HU OSA 392-1-1 Documentary films and promotional videos of Witness

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Reference Code
HU OSA 392-1-1
Documentary films and promotional videos of Witness
1996 - 2004
Description Level
Extent and medium (processed)
53 DVD-ROM, 0.53 linear meters

Content and Structure

Scope and Content (Abstract)
The WITNESS documentary films and promotional video collection consists of 52 documentaries, training and promotional films uncovering violations of human rights and promoting worldwide protection thereof. The collection includes documentaries addressing various human rights issues such as workers’ rights in Asia, youth criminalization in the USA, refugees fleeing armed conflict in Sierra Leone, Uganda and Rwanda among others.

Two renowned WITNESS training videos are of special interest: Video for Change, which is available in three languages (English, French and Spanish), and Tips & Techniques, a training video that provides an introduction to the basic skills of shooting video, including lighting, focus, sound, and framing an image.

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Open to researchers
Albanian, Arabic, English, French, Krio, Manipuri, S'gaw Karen, Spanish; Castilian, Tagalog
Physical characteristics and technical requirements

Description Control

Archivist's note
Processed by Zsuzsa Zádori and Anna Kövecsi, 2005 - 2008.
Call Number Description
Behind the Labels: Garment Workers on U.S. Saipan
Lured by false promises and driven by desperation, thousands of Chinese and Filipina women pay high fees for jobs in garment factories on the Pacific island of Saipan which despite being a U.S. territory is exempt from federal minimum wage and certain immigration laws. The clothing they sew, bearing the "Made in the USA" label, is shipped duty- and quota-free to the U.S. for sale by The Gap, J. Crew, Polo, and other retailers. Powerful hidden-camera footage, along with the garment workers' personal stories, offers a rare and unforgettable glimpse into indentured labor and the workings of the global sweatshop where fourteen-hour shifts, payless paydays, and lock-downs are routine. Behind the Labels follows the issues from the factory floor to the streets, where protesters worldwide wage an ongoing battle against corporate globalization. BEHIND THE LABELS was produced and directed for WITNESS and Oxygen by two-time Emmy Award nominated producer Tia Lessin.
English, English language, Date of production: 2003, Duration: 45 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_001
Books Not Bars
"Books Not Bars" documents the inspiring youth-led movement against the massive prison industry in the U.S. With music by Dead Prez and Sweet Honey in the Rock, the film reveals the truth about the criminalization of youth, especially youth of color, and highlights the relationship between increases in prison spending and decreases in education spending. Youth activists featured in the video challenge audiences to explore alternative options to detention, and debunk public misperceptions about youth crime rates. Examples of peer activism, youth organizing, and mobilization around prison issues, provide young audiences with tangible ways to get involved with the movement to reform the U.S. prison system. In California, young activists convince the Board of Corrections to deny pre-approved state funding for Alameda County's effort to build the biggest per capita juvenile hall in the state.
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 21 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_002
The Diamond Life
The Revolutionary United Front's (RUF) attack on Freetown in January of 1999 was the culmination of a decade-long and bloody struggle between the RUF and the government of Sierra Leone. The rebel forces, bolstered by the former Sierra Leonean Army, which had turned on the government, swept into the city, killing, mutilating, and raping thousands in the continuing war over the control of the country's rich diamond fields. RUF units burned houses with civilians inside, shot and raped people at random, killing an estimated 6,000 people in the span of three weeks. Since 1990, half the country's population of five million has been displaced. Today, Sierra Leone produces more refugees than any other country in Africa. The country is full of war victims, whose amputated limbs serve as living testimony to the brutality of the rebels. This Rights Alert feature, with footage and commentary by Sierra Leonean journalist Aroun Rashid Deen and music by Peter Gabriel, provides a disturbing glimpse into the greed and violence that fuels the diamond war. A Guerilla News Network production in association with WITNESS.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 6 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_003
Children of War
This chilling feature, shot by WITNESS partner Jimmie Briggs, tells the story of Acholi school girls from St. Mary's College in Northern Uganda who were abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army to serve as child soldiers. Of the 250,000 child soldiers worldwide, many are used as sexual servants, spies, porters and frontline grunts. These unwilling combatants often find themselves subject to disease, physical assault and rape. Witness interviews one of the girls who escaped and survived the ordeal, and a teacher and assistant headmistress at St. Mary's College. The headmistress, Sister Rachele Fassera, recounts the night of her students' abduction and the torturous process of trying to secure their release. Music by Philip Glass.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 6 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_004
Operation Fine Girl: Rape Used as a Weapon of War in Sierra Leone
The film was titled, produced and directed for WITNESS and Oxygen by academy award nominee Lilibet Foster with WITNESS partner, Binta Mansaray. It documents the brutal use of rape as a weapon of war in Sierra Leone. The story is told through the eyes the survivors - women and girls, as well as the child soldiers and perpetrators. It will support the efforts of our partners in Sierra Leone to increase the funding to provide psycho-social support and health care to the estimated 500,000 survivors of rape in the country.
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 45 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_005
Campaign for a Permanent International Criminal Court
Produced by WITNESS, the Coalition for an International Criminal Court and Asphalt Films, this brief public service announcement uses footage of atrocities committed throughout the 20th century to convey the need for the creation of a permanent International Criminal Court to prosecute war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
English language, Date of production: 1999, Duration: 26 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_006
Garifunas Holding Ground
After numerous attempts to shut down an illegal highway that is destroying crops, old growth forest and water supplies while clearing the way for invaders to usurp their communally-owned ancestral lands, the Afro-indigenous Garifuna population turned to video to protect their families from physical, cultural and environmental destruction by corrupt officials and wealthy businessmen in Northern Honduras. Politically and economically marginalized for their race and unique culture and history, the Comite de Emergencia Garifuna de Honduras recently collaborated with WITNESS to produce both a Spanish and English documentary about their struggle.
Spanish; Castilian, English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 11 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_007
The Empire's New Clothes
This chilling feature, shot by WITNESS partner Jimmie Briggs, tells the story of Acholi school girls from St. Mary's College in Northern Uganda who were abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army to serve as child soldiers. Of the 250,000 child soldiers worldwide, many are used as sexual servants, spies, porters and frontline grunts. These unwilling combatants often find themselves subject to disease, physical assault and rape. Witness interviews one of the girls who escaped and survived the ordeal, and a teacher and assistant headmistress at St. Mary's College. The headmistress, Sister Rachele Fassera, recounts the night of her students' abduction and the torturous process of trying to secure their release. Music by Philip Glass.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_008
Garifuna's Fight / Lucha Garifuna
After numerous attempts to shut down an illegal highway that is destroying crops, old growth forest and water supplies while clearing the way for invaders to usurp their communally-owned ancestral lands, the Afro-indigenous Garifuna population turned to video to protect their families from physical, cultural and environmental destruction by corrupt officials and wealthy businessmen in Northern Honduras. Politically and economically marginalized for their race and unique culture and history, the Comite de Emergencia Garifuna de Honduras recently collaborated with WITNESS to produce both a Spanish and English documentary about their struggle.
Spanish; Castilian, English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 11 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_009
WITNESS, Columbia University Human Rights Law Clinic and the National Coalition for Haitian Rights teamed up to produce EXPELLED, a video that documents the Dominican Government's practice of illegal expulsions of people of Haitian descent who live in the Dominican Republic. In March 2001, the video was screened before the UN Human Rights Committee.
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 10 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_010
The Caribbean Apartheid: Case #12.271 at the Interamerican Court of Human Rights / El Apartheid del Caribe: Caso #12.271 ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
This is a roughly edited compilation of testimonies for the inter-American Court about the treatment of individuals of Haitian descent in the Dominican Republic, many of whom were deported to Haiti. Subtitled in Spanish. In the Summer of 2000, the Columbia University Human Rights Institute submitted a video piece before the Inter-American Court to support its petition requesting that the Court adopt provisional measures to protect the rights of Haitian nationals and Dominican nationals of Haitian descent being arbitrarily deported to Haiti. Prior to the Summer hearing, WITNESS trained two law students from the Institute on how to use the video camera in interview situations. The students took a WITNESS camera to the Dominican Haitian border to gather documentation and testimony for the hearing. WITNESS and the Human Rights Institute worked together to produce a final piece for the summer hearing before the Court. The InterAmerican Court has since ruled in favor of adopting protective measures on behalf of the individual petitioners named in the petition.
Spanish; Castilian, English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 13 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_011
Forgotten People
FORGOTTEN PEOPLE documents the frightening similarities in the degrading treatment of people with mental disabilities in Mexico, Armenia, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia. Yet this problem is not confined to Latin America or Eastern Europe but extends around the globe to Western European countries and the United States.
Despite the growth of democratic institutions, people with mental disabilities remain disenfranchised and subject to serious human rights abuses. Often they are segregated from societies in closed institutions, marginalized from society by poverty and stigma, discriminated against, and effectively excluded from public life. Model social service programs have been created in a number of countries, but these are more the exception than the rule. While there has been significant growth in advocacy for people with mental disabilities in recent years, nations have never been held accountable for persistent human rights abuses.
Widespread human rights abuses against people with mental disabilities have traditionally received little or no attention from mainstream international human rights groups, United Nations human rights oversight agencies, or international development organizations. This has left people with mental disabilities particularly vulnerable to abuse.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_012
Fueling Abuse: Foreign Investment and Terror in Burma
WITNESS, in collaboration with Burma Humanitarian Mission and students at the Bard Human Rights Clinic, exposes the oppression of Karen ethnic minority civilians in Eastern Burma. This 6-minute video draws attention to the dire situation in Burma, where the military junta is systematically uprooting villages and brutalizing the civilian population. Foreign investment has provided much of the funding to fuel the repressive policies of the junta, and the video draws attention to the action campaigns of the leading advocacy groups pressuring companies to withdraw from projects in Burma.
English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 6 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_013
No Place to Go: Internally Displaced Persons in Burma
Produced in collaboration with WITNESS partner Burma Issues, NO PLACE TO GO is based upon the harrowing testimony of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in eastern Burma and the video documentation of their plight. The IDPs tell the story of their experiences as the Burmese military government has systematically killed its own people using forced labor, forced movement, arbitrary executions and massacres. Almost a million people, primarily ethnic minorities such as the Karen, have been driven from their homes and forced to run into relocation camps or into the jungle, where they have limited access to healthcare, shelter, food or education, and must constantly relocate to avoid attack or capture by the Burmese forces. Many are subsequently forced to flee as refugees into neighboring Thailand.
English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 13 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_014
The Day after Diallo
This Rights Alert feature, co-produced by WITNESS, New York City PoliceWatch and the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, highlights recurring police violence against people of color in the context of the recent killing of Amadou Diallo. Mr. Diallo, an unarmed black man, was shot forty-one times in the vestibule of his apartment building by four white members of the New York City Street Crimes Unit. On February 25, 2000, a jury acquitted these officers of all charges. Protests erupted and confrontations between the police and demonstrators ensued, leading to yet more violence, antagonism and distrust. Narrated by recording artist Angelique Kidjo with music by Peter Gabriel, this feature captures the communal outrage and political mobilization that has emerged from the racism and police brutality that led to Diallo's untimely death.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 5 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_015
Following Antigone: Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights Investigations
FOLLOWING ANTIGONE was produced by WITNESS with longstanding partners at the Equipo Argentino de Antropologia Forense/Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF). EAAF uses forensic sciences, including anthropology, to uncover the truth of massacres, disappearances, and other gross violations of human rights - so that they can then help the families of victims recover the remains of their loved ones and provide evidence to courts. This EAAF-WITNESS collaboration documents the stages of their work from pre-interviews and exhumations to trials and reburials, drawing on their landmark exhumation at El Mozote in eastern El Salvador, which EAAF has been documenting over the past 10 years, as well as on other examples from around the world. It also explores the history of EAAF and shows the reasons why science is an essential part of human rights investigations. [RT 40:00]

EAAF was formed in 1984 to meet the historical need to exhume and attempt to identify disappeared persons. Its main purposes are to collect evidence for use in court cases involving human rights, and for use in the process of reconstructing the truth of occurrences of the recent past. EAAF offers the possibility of identifying the remains of victims and returning them to their families for appropriate burials.|EAAF also conducts seminars on human rights application of forensic anthropology to humanitarian organizations, judicial systems and forensic institutes. They also collaborate on forming forensic teams in other countries.
English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 40 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_016
If Hope Were Enough
The Women's Caucus for Gender Justice, in association with WITNESS, produced this video for the purposes of education, advocacy and capacity building as part of the organization's outreach efforts to promote the International Criminal Court. The video, IF HOPE WERE ENOUGH, captures the historic importance of how women have come together to impact the structure and substance of the International Criminal Court in order to have it be a mechanism at an international level to address violations of women's human rights. Through the voices of women survivors of historic and on-going violence in both armed-conflict situations and peacetime, the video documents the inspiring struggle towards justice and the end of impunity for violence against women.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_017
If Hope Were Enough / Si la esperanza fuese suficiente
IF HOPE WERE ENOUGH [SPANISH LANGUAGE VERSION] The Women's Caucus for Gender Justice, in association with WITNESS, produced this video for the purposes of education, advocacy and capacity building as part of the organization's outreach efforts to promote the International Criminal Court. The video, SI LA ESPERANZA FUESE SUFICIENTE, captures the historic importance of how women have come together to impact the structure and substance of the International Criminal Court in order to have it be a mechanism at an international level to address violations of women's human rights. Through the voices of women survivors of historic and on-going violence in both armed-conflict situations and peacetime, the video documents the inspiring struggle towards justice and the end of impunity for violence against women.
Spanish; Castilian language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 34 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_018
Kosovo and beyond
This Rights Alert Feature demonstrates how future victims of human rights abuses similar to those perpetrated against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo could be served by the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The piece includes testimony from a Kosovar Albanian who witnessed a massacre by Serb forces. The feature also depicts recent efforts by NGOs and human rights advocates around the world to promote this vital institution. The feature fuses footage shot by WITNESS partner organizations with WITNESS' public service announcement calling for the ratification of the ICC. Music by Peter Gabriel.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 6 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_019
Last Seen: Continuing Disappearances in Chechnya
Days after the U.N. Commission on Human Rights in Geneva introduced a resolution on the situation in Chechnya, Human Rights Watch released a new 49-page report, "Last Seen": Continued "Disappearances" in Chechnya, detailing 87 cases of "disappearances" carried out between September 2000 and January 2002. The actual total of "disappearances" is believed to be far higher.

This video was made by Witness, Memorial and Human Rights Watch to accompany this report. It features video testimony by relatives by some of the disappeared.
English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 19 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_020
Earth in Our Hands / Terra nas nossas maos
This Rights Alert feature, excerpted from a 41-minute documentary entitled RAIZ FORTE (Strong Roots, by Global Exchange, 2001), explores the Landless Workers Movement (MST) in Brazil, and the obstacles they face in their lawful, peaceful struggle for land reform in Brazil.
Spanish; Castilian, English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 10 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_021
Postcard from Peje
In the summer of 2000, just over one year after Serbian withdrawal from Kosovo, a group of Albanian teenagers from the Kosovo city of Peje came together to create a video postcard of their experiences during and after the war.
Albanian, English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 15 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_022
The Price of Youth
THE PRICE OF YOUTH examines the recent explosion in systematic trafficking of young girls and women from Nepal to work as prostitutes in Bombay, in neighboring India. Featuring undercover footage from WITNESS partner Andrew Levine and narrated by Winona Ryder, with music by K. Sridhar and Philip Glass, THE PRICE OF YOUTH exposes this horrific practice. It documents grassroots efforts to combat the forced prostitution of Nepali girls and to rehabilitate these young victims. THE PRICE OF YOUTH was featured as a "Work in Progress" at the Sundance International Film Festival. Excerpts of THE PRICE OF YOUTH were included in the January 18, 2001 episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show with Madeleine Albright, about the issue of worldwide trafficking.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_023
Refuge?, shot by WITNESS partner Rencontre Africaine pour la Defense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO), with music and narration by Philip Hamilton, documents the social and economic conditions of Mauritanian, Liberian and Sierra Leonean refugees in Senegal. This video was screened at a briefing during the 2000 ExCom meeting of the UNHCR.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 8 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_024
Refugees: The Last Resort
REFUGEES: THE LAST RESORT is a WITNESS Production in association with Asphalt Films and the International Institute. Using footage from many Witness partners, this powerful video demonstrates the brutal violations of human rights that force people to flee from their homes and become refugees.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 5 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_025
A Right to Justice
A RIGHT TO JUSTICE, shot by Guatemalan human rights advocate, Jesus Tecu Osorio, expands on the earlier Rights Alert "A Massacre Remembered". Following the struggle of the indigenous Maya Achi people of Guatemala to have the truth of the genocide there in the early 1980's revealed, it includes footage of the recent trial of a few of the perpetrators. Detailing recent efforts to document the atrocities, and to secure justice through the prosecution of the masterminds of the massacres, it also includes sequences illustrating the impunity with which some perpetrators still act.
Spanish; Castilian, English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_026
The Road to Pineapple
THE ROAD TO PINEAPPLE, created and narrated by filmmaker, WITNESS partner, and indigenous rights activist Joey Lozano on the impact on the indigenous T'boli people of for-export pineapple growing in the Philippines, promoted by USAID.
Tagalog, English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_027
Rise: Revolutionary Women Re-envisioning Afghanistan
Shot by members of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, using both a regular and WITNESS hidden camera, Rise documents the lives of Afghans following the recent American-led military campaign. RAWA members interview refugees, victims of factional fighting and Taliban abuse, as well as residents who witnessed the recent bombings of civilian homes. RAWA spokeswomen call for gender equality, democracy, freedom, and an end to foreign military intervention.
English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 13 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_028
Sanamacha's Story
Sanamacha's Story chronicles the disappearance of a 15 year old boy, Sanamacha Yumlembam, in Manipur. The state of Manipur, in the highlands of northeastern India, is one of eight states inhabited by 40 million people of Tibeto-Burman origin. Since the 1950s, the region has produced several secessionist movements against the Indian government. In response, India has militarized the region. The Indian government restricts entry by foreign nationals, and bars international media and human rights observers from entering the northeast. On the night of February 12 1998, the Indian military entered Sanamacha's home and abducted him in front of dozens of witnesses. Sanamacha has not been seen since, nor has his body ever been recovered. The video documents the testimonies of witnesses and family members and provides insight into the advocacy work grassroots groups in Manipur have done to bring the military's actions to justice.
English, English, Manipuri language, Date of production: 1999, Duration: 10 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_029
The Eyes of the World
The Eyes Of The World (2001) is a video featuring music by Peter Gabriel (lyric is "...and the eyes of the world are watching now…")..
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 1 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_030
Witness PSA Compilation
Help WITNESS - Give Cameras to the World (1997) is a PSA featuring music by Peter Gabriel and footage from WITNESS activists around the world. "You can say that a story is fabricated "help WITNESS give cameras to the world. "
English language, Date of production: 1997, Duration: 1 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_030
A Massacre Remembered
Guatemala's thirty-six year civil war claimed the lives of more than 200,000 citizens and displaced millions more, many of them Mayan civilians. During the war, the Guatemalan military killed, tortured, raped and butchered hundreds of thousands of people. This WITNESS Rights Alert feature tells the story of WITNESS partner Jesus Tecu Osorio, one of the few survivors of the Rio Negro Massacre that took place on March 13, 1982. After witnessing the massacre of more than one hundred children and nearly eighty women by members of the Guatemalan army and civil patrols, Jesus and seventeen other children were taken to work as servants in the houses of the patrollers who had killed their families. Jesus lived in captivity for three years until he was freed by his only surviving sister, Laura. This Rights Alert feature tells Jesus' story and informs viewers of the movement that Osorio has spearheaded to acknowledge, commemorate, mourn and seek justice for the victims of this devastating tragedy. This piece is narrated by REM musician Michael Stipe, with music by Philip Glass.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 3 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_031
Voices from Silence
This video produced in collaboration with Sister Witness International and students at the Bard Human Rights clinic features testimonies from survivors of abuse in psychiatric institutions in New York.
English language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 11 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_032
Youth Interrupted
This Rights Alert Feature addresses the need for justice and rehabilitation for juvenile participants in the Rwandan Genocide. This video was shot by WITNESS partner Jimmie Briggs and directed by Christopher Yaffes with music by Geoffrey Oryema.
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 6 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_033
Video for Change
VIDEO FOR CHANGE is the second training video produced by WITNESS. Using footage shot by human rights activists from around the world, VIDEO FOR CHANGE illustrates the various strategic ways video and internet technology can be used to further human rights advocacy. The video is accompanied by a written manual used to train human rights activists in video documentation.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 24 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_034
Video for Change / El cambio via el video
WITNESS VIDEO FOR CHANGE is the second training video produced by WITNESS. Using footage shot by human rights activists from around the world, WITNESS VIDEO FOR CHANGE illustrates the various strategic ways video and internet technology can be used to further human rights advocacy efforts. The video is accompanied by a written manual used to train human rights activists in video documentation.
Spanish; Castilian language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 24 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_035
Video for Change / Faire la difference par la video
Faire la Difference Par La Video is the French langyage version of VIDEO FOR CHANGE, the second training video produced by WITNESS. Using footage shot by human rights activists from around the world, WITNESS VIDEO FOR CHANGE illustrates the various strategic ways video and internet technology can be used to further human rights advocacy efforts. The video is accompanied by a written manual used to train human rights activists in video documentation.
French, French language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 24 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_036
Palestinian Arab Citizens of Israel: A Case Study of Discrimination
'Palestinian Arab Citizens of Israel: A Case Study of Discrimination,' produced by WITNESS in collaboration with its Nazareth-based partner, The Arab Association for Human Rights, documents a range of civil rights violations by the State of Israel against its Arab citizens. Discriminatory policies and practices addressed by the video include: the unequal allocation of state funds per capita for Arab towns and villages, as well as denial of basic utilities for Arab villages unrecognized by the State. [RT 17:09]

The Arab Association for Human Rights is a Palestinian Arab non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect the political, civil, economic, and cultural rights of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel.
English language, Date of air: 2001, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 17 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_037
Tips and Techniques
TIPS & TECHNIQUES is a training video which provides an introduction to the basic skills of shooting video, including lighting, focus, sound, and framing an image. It also gives some safety tips for human rights documentation using video cameras. The video is accompanied by a manual available in English.
English language, Date of production: 1996, Duration: 33 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_038
Now Is the Hardest Time
This is a recut of a longer documentary "Ahora es el tiempo mas duro". This video by the Women's Commission of UCIZONI (Union de Comunidades Indigenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo) in Oaxaca, Mexico, explores the impact of government social policy and globalization on the lives of indigenous community members in the Tehuantepec Isthmus region, where UCIZONI is based. Community members talk about the changing dynamics of their communities, including men migrating in search of work, and the loss of traditional knowledge, as well as the impact of government policies that encourage dependency on the cities, including increased use of pesticides and chemicals on crops. They also reflect on the implementation of health policy including recurring violations of women's reproductive rights.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_039
Rule of the Gun in Sugarland
Shot and produced entirely in the Philippines by WITNESS partner Joey Lozano in collaboration with the NAKAMATA indigenous coalition. The video documents in chilling detail a period of three months in late 2001 when three indigenous leaders were murdered, others attacked, and a village razed as coalition members peacefully and legally pursued ancestral land claims on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. During this whole period, Joey Lozano was working with NAKAMATA, a new WITNESS partner, conducting camera trainings and providing support. Even as police and authorities failed to act, these WITNESS partners were on the scene in the immediate aftermath of attacks - documenting, gathering evidence, interviewing and recording the scene of the crime. Footage included in this video was also shown on the top Philippine investigative TV show and provided as evidence to investigators.
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 11 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_040
Human Rights Committee
Developed to familiarize NGOs with the Human Rights Committee (HRC), a UN treaty body. The video gives a visual introduction to the main functions of the HRC and offers practical guidelines to help NGOs create an effective and mutually beneficial relationship with the HRC.
English language, Date of production: 1996, Duration: 37 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_041
Policing the Police: Northern Ireland's Marching Season
Co-produced by the WITNESS Project of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights and the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ), Belfast, Northern Ireland, POLICING THE POLICE looks at the human rights issues surrounding the policing of parades of the majority unionist community during the 1995-1997 marching seasons. A small number of these marches pass through minority Republican communities. Many nationalists consider the parades "triumphalist" and have called for them to be re-routed. POLICING THE POLICE features footage of the policing of the parades and interviews with human rights workers and local residents.
English language, Date of production: 2000, Duration: 8 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_042
The Soul Eaters
THE SOUL EATERS examines the challenges facing women in Western Africa, who are held responsible for unexplained deaths in their communities, and are accused of engaging in witchcraft and sorcery. In Burkina Faso, a "soul eater" is typically a woman who is past child bearing age, someone who may not have children, or someone who exhibits behavior that is somehow "socially unacceptable." Driven from their villages, often with no place to go, these women are marginalized from society, and many are unable to ever return to their homes.
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 6 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_043
Following Antigone: Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights Investigations
FOLLOWING ANTIGONE was produced by WITNESS with longstanding partners at the Equipo Argentino de Antropologia Forense/Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF). EAAF uses forensic sciences, including anthropology, to uncover the truth of massacres, disappearances, and other gross violations of human rights - so that they can then help the families of victims recover the remains of their loved ones and provide evidence to courts. This EAAF-WITNESS collaboration documents the stages of their work from pre-interviews and exhumations to trials and reburials, drawing on their landmark exhumation at El Mozote in eastern El Salvador, which EAAF has been documenting over the past 10 years, as well as on other examples from around the world. It also explores the history of EAAF and shows the reasons why science is an essential part of human rights investigations. Also in Spanish: |Tras los pasos de Antigona: Antropologia forense e investigaciones de derechos humanos.
Arabic language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 40 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_044
Operation Fine Girl: Rape Used as a Weapon of War in Sierra Leone [2-2]
Operation Fine Girl: Rape Used as a Weapon of War in Sierra Leone - titled, produced and directed for WITNESS and Oxygen by academy award nominee Lilibet Foster with WITNESS partner, Binta Mansaray. It documents the brutal use of rape as a weapon of war in Sierra Leone. The story is told through the eyes the survivors - women and girls, as well as the child soldiers and perpetrators. It will support the efforts of our partners in Sierra Leone to increase the funding to provide psycho-social support and health care to the estimated 500,000 survivors of rape in the country.
Date of production: 2001, Duration: 45 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_045
Entrenched Abuse: Forced Labor in Burma
The authoritarian military regime that rules Burma - the SPDC - forces hundreds of thousands of people to work against their will, and without pay, on the regime's development projects, as porters in the military, and in other forms of compulsory labor. The International Labor Organization (ILO) - the UN agency that monitors forced labor worldwide - has identified the SPDC regime as one of the world's worst perpetrators. The incidents of forced labor in this video show how - despite its claims to the contrary - the SPDC has continued to use forced labor. They were recorded during 2003 among three different ethnic groups - the Karen, Karenni and Burmans - and in different regions of Burma.
English language, Date of production: 2004, Duration: 11 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_046
Against the Tides of History: Landmines in Casamance / Mines antipersonnel en Casamance: Contre-courant de l'histoire
Against The Tide of History: Landmines in the Casamance - illustrates the urgent need for international and national assistance for the rehabilitation of landmine victims in the Casamance region of Senegal, in compliance with Article 6 of the Convention On The Prohibition Of The Use, Stockpiling, Production And Transfer Of Antipersonnel Mines And On Their Destruction. Senegal signed and ratified the Convention on 23 September 1998. Using victim testimonies, the film focuses on the plight of women and children in the Casamance and is elaborated through expert and agency interviews with local and international NGO representatives, government and rebel leaders.
French language, Date of production: 2004, Duration: 27 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_047
Following Antigone: Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights Investigations / Tras los pasos de Antigona: Antropologia forense e investigaciones de derechos humanos
FOLLOWING ANTIGONE was produced by WITNESS with longstanding partners at the Equipo Argentino de Antropologia Forense/Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF). EAAF uses forensic sciences, including anthropology, to uncover the truth of massacres, disappearances, and other gross violations of human rights - so that they can then help the families of victims recover the remains of their loved ones and provide evidence to courts. This EAAF-WITNESS collaboration documents the stages of their work from pre-interviews and exhumations to trials and reburials, drawing on their landmark exhumation at El Mozote in eastern El Salvador, which EAAF has been documenting over the past 10 years, as well as on other examples from around the world. It also explores the history of EAAF and shows the reasons why science is an essential part of human rights investigations.
Spanish; Castilian language, Date of production: 2002, Duration: 41 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_048
Against The Tide of History: Landmines in the Casamance
Against the Tides Of History: Landmines in the Casamance - illustrates the urgent need for international and national assistance for the psycho-social rehabilitation of landmine victims in the Casamance in compliance with Article 6 of the Convention On The Prohibition Of The Use, Stockpiling, Production And Transfer Of Antipersonnel Mines And On Their Destruction, which Senegal signed and ratified on 23 September 1998. Using victim testimonies, the film focuses on the plight of women and children in the Casamance and is elaborated through expert and agency interviews with local and international NGO representatives, government and rebel leaders.
English, French language, Date of production: 2004, Duration: 27 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_049
Right to Justice / Derecho a la justicia
Shot by Guatemalan human rights advocate, Jesus Tecu Osorio, expands on the earlier Rights Alert "A Massacre Remembered". Following the struggle of the indigenous Maya Achi people of Guatemala to have the truth of the genocide there in the early 1980's revealed, it includes footage of the recent trial of a few of the perpetrators. Detailing recent efforts to document the atrocities, and to secure justice through the prosecution of the masterminds of the massacres, it also includes sequences illustrating the impunity with which some perpetrators still act.
Spanish; Castilian language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 9 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_050
MDRI Submission to the Inter-American Commission on Behalf of Youth in Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital in Paraguay.
Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) and the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) are seeking the urgent intervention of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to prevent continued unlawful acts that threaten the rights to life, liberty and personal security of two boys, Jorge, age 18, and Julio, age 17, and 458 others detained in the Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital of Paraguay. The two boys are detained in approximately six-by-six feet isolation cells, naked, and without access to bathrooms. According to hospital staff, the boys have been detained in these conditions for the past four years.
English language, Date of production: 2003, Duration: 8 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_051
Witness Compilation
Witness promotional video.
English language, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 24 min.
Digital version available | HU OSA 392-1-1_052