Science and society; René Foqué: Problems of young scientists in Belgium; M. Trsic: some comments about the scientific and technical cooperation from developed countries to underdeveloped countries; M.N. Madkour: Problem of young scientific workers in the United Arab Republic (U.A.R.); Nityanandau J. Paul: Young Indian scientist, science and society; S. Husain Zaheer: Problems of young scientist, particulaly in developing countries; Taro Sano: Young scientist movement in Japan; Yasuhido Sudo and Shingo Shibata: Contemporary Japan and Young scientific workers; H. Kubiak: Young scientist and the social system; Gerhard Speer: Young scientist in industry; A. E. Abdine: Problem of young scientist in Arab Countries.
Tudomány és társadalom; René Foqué: Problems of young scientists in Belgium; M. Trsic: some comments about the scientific and technical cooperation from developed countries to underdeveloped countries; M.N. Madkour: Problem of young scientific workers in the United Arab Republic (U.A.R.); Nityanandau J. Paul: Young Indian scientist, science and society; S. Husain Zaheer: Problems of young scientist, particularly in developing countries; Paro Sano: Young scientist movement in Japan; Yasuhido Sudo and Shingo Shibata: Contemporary Japan and Young scientific workers; H. Kubiak: Young scientist and the social system; Gerhard Speer: Young scientist in industry; A. E. Abdine: Problem of young scientist in Arab Countries.