This broadcast focuses on Croatia during its war with Serbia in East Slavonia and the Krajina. Cease-fire implementation is discussed, featuring interviews with Zdravko Tomac of the Croatian government, and General Martin Špegelj, Inspector of General Troops. Tomac exclaims that there would never have been a war if the West had been more swift in recognizing Croatia as an independent country. He puts the responsibility to end the war on the U.S. Špegelj assures the world that Croatia will fight for every piece of land that has belonged to them since 1945. The broadcast also reports on the economic impact of the war, including an interview with Ante Čičin-Šain, President of the National Bank of Croatia. Čičin-Šain points out that Croatian economy is in dire need of economic help. Printing of the Croatian dinar is shown, while explaining the currency's virtual worthlessness due to hyper-inflation. Foreign credits can come about only if Croatia's independence if recognized. The hospital in Karlovac is also featured, including an interview with an injured soldier. Contains pictures of wounded civilians and soldiers.