Introduction to headline news.
- Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski reports on the recent incidents in Yugoslavia, including the MIG incident in Bosnia, Serbia's release of hardened criminals, and questions over the expected success of the mission. Statements by Pentagon Spokesman Ken Bacon, NATO Commodore David Wilby, and U.S. Navy Leighton Smith; footage of air strikes included.
- David Bloom reports from the White House on Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's warning to Milosevic to cease the spread of violence in Kosovo. Violent anti-NATO protests held in Greece. Statements by Assistant Secretary of State Sandy Berger and a Greek official included.
- Martin Fletcher reports from Skopje,Macedonia on Terry Azailia (sp?), head of the Mercy Corps. Fletcher's work with Kosovo Albanian refugees arriving in Macedonia discussed. Footage includes Albanian refugees, houses set on fire, and Serbian soldiers.
- Ron Allen reports from Belgrade on how the Yugoslav media respond to NATO air strikes. Statement by Predrag Simic, Yugoslav government advisor, included. Footage includes Serbian TV (RTS1) footage of anti-NATO protests held in Belgrade, Yugoslav army, political ads, and smoking houses.
- Interview with Yugoslav Ambassador Vladislav Jovanovic. Jovanovic discusses NATO involvement in Yugoslavia.