This documentary film traces the life of Josip Broz Tito, the founder and leader of the former Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1980. During World War Two, Tito and his Partisans resisted the Nazi occupation of Yugoslavia. Tito became the most important and prominent leader of post-war Yugoslavia. His legacy is not free of controversy; he was a Communist leader who ruled his country by dictatorship, but also a figure who stood against Stalin's expansion in the East. This biography presents Tito's life and legacy through archival footage and testimonials by many experts, including Franklin Lindsay, author of the Beacons in the Night; Stevan K. Pavlowitz, historian; Jasper Ridley, biographer; Lorraine M. Lees, author of Keeping Tito Afloat; James Raymond, former New York Times correspondent; Richard West, biographer; and Lawrence Eagleburger, former Secretary of State.