An independent film by Bill Carter, Miss Sarajevo presents the young Sarajevans' point of view on the siege of Sarajevo. Among others, Carter interviews two sisters, high school students, a group of young kids at play, a few of his friends who play in a band while at the same time fight for the Bosnian Army, and a satirical group called the Surrealists. Each interviewee talks about how the war affected his or her life: two sisters explain how they run to avoid snipers after school; a young man, a soldier in the Bosnian Army and a musician in a local jazz band, says that Sarajevo is a super-modern concentration camp where the Sarajevans live death; a few kids talk about fetching water daily. The Sarajevo Symphony orchestra performs in the hallway of the TV building, as it has no other venue in which it could perform. Amidst this destruction and siege, the city holds a beauty pageant. Interviews are intertwined with a collage of footage depicting the shelling and destruction of Sarajevo (TVBiH archival footage is used). The film also features two montages to U2 songs.