
Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #596 / No. 1
Digital ver. identifier
Original Title
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
1 hour


Television program
Contents Summary
Special Program, "On A Direct Line" (continued from 756).
- Serbian Information Minister: Serbian people should try harder to defend Yugoslavia and should be more politically active; use the internet to spread information; occasional problems with the Ministry of Information website blamed on influential Western European leaders, not just hackers; BBC and CNN main spin doctors; Western media and politicians completely one-sided.
- Report on Belgian press coverage: history of Kosovo conflict similar to that of Croatia; Drenica reminiscent of the fate of Vukovar, Racak incident reminds of Vase Miskina; Serbs demonized systematically; refugees always staged, numbers exaggerated; CNN is the anti-Serb bastion.
- Serbian Information Minister: children and elderly are used to soften hearts of Western public.
- Serbian author reads his essay "Why One Should Love His Country:" appeals to the Serbian diaspora to support their country – Kosovo and Serbs attacked once again, Kosovo is the root of Serbian culture.
- Serbian Information Minister: BBC shows KLA women to create image of a serious army; KLA a lawless gang; U.S. sector of OSCE mission the worst; U.S. cooperates with KLA; Serbia the bad guy – Deputy Information Minister: Walker covered up death of eight civilians in El Salvador; Walker sent on a mission to discredit Serbia; Western media uses corpses, children, make-up to dramatize the situation; Western media gives more importance to the Lewinsky case than civilians killed by U.S. missiles.
- Information Minister: account of Madeleine Albrights' representative visit.
- A Serbian resident of Vienna, Austria describes Serbian activities in Austria to help improve the image of Serbia: young people involved, need closer relationship with Serbian Ministry of Information, RTS weekend programming for outside world needs more cultural shows.
- Information Minister: Serbians living abroad have more influence than the officials at the Information Ministry - 90% of Information Ministry website visited by individuals in other countries (including State Department).
- Serbian resident of Frankfurt, Germany, highlights German press coverage of Kosovo crisis: press could not ignore statements by OSCE's Willie Wiemer; Willie Wiemer cited: media issues pressure for action; NATO success depends on OSCE success (cited); Johann Dietrich, editor of Die Woche: warns Germany of U.S.'s unilateral politics; UN impotence suits aggressive politicians; U.S. Congress owes $1.5 billion to the UN (cited).
- Closing remarks: Serbs living abroad are very patriotic; unity necessary to clear Serbia's image.

01:58:00 – Special Program, "WHY WON'T WALKER SEE?"
- U.S. policy in Kosovo: policy two-sided; U.S. OSCE observers protect KLA headquarters and radio station by living right next to them; OSCE protects terrorists from Yugoslav police; U.S. observers smuggle weapons to KLA.


Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)