Various News Reports [3/42]

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HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
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BetaSP NTSC #483 / No. 1
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Moving image
36 min.
Part 3, visual, Hungarian


Television program
Contents Summary
The following reports produced by various international media were all broadcast on HRT as a part of the "Slikom Na Sliku" program. October 10, 1995: The announcer cites a statement made by Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic, where he asked Serbia and Croatia for an official declaration stating they do not have territorial aspirations in Bosnia and that they will not stir up separatist and nationalist intentions. The reports reflects speculation that Sarajevo might begin asking for uncomfortable demands which could cause negative reactions in the U.S. and among Bosnian Croats. SKY News (English W/SCB subtitles): Robin Marriage reports on the normalization of life in Sarajevo, where water and public transportation are available throughout the city. According to UN sources, Bosnian Serb forces are on the attack against the Bosnian Army around Sanski Most. U.S. negotiators are cited as stating that despite the fighting, peace negotiations set for October 31, 1995 in Dayton, OH will proceed as scheduled. There is also a brief mention that UN Commander General Rupert Smith is returning to head British troops in Northern Ireland. Smith will be replaced by General Michael Jackson. Footage available: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke in a meeting with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic, heavy artillery being fired, and soldiers shooting at sunset. HRT (?) (English W/SCB subtitles): This report was originally done by CNN. According to the report, 6,000 Bosnian Muslim refugees have arrived in the Bosnian government-held area of Zenica. The Bosnian army offensive (in Western Bosnia) caused the expulsion of Bosnian Serbs who are now headed towards Banja Luka; in return, the Bosnian Serb army in the Banja Luka area has been expelling Bosnian Muslims and Croats. UN sources state that 10,000 Bosnian Muslims have been ejected by the Bosnian Serb army, and at least 5,000 men were forced to stay behind. Statements are made by David Robinson of the International Rescue Committee, and Merima, who was forced to leave her mother, husband, and children behind in Banja Luka. The report cites statements made by an unidentified woman, who states that she was raped by three Bosnian Serb soldiers; a woman whose husband was taken away; and Hussein, an elderly man. Footage available: Bosnian Muslim refugees in Zenica, and Bosnian Serb refugees in Omarska. October 22, 1995, ORF2 (German W/SCB voiceover): Friedrich Orter reports from the Bosnia-Croatia border on the 25,000 Bosnian Muslim refugees who are supporters of Fikret Abdic – Abdic is the self-proclaimed leader of the Bosnian Muslims, who helped both Croats and Serbs during the war. Orter explains that Abdic's headquarters were at a castle in Velika Kladusa and that many of the men who fought in Abdic's army are still armed. As a result, Croatia has been threatening de-militarization and deportation. The Bosnian government is now asking Croatia to extradite Abdic so he can be tried for alleged war crimes. A statement made by a Bosnian army soldier from the 5th Corps is cited. Footage of street life in Velika Kladusa is available. The Hague War Crimes Tribunal has officially begun an investigation into the disappearance of 3,000 civilians in the Bosnian Serb-held area of Srebrenica. Photographs taken by U.S. intelligence have become part of the evidence in the investigation. The Tribunal is seeking evidence which would point to Bosnian Serb Commander General Ratko Mladic, and to the connection the Belgrade government has had with the disappearances. TV5 (FRENCH W/SCB subtitles): This broadcast reports that 2,800 Bosnian Muslim men went missing after Srebrenica fell to the Bosnian Serb army. An investigation by the Hague Tribunal found that crimes were committed; hence, the charges against General Ratko Mladic are becoming more severe. There have also been speculations over the question of why the U.S. did not publish all the aerial photos taken of the mass graves, particularly as these photos will be used as evidence. Statements are made by Head Representative for Europe Christopher Girod, and Tageszeitung reporter Andreas Zumach. Footage available: people looking at lists of the names of those missing, Zoran Petrovic-Pirocanac footage taken after the fall of Srebrenica, Ratko Mladic greeting his soldier, and soldiers (Bosnian Serb/Serbian irregulars/Bosnian Croat?) discarding a Bosnian Muslim flag. TV VUKOVAR: This broadcast contains an interview with Željko Ražnatović (aka Arkan), where he explains the reasons behind his presence in the Srem and Baranja regions. EURONews: Two reports in French without captions (need translation). HTV: Zeljko Valcic reports on a meeting of representatives from the World Bank, IMF, EU, and USAID, whose goal is to determine the level of Bosnia's financial need. One thousand refugees from Sanski Most and Kljuc, who were housed in Zenica and Travnik during the Bosnian Serb occupation of Sanski Most and Kljuc, are now on their way home. The road leading from Sarajevo to Gorazde has been reopened. So far, only humanitarian trucks are permitted to use this road in order to deliver aid to Gorazde's 50,000 citizens. A statement made by World Bank representative Kemal Dervis is cited. Footage available: meeting between Bosnian Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic and financial leaders, and pictures of refugee boarding buses. October 23, 1995, HTV: Vlado Slijepcevic reports from Bijeljina on the 55th parliament meeting of the Bosnian Serb Republic (Republika Srpska). The report states that representatives from the parliament met with Serbia's President Slobodan Milosevic in order to discuss results and plans for the ongoing peace negotiations. The report then outlines the various issues regarding the territory of Republika Srpska which Milosevic will push for, as well as other topics which will be discussed at the meeting. Cited is a statement made by Bosnian Serb Parliament representative Momcilo Krajisnik. SLO1 (Slovenian W/SCB voiceover & English W/SCB voiceover & Slovenian subtitles): This report outlines plans for the Dayton peace negotiations. As a result of Holbrooke's shuttle diplomacy, the leaders of Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia will meet in Dayton, OH to discuss the future of Bosnia. Brief statements are made by U.S. Assistant Secretary Richard Holbrooke, and U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher. Footage includes: Richard Holbrooke meeting with Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, and with Croatian President Franjo Tudjman; and soldiers cleaning a cannon. HRT: Zeljko Valcic reports on the Bosnian Serb parliament meeting where the main guidelines for the Dayton negotiations have been adopted. Valcic then outlines the guidelines made by the parliament. Also, several thousand U.S. soldiers in Germany are training for a possible deployment in Bosnia, and two British UN soldiers were wounded after a mine exploded in the Jajce area. Footage included: Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic giving a brief statement on his way out of the Bosnian Serb parliament. HRT: Matej Surc gives a detailed explanation of the Bosnian Serbs' political and territorial demands for the Dayton negotiations. Footage included: Radovan Karadzic and Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladic in a meeting, and the Bosnian Serb parliament (politicians featured in the parliament are Nikola Koljevic, Momcilo Krajisnik, and Alexa Buha). EURO News (October 25, 1995): This is a "No Comment report." Footage included: Karadzic and Arkan marching together in a military ceremony in Bjeljina; a body being dragged out of a (mass?) grave; several soldiers singing a song; a man without a leg, and a woman at an inside shooting range; and a man with a prosthetic leg running on a track field. HRT: Elizabeta Gojan reports on the renewed shelling of Sarajevo, the refusal of the Bosnian Serb army to open the water supply, the regrouping of the Bosnian Serb soldiers, and the 300 UN soldiers held hostage by Bosnian Serb soldiers. Footage included: a building being shelled, Red Cross vehicles, a UN helicopter, and a meeting between UN officials. Inserted is a brief report which is hard to make out due to poor audio and visual quality. Gojan also briefly analyzes the redefined role of the UN. HRT (Italian W/SCB subtitles): This RAIUNO report analyzes the continued Bosnian Serb attacks on Sarajevo, particularly around Debelo Brdo. One member of the French UN was wounded during the attacks. The report further states that 3,500 Bosnian Serb civilians had to be evacuated from the Tuzla area as Bosnian Muslim forces continue attacks around Ozren. Footage included: infrared pictures of shooting in Sarajevo at night, refugees fleeing at night, destroyed houses, and UN soldiers in bunkers. SRT: Ljubomir Ljubojevic reports on a meeting between Radovan Karadzic and Krajina Serb leader Milan Martic. The goal of the meeting is to draw up a plan for the unification of Serbian Krajina and Republika Srpska. Other politicians present are President of the Bosnian Serb parliament Momcilo Krajisnik, Vice Presidents Dr. Biljana Plavsic and Nikola Koljevic, President of the Serbian Krajina parliament Rajko Lezajic, and Serbian Krajina Foreign Minister Milan Babic. SRT: Interviewed is the Foreign Minister of Republika Srpska Aleksa Buha. He discusses issues surrounding the UN's arrest of six Bosnian Serbs soldiers. He states that UNPROFOR needs to clarify its position regarding the arrests, as this sheds new light on the situation. Predrag Koroman reports on the living conditions of the UN soldiers detained by the Bosnian Serb soldiers. Soldiers are shown cooking, playing darts, and being lectured to by their commander. A statement is made by French UN Captain Zoanik (French sp?) HRT: Report outlines the continued fighting in Sarajevo, particularly the area of Debelo Brdo. According to the report, five children were killed in the fighting around Mostar. The report further details the situation with the UN in Bosnia, noting that a Ukrainian soldier was taken hostage by Bosnian government forces. In Gorazde, Bosnian government soldiers are preparing for an upcoming attack by Bosnian Serb forces by taking all weapons from the Ukrainian UN soldiers stationed in this safe haven. A statement regarding Western politics is made by UN Undersecretary Manfred Eisele. Bosnian Foreign Minister Muhamed Sacirbey gives a brief speech regarding the future of the UN in Bosnia. Footage included: the body of a dead man, civilians running in the street, infrared pictures of a bombs exploding, and Bosnian government fighters preparing for an attack. HRT: Ranko Mavrak gives a report via telephone regarding the evacuation of the 15,000 civilians from the Zepa safe haven. According to Mavrak, the Bosnian army will not be in a position to defend Zepa without the help of the international community. He states that the situation has significantly worsened and that the majority of the population do not have adequate weapons to defend themselves. He also explains that Ukrainian UN soldiers stationed in Zepa are not clear on their next actions, which is actually the case with the UN itself. Footage included: Bosnian Serb soldiers (?), UN soldiers in a bunker, Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic, UN soldiers in Sarajevo, and UN spokesman Aleksander Ivanko.


Associated Names
Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT) (Producer)