Picture on Picture: Medley of International Reports on Bosnia and Croatia [6/42]

Call Number

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HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
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BetaSP NTSC #486 / No. 1
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Original Title
HRT: Slikom na Sliku [6/42]
Date of production
Primary Type
Moving image
1 hour
Part 6, Beta and VHS


Television program
Contents Summary
ORF2 (SCB voiceover): This report is about a meeting between UN Envoy Pere (sp) and Radovan Karadzic; Karadzic denied rumors of a coup attempt, and asked the UN Envoy for control over the Bosnian Muslim enclave of Gorazde in return for access to Sarajevo. Footage includes Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic sitting in a meeting with Pere (sp), and Bosnian Serb Parliament President Momcilo Krajisnik. HRT: This is a clip from an interview in which Karadzic gives his view regarding the peace negotiations. He outlines how Western nations are trying to undermine the Bosnian Serb negotiators and their demands. UNTV: Martina Balazova reports on how the Serbian government is forcibly sending Krajina Serb refugee men to the Bosnian front. She reports that Serbian police came into the Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia) refugee camp, gathered all the men of fighting age, and sent them to the Bosnian front. The following witnesses give statements: an unidentified young man, three unidentified women, and Slobodan Jarcevic, Counselor to Krajina Serb leader Milan Martic. SLO1 (SCB voiceover): Matej Surc reports on how the Yugoslav government-controlled media manipulate the question of Krajina refugees seeking shelter in Serbia. He also explains that forcible mobilization of Krajina Serb men was halted due to protests by the Serbian public, but that the fate of Krajina refugee men sent to Bosnia to fight is still unknown. According to a Belgrade newspaper article, Krajina Serb leader Milan Martic moved into an apartment in Banja Luka where a refugee family used to live. Footage includes a refugee camp in Serbia, refugees standing in line in front of a truck, Serbian refugee cars lined up on a road, and Milan Martic in Banja Luka at night. RTS1: This broadcast cites an interview with Goran Hadzic, an aspiring Krajina Serb leader. In an interview he gave to "Borba," a Serbian newspaper, Goran Hadzic addressed questions regarding the Krajina Serb leadership. CNN (SCB subtitles): This is a brief report on a hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Kosovo that threatens to spread among Krajina refugees pouring into Kosovo; poor sanitary conditions in Kosovo are a large contributing factor to the outbreak of this and other diseases. The report is cut off. Footage includes children laying in a hospital. HRT: This broadcast reports on an estimated 1,000 Krajina Serb men who were forcibly sent to the Bosnian frontlines. The men have escaped from the Bosnian frontlines and are awaiting permission to enter Serbia and join their families. A statement is made by an unidentified woman (who appeared in the previous UNTV report). Footage includes an aerial shot of Krajina Serb refugees crossing a bridge. HRT: Sanja Vranjes reports that the renewed shelling of Sarajevo left six people dead and 38 wounded. Among the wounded were six Egyptian UN soldiers. One apartment building was destroyed, and a building next to the television building caught on fire. Other footage includes two wounded civilians being brought out from a car and put onto a stretcher, a wounded child crying, burning buildings, and the interior of a destroyed building. HRT: This is a very brief report from Sarajevo regarding the arrival of humanitarian aid sent in by the Saudi government. Sarajevans received flour, cooking oil, and sugar. HRT: This broadcast reports that 90 Ukraine UN soldiers from Gorazde arrived in Sarajevo, because their positions in Gorazde became militarily unbearable. The next is about the funeral of three U.S. diplomats who died in an accident on Mount Igman. This report is cut off. BBC World (SCB voiceover): This report is cut off. EURONews: This report is in French, and is cut off. 00:10:20–00:37:55 This is part of a British documentary detailing "Operation Phoenix," an effort to bring together British and local Sarajevo doctors, primarily surgeons and anesthetists. The teams of surgeons are gathered to perform many surgeries that could not have been done during the war due to a lack of means or time. Two surgeries are shown: one of them performed by Dr. John Stuart (plastic surgeon) on patient Nedjad Mahmutovic, and the other performed by Dr. Mike Ward and Dr. Persival (orthopedic surgeon) on patient Hajrudin Bijelic. Both the local and British doctors describe in interviews life under siege and constant shelling, working conditions during war, how they were affected by the war, and living under the cease-fire. Statements by Marijana Serdarevic, Croat anesthetist in Kosovo hospital; Dr. Tony Redman and Dr. John Navein, international team of doctors working in Sarajevo's hospitals; Nedjad Mahmutovic and two unidentified women from his family; Dr. Mike Ward, anesthetist; Zdenka Straus, anesthetist; Dr. Nik Persival, orthopedic surgeon; Zeljka Knezovic, anesthetist; and Jasmina Alibegovic, junior doctor at the children's ward at Kosovo. HRT: This broadcast reports on the Bosnian government forces' takeover of Sanski Most, and their continuing territorial advances towards Prijedor. The report notes that these advances are endangering the Bosnian Serb stronghold of Banja Luka, where around 100,000 Bosnian Serb civilians are seeking refuge. In Sarajevo, humanitarian trucks brought in 165 tons of food aid. The trucks passed through the town of Hadzici for the first time after local – Bosnian Serb – residents decided to open the roads. Footage includes French NATO soldiers and local men unloading flour sacks from trucks. HRT: This is a three-minute segment of what appears to be a longer documentary, but it is missing the beginning and end. Statements are made by two older unidentified men, and Father Ivan Savic. Footage includes elderly civilians and soldiers going over the Velebit mountain on September 26, 1991; and RTB footage of tanks and burning houses. HRT: This report discusses the possibility of NATO air-strikes against the Bosnian Serb military positions. Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic threatened to ask for a discontinuation of Paris negotiations if Bosnian Serb positions around Sarajevo were not destroyed. As more evidence points to Bosnian Serbs as the perpetrators, there is a wider call for NATO air-strikes. Footage includes blood-stained steps, a carpet with a large blood stain, Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic giving a statement at a meeting in Paris, a smiling child laying on a stretcher, a Bosnian Muslim funeral, extensive graves sites, and different men covering graves with earth. CNN (SCB voiceover): Wolf Blitzer reports on the ongoing debate between the U.S. and its allies regarding the possibility of bombing Bosnian Serb military positions around Sarajevo. He outlines the U.S. position regarding the effectiveness of NATO air-strikes as opposed to direct land attacks. CNN (SCB subtitles): Steve Hurst reports from the U.S. State Department on the newest developments regarding the possible bombing of Bosnian Serb military targets, and the ongoing peace negotiations. The U.S. is still pushing for diplomatic negotiations, a part of that being Alija Izetbegovic's meeting with French President Jacques Chirac. The differing views between the U.S. and Russia regarding the Bosnian conflict are presented. He also outlines what the U.S.-brokered peace plan would call for. Footage includes Alija Izetbegovic with Jacques Chirac. TF1 (SCB voiceover): This broadcast cites statements made by Alija Izetbegovic. He stated that he would be leaving the peace negotiations if Western allies continue to allow Bosnian Serb forces to kill civilians in Sarajevo. France gave their guarantees that they would participate in any attack. Footage includes Alija Izetbegovic at a meeting in Paris. French TV5 (W/ FRENCH voiceover/SCB subtitles): The report describes the aftermath of the marketplace massacre, explaining that Sarajevans feel angry and desperate. Local merchants are shown repairing their shops which were destroyed by the mortar shell. The report also briefly mentions that one grenade fell on a Kosovo hospital. Statements are made by an unidentified young man, and an unidentified young woman. Footage includes flowers placed at the spot where the shell hit, people passing by the site, and merchants repairing their stores. BBC (SCB voiceover): This report also appears on tape 530. SRT: This broadcast states that the Bosnian government staged the marketplace massacre by bringing wounded soldiers from the frontlines. Footage included: wounded civilians being brought into a hospital after the explosion, soldiers loading wounded men onto trucks, and a woman hosing down blood stains. EURONews: The following three reports are in French. HRT: This report contains footage of Mladic refusing to let reporters into Saint Ante, a catholic church which was bombed down by Bosnian Serb forces – the video quality is very poor. This report is cut off.


Associated Names
Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT) (Producer)