World News Tonight

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #565 / No. 1
Digital ver. identifier
Date of production
Primary Type
Moving image
22 min.
, November 28, 29, December 4 to 6, 12 to 14, 23, 27, 1996, January 3, 6, 9, 13, 14, 17, February 3, April 1, May 7, 1997


Television program
Contents Summary
November 26, 1996:
Defense Secretary William Perry spent his Thanksgiving dinner with American troops in Bosnia. Instead of leaving Bosnia, 8,500 of the troops will remain there well into the next year.

Unknown Date:
The first war criminal has been sent to prison. The Tribunal has sentenced Drazen Erdemovic, a Bosnian Croat, to 10 years in prison for crimes against humanity. In Belgrade, Yugoslavia, more than 100,000 people gathered in the largest protest since the fall of communism. Sheila MacVicar reports on the twelfth day of citizen protests demanding the resignation of President Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic used the courts he controls to annul the local elections won by opposition parties. Statements are made by two protesters. Footage includes people throwing eggs at the state controlled media building, and Milosevic and his wife casting their votes.

Unknown Date:
President Clinton has accused the Serbian government of behaving like thugs during the cold war. There have been 150,000 people calling for Slobodan Milosevic to step down. A senior Serbian official stated there will be no crackdown of the demonstrators.

Unknown Date:
Two independent radio stations previously shut down were back on the air again.

Unknown Date:
The Clinton administration demanded that Milosevic's government open a dialogue with the demonstrators. Demonstrators were back on the streets again demanding the recognition of local elections.

Unknown Date:
Anti-riot police turned up in the streets for the first time in three weeks of anti-government demonstrations. Franklin Graham is the "Person of the Week." As the founder of Operation Christmas Child, he will be flying to 25 countries delivering shoeboxes with gifts for kids.

Unknown Date:
Extremely short report on Yugoslavia, stating that it is the 28th day of protests in Belgrade.

Unknown Date:
The government organized a counter-demonstration in the same area where opposition demonstrators are. Richard Ginsburg reports on the violence which ensued when opposition and Milosevic supporters clashed. A pro-government protester shot into the crowd wounding one man in the head. Opposition leaders stated that the conflict was orchestrated by Milosevic. Many pro-Milosevic demonstrators were bused into Belgrade by the government. The State Department holds Milosevic responsible for the violence. The Serbian government increased tensions by bringing pro-government demonstrators to the capital.

Unknown Date:
European investigators have concluded that the opposition did win the local elections, and so the State department has demanded that the Serbian government respect these results. Richard Ginsburg reports on newest developments where plain clothed police have been cracking down on demonstrators. Milos Vasic, a Serbian journalist, and a student demonstrator make statements.

The following three short clips are all in regard to the demonstrations in Belgrade.

Unknown Date:
Canada charged 47 of its soldiers with sexual misconduct, drunkenness, and abuse of patients at a mental hospital in Bosnia three years ago. In Bosnia, Nikola Koljevic, one of the Bosnian Serb leaders, attempted suicide. Koljevic was an advisor to Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic.

Unknown Date:
Jim Wooten reports on the Belgrade demonstrations which have continued into their 66th day. The demonstrators and opposition leaders have begun calling for help from America. Statements are made by two student protesters, opposition leader Vesna Pesic, and two elderly men.

Unknown Date:
Police have begun arresting protesters in Belgrade.

Unknown Date:
31 Bosnian children have arrived in Bosnia from Germany. These children were taken out of an orphanage by German military police and the UN. Many Germans wanted the children to stay, but the German government has been encouraging all of the 340,000 refugees to return home.

Unknown Date:
In the Hague, the first war crimes trial since WWII, Dusan Tadic was found guilty of crimes against humanity for the torture and killing of Bosnian Muslims during the war. He may be sentenced to life in prison.


Associated Names
ABC (Copyright holder, Producer)