This report looks into crimes committed by Bosnian Serbs against Bosnian Muslims in Foca. Also featured is a political discourse between the U.S. and British governments over their involvement in bringing war criminals from the former Yugoslavia to justice. Two Muslim women describe how they were raped in Foca. Statements are also included from Dzevad Loho (former Mayor of Foca), Cherif Bassiouni (UN Commission of Experts), Slobodan Milosevic (President of Serbia), Petar Cancar (Mayor of Foca), Velibor Ostojic (Minister of Information in the Republika Srpska), Madeleine Albright (U.S. Delegate to the UN), John Fox (U.S. State Department), Lawrence Eagleburger (former Secretary of State), Michael Scharf, (U.S. State Department), William Fenrick (UN Commission of Experts), and Zeljko Raznjatovic, aka "Arkan" (Serbian paramilitary leader).