[Popes and Easter: Paul VI, John Paul II]

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 300-120-27 Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Western Press Archives: Files on the Vatican
Located at
Archival boxes #17 / No. 9
Original Title
[Papi e Pasqua: Paolo VI, Giovanni Paolo II]
1973 - 1989
Primary Type
Language Statement
Italian, English, French, Pope's greetings to the prayers in different languages (Spanish, German, Portuguese, Croatian, Slovenian), and pieces of prayers in German and Polish.


Contents Summary
The folder contains the letter of Pope John Paul II "to all the Priests of the Church for Holy Thursday 1986" (in English), the text of the "Homily at the Jubilee celebration for Priests" from 23 February 1984 (two copies, one in Italian and one in English), issued by the Vatican Polyglot Press.
Il fascicolo contiene la lettera di Papa Giovanni Paolo II "a tutti i Sacerdoti della Chiesa per il Martedì Santo 1986" (in inglese), ed il testo dell' "Omelia per la celebrazione del Giubileo per i Sacerdoti" del 23 febbraio 1984 (due copie, una in italiano ed una in inglese), pubblicata dalla Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana.

Subject / Coverage

John Paul II, Pope
Montini, Giovanni Battista
Paul VI, Pope
Wojtyła, Karol