrin receive a letter from Kosmet Albanian delegation announcing their readiness to sign the Rambouillet agreement; Yugoslav Deupty Prime Minister Zoran Lilic: expects serious and responsible talks in Paris (cited); Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic in statement to French weekly Le Vaman (sp): Madeleine Albright implicitly admits to supporting KLA (cited).

News brief:
- Yugoslav army soldiers to be kept 30 days longer after their term is up; ethnic Albanian terrorists attack Yugoslav forces on two separate occasions in area north of Pristina: terrorists attack to stage catastrophe and provoke reaction of international community; ethnic Albanian terrorist groups attack Luzane police station and Yugoslav army; two dead bodies found in Zak village: killed because of their loyalty to Yugoslavia; Information Service of Yugoslav Army Corps (Yugoslav Army Information Service?): ethnic Albanian terrorists attack Yugoslav army camp near Drvare village on March 14 – Pristina Media Center: one army lieutenant killed; Information Service of Yugoslav army Corps: ethnic Albanian terrorists attack Yugoslav army units near Hercegovo village on March 13; three Serbian police officers wounded during an Albanian terrorist attack in Podujevo on March 12.

04:29:54 – News in Serbian:
- Milan Milutinovic surrounded by reporters when attempting to walk down to L'Arc de Triomphe: answers reporter's questions regarding the Paris talks.
- The Yugoslav delegation sends a letter to Hubert Vedrin and Robin Cooke: expresses intention to find a political agreement; the Yugoslav delegation submits proposals for final points regarding Kosovo self-government (letter details cited – translate?); the Yugoslav delegation criticizes a part of the Rambouillet agreement referring to constitutional and legal aspects: insist on respect for Yugoslavia's territorial sovereignty .
- Diplomatic circles in Paris: question why Contact Group mediators did not inform Kosmet Albanian delegation of Yugoslav delegation's proposal; various Contact Group members apply pressure to speed-up talks; Russian Contact Groups member Borislav Mayorski (sp.): changes to the Rambouillet agreement regarding foreign troops were added behind Russia's back – Russia never accepted the document of military implementation (cited); State Department Spokesman James Rubin: uncertain when they [U.S.?] could sign nonexistent document, no signing ceremony planned (cited); NATO delegation arrives in Paris to clarify points of non-existent agreement – also to arrive are the OSCE and UN delegations: meeting with Kosmet Albanian delegation to discuss implementing local political power.
- (04:40:53) Serbian Prime Minister (Republicki Premijer) Mirko Marjanovic: must continue economic reforms despite pressures on Yugoslavia (cited).
- Protests in Banja Luka: citizens speak out against NATO threats to Yugoslavia, Brcko's change of status, and the unseating of Nikola Poplasen – speeches by RS political leaders.


Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)