
Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
VHS NTSC #728 / No. 1
Digital ver. identifier
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
1 hour 15 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
BBC World
- (beginning cut off) Katie Adie reports from the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Statement by USS Roosevelt Captain David Bryant.
- Other news related to US-China relations. Brief mention of British media reports on Kosovo.
- Brent Sadler reports from Belgrade, Yugoslavia on a meeting between Cypriot Parliament Leader Spyros Kyprianou and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, a NATO reconnaissance plane shot down over Kosovo, and a Yugoslav army building hit by NATO in Belgrade. Statements by Liliana Ratkovic of the Serbian Institute for Protection of Monuments featured.
- Wolf Blitzer reports from the White House analyzing the strength of the NATO alliance. Brief statements by President Clinton, State Department Spokesman James Rubin, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Thomas Wilson, Senator John Warner, and UN High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata featured.
- Catherine Bond reports from Kukes, Albania on UN High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata's visit to a refugee camp in Albania. The second part of her report recounts the stories of several refugees. Statement by a Kosovo refugee.
- Jamie McIntyre reports from the Pentagon on the effect of NATO bombing on the Yugoslav military. Statement by U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Thomas Wilson featured.
- Jim Clancy reports from Brussels, Belgium, on collateral damage caused by NATO air strikes. Serbian TV is a potential target. Statements by NATO Air Commander Commodore David Wilby and Miodrag Ilic of the Serbian Television featured.
- Joie Chen reporter. Interview with retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney. Topics discussed: intensification of NATO's bombing campaign.
- Jonathan Aiken reports from Washington, DC, on how visual images shown in the U.S. media manipulate public opinion on the Kosovo conflict. NATO Air Commander Commodore David Wilby and New Yorker Magazine's Ken Auletta comment.
- Richard Blystone (sp) reports from Stenkovec, Macedonia, on an elderly Kosovar Albanian couple, who were separated as they fled Kosovo. Statement by Florina Djinaj (sp) of the OSCE, who helped reunite the couple, featured.
- Margaret Lawry (sp) reports from London on how the Macedonian government treats Kosovo refugees. Statements by Clare Short, British Int'l Aid Secretary, Ann McElvoy of the Independent; and Anthony Borden of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting featured.
- Joie Chen reporter. Interview with William Taft, former U.S. Ambassador to NATO. Topics discussed: how images of refugees influence U.S. policy in Kosovo.
- Lucia Newman reports from Havanna, Cuba, on Cuba's offer to cooperate with the U.S. government with regards to some 20,000 Kosovo refugees awaiting transfer to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Statements by Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto Robaina and Attorney Hermenegildo Altozano featured.
- Betsey Aaron reports from Moscow on the possibility of some Russians fighting alongside Yugoslav forces. Statements by Viktor Chechevatov, Russian Far East Military Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Terekhov of the Officer Union, and Umar Abdullah of the Russian Air Defense.
- Bill Delaney reports from USS Theodore Roosevelt on the last minute preparations on the USS Roosevelt before its sailing to the Adriatic Sea. Statements by USS Theodore Roosevelt Commander and crew featured.
- (beginning cut off) Wolf Blitzer reports from the White House on Russia threatening to re-target its nuclear weapons towards NATO countries.


Associated Names
BBC (Producer)
CNN (Producer)