AS 197. Letters of Christian Believers from Gorkii to the Secretary General of the World Council of Churches E. Blake and to the UN Secretary General U Thant
Published in: Sobranie Dokumentov Samizdata, Vol. 3. English title given by RL: 197 - one Western reproduction; 197a - one Western reproduction. Published Versions: R, Mysl', 19 June 1969; Vestnik RSKhD, 93, 1969, pp. 107-111; Eng.: RCDA, vol. VIII, Nos. 19-20, pp. 180-3; Eastern Churches Review, Bol. II, No. 4, pp. 419-422; French: Istina, 3-1970, pp. 364-8; Italian: Dissento e Contestazione, chapter "Clerical Protest…"
Contents Summary
Letters about persecution of Orthodox Christians. 36 signatories within AS 197.