This program gives a historical background and a visual account of the destruction of Bosnia's cities, cultural heritage, and people. Includes a discussion of the ethnic make-up of Bosnia, as well as a medley of TV reports that contain graphic scenes of massacres. Radovan Karadzic, leader of the Bosnian Serbs, is shown speaking in the Bosnian Parliament (October 1991). A BBC report from the Zvornik area details the expulsion of the Muslims by the Serbs. Sky News reports from Sarajevo during heavy pounding, including audio of Ratko Mladic, a Bosnian Serb General, ordering the shelling of Sarajevo. Also featured is footage of numerous massacres in Sarajevo; the physical destruction of Bosnian towns (Mostar, Foca, Gorazde); injured and murdered children; YUTEL footage of demonstrations in Sarajevo; JNA jets flying over Sarajevo; Arkan's paramilitary unit, the "Tigers," in Erdut; Karadzic on the hills above Sarajevo; movement of JNA trucks; and scenes from the Trnopolje and Manjaca prison camps.