[United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) conference materials from 1972]

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 429-1-5 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Research Contributions and other Sociological Scientific Projects
Located at
Oversized box (40 cm) #10 / No. 7
Original Title
[Egyesült Nemzetek Nevelésügyi, Tudományos és Kulturális Szervezete (UNESCO) konferencia anyagai 1972-ből]
Primary Type


Contents Summary
Jaime Hurtubia: A Brief Discussion of the Cub of Rome theses, the world ecological equilibrium. United Nations Conference on the Environment, Stockholm 5-16 June 1972, comments and reflections. Contribution to the Critical Analysis, the World Plan of Action and the Club of Rome Project. Historical and Social Factors in Development Problems.; [Jaime Hurtubia: A Brief Discussion of the Cub of Rome theses, the world ecological equilibrium. Conference des Nations Unies sur L'Environnement, Stockholm 5-16 juin 1972, commenteaires et reflexions. Contribution a L'Analyze Critique, du Plan Mondial D'Action et du Project Du Club de Rome. Facteurs Historiqes et Sociaux des Problems du Développement.] Address by Shrimati Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India at the Inauguration of the National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination. Hilton Leitenberg: Memorandum for UNESCO, Young scientist on population and environmental crisis. Official Statement of the International Youth Conference on Problems of The Human Environment Hamilton, Ontario. Milton Leitenberg: The Present State of the Word's Arms Race. Francis Olu, Okediji: Population and Development in Relation to the Environmental Crisis in the Developing Nations, the Case of Tropical Africa. Young scientists faced with the problems of science and technology. [Jeunes scientifiques en face des problémes de la science et de la technologie.] Vid Vukasovic: The environmental crisis and developing countries. Tables.
Jaime Hurtubia: A Brief Discussion of the Cub of Rome theses, the world ecological equilibrium. Conference des Nations Unies sur L'Environnement, Stockholm 5-16 juin 1972, commenteaires et reflexions. Contribution a L'Analyze Critique, du Plan Mondial D'Action et du Project Du Club de Rome. Facteurs Historiqes et Sociaux des Problems du Développement. Address by Shrimati Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India at the Inauguration of the National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination. Hilton Leitenberg: Memorandum for UNESCO, Young scientist on population and environmental crisis. Official Statement of The International Youth Conference on Problems of The Human Environment Hamilton, Ontario. Milton Leitenberg: The Present State of the Word's Arms Race. Francis Olu, Okediji: Population and Development in Relation to the Environmental Crisis in the Developing Nations, the Case of Tropical Africa. Jeunes scientifiques en face des problémes de la science et de la technologie. Vid Vukasovic: The environmental crisis and developing countries. Táblázatok.