HU OSA 350-4-7 Other

Identity Statement

Reference Code
HU OSA 350-4-7
1990 - 2001
Description Level
Extent and medium (processed)
8 BetaSP NTSC, 0.24 linear meters

Content and Structure

Scope and Content (Abstract)
The collection contains eight raw and edited tapes documenting unrest in the Greater Middle East. It consists of UK and US produced documentaries which reflect on the political, geographical and religious conflicts in Muslim countries of the region. The collection also features a three part documentary which discusses the relationship between the Western powers and the Muslim population, including Bosnian Muslims.

Not Expected

Conditions of Access and Use

Conditions governing access
Open to the public.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copyrights are held by creators/producers (no rights are held by OSA at CEU).
Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, English, Hebrew, Serbian
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
8 Beta SP NTSC tapes

Description Control

Archivist's note
Processed by Anna Kövecsi and Alexandra Lăzău-Ratz, December, 2010 – January, 2011; revised by Anna Kövecsi and Csaba Szilágyi, May, 2011.
Call Number Description
BetaSP NTSC #1
Refugees in Azerbaijan
Raw footage of refugees who fled from the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia during the early 1990s.
Azerbaijani, English language, Date of production: 1993, Duration: 12 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00009996
BetaSP NTSC #2
Dispatches: The Saudi Tapes
Reporter Gwynne Roberts goes undercover in Saudi Arabia to give voice to the political opposition and show the poverty, unemployment and corruption concealed from the outside world. The film features an interview with Osama Bin Laden as he vows to overthrow the Saudi ruling party.
English language, Date of production: 1997, Duration: 42 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00009997
BetaSP NTSC #3
Jihad in America
Produced for PBS by journalist Steve Emerson (Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism) in the aftermath of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, the film investigates the spread of terrorism in America. Emerson, who tracked down the Jihad with the help of former CIA and FBI experts and filmed private conferences and secure Mosques using hidden cameras, brings the work and goals of these extremists to life. Through interviews with terrorists themselves, the film exposes clandestine operations of militant Islamic terrorist groups on American soil. Others who appear in the documentary: Paul Bremer (Former State Department Official) Abdullah Azzam (Palestinian Sunni scholar and theologian), Oliver B. Revell (Former FBI Official), Tamil Al-Adnani (Palestinian Sheikh), Fayiz Azzam (cousin of Abdullah Azzam), Alvin Schlesinger (Judge in the El Sayyid Nosair Trial), Joseph Borrelli (NYPD), Michael G. Cherkasky (former Investigator, Manhattan District Attorney), Seif Ashmawy (Publisher, “Voice of Peace”), Omar Abdul Rahman (Egyptian Muslim leader), Siddiq Ali (Sudanese radical), Clement Rodney Hampton-El (follower of Omar Abdul Rahman), Abdul Wali Zindani (head of the Al-Kifah Refugee Center in Brooklyn), Mohammed Al-Hassan (Editor, “Muslim World Monitor”), Yousef Al-Qaradhwi (Muslim Brotherhood), Sami Dhafar (Islamic Charity Project), Kamal Hibawi (Muslim Brotherhood), Sheikh Mohammed al Assi (Islamic Educational Center), and Sami Al-Arian (President of the Islamic Committee for Palestine).
English language, Date of production: 1994, Duration: 57 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00009998
BetaSP NTSC #4
Beirut to Bosnia: Muslims and the West, The Martyr's Smile [1/3]
“From Beirut to Bosnia” is a three episode documentary by correspondent Robert Fisk, in which he attempts to find out why an increasing number of Muslims have come to hate the West. Focusing on Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, and Bosnia, the film reports on Muslim unrest as ideology, religion, history, and geography come into conflict. “The Martyr's Smile” looks at Lebanon's guerilla war that aimed to liberate Southern Lebanon from Israeli control. The scope of this conflict is brought into sharp focus in this documentary through the use of extensive interviews with participants from the Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad movements, views of civilian casualties caused by Israeli air attacks, and photographic evidence of the ongoing destruction of life and property in the region. This episode contains coverage of the influence of the Iranian revolution and Ayatollah Khomeini on the Hezbollah party in Lebanon, documents a Hezbollah rally, and includes evidence of the changes that the Israeli invasion had on the violence in the region. It also details the occupation of Southern Lebanon as it includes reports on the massacres at Sabra and Shatila, footage with a UN field peacekeeper who details the killing of civilians by Israeli forces in retaliation for attacks on their military occupation forces, and footage of Hezbollah fighters attacking an Israeli post.
English, English, Arabic language, Date of production: 1993, Duration: 54 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00009999
BetaSP NTSC #5
Beirut to Bosnia: Muslims and the West, The Road to Palestine [2/3]
“The Road to Palestine” is the second episode of the “From Beirut to Bosnia” series created by correspondent Robert Fisk, in which he attempts to find out why an increasing number of Muslims have come to hate the West. Through interviews with members of the militant Islamic group Hamas, as well as Zionist settlers and Jewish refugees, this episode offers a glimpse into the ongoing conflict in the region around Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. The film documents the exile of Muslims from Palestine during 1948 and 1967, the destruction of Palestinian homes by the Israeli military occupation, and the role of Hamas in aiding the people in Gaza. It describes the existing situation in the Gaza Strip and reports on a Jewish settlement in Gaza. The film also talks about the annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel and the Jewish settlement cities built on Palestinian land. Robert Fisk’s investigative journey continues in Acre, Lebanon, and ends in Treblinka, Poland.
English, Arabic, Hebrew, English language, Date of production: 1993, Duration: 52 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00010000
BetaSP NTSC #6
Beirut to Bosnia: Muslims and the West, To the Ends of the Earth [3/3]
“To the Ends of the Earth” is the third episode of the “From Beirut to Bosnia” series created by correspondent Robert Fisk, in which he attempts to find out why an increasing number of Muslims have come to hate the West. This episode compares the plight of Muslims in Egypt and Bosnia. Interviews with Islamic freedom fighters and war casualties shed light on the dynamics of the ongoing struggle for the survival of these communities. Includes footage of the assassination of President Sadat by Islamic fundamentalists as well as interviews with members of Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya about the attempts to create an Islamic state. The episode discusses the divide between the rich and poor, as well as the role of the police in torturing Islamic suspects. In Bosnia, where the Islamic faith is under threat by Serbian and Croat forces, the film’s focus is on the effects of the war on the Bosnian Muslim population and their loss of faith in the Western powers. Contains interviews with Bosnian civilians, Bosnian Muslim fighters, and UN military personnel; footage from hospitals in Sarajevo; and some historical background on Islamism in Bosnia.
English, Bosnian, Serbian, English language, Date of production: 1993, Duration: 53 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00010001
BetaSP NTSC #7
The Terrorist and the Superpower
On Friday August 7, 1998, two car bombs exploded simultaneously at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 268 people. Was this the work of an individual terrorist or the symptom of more deeply rooted vendettas against the U.S.? The Frontline documentary speaks about Osama Bin Laden and his engagement with the United States, and tries to answer to this question by interviewing many people, including Prudence Bushnell (U.S. Ambassador to Kenya), Ahmed Sattar, Saad Al-Fagih (Saudi Dissident), Milt Bearden (Former CIA Officer), Said K. Aburish (Journalist and Author), Mohammed Al-Masari (Saudi Dissident), Frank Anderson (Former CIA Officer), Abdul-Rahman Amjad (Student), Inayat I. Lalani, M.D., Khalid Y. Hamideh (Attorney), Gen. Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir (President of Sudan), Larry C. Johnson (Former Director of the U.S. State Department), Dr. Ghazi Salah Al-Din Atabani (Minister of information, Sudan), Maoulid Hadji (Local Muslim Leader, Dar es Salaam), Samuel R. Berger (National Security Advisor), Thomas Pickering (Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs), Sheikh Ali Shee (Chairman of the Council of Imams), H. Ibrahim Salih, PhD (Political Science Professor), and Yasmin Khan M.D.
English language, Date of air: 1999-04-13, Date of production: 1999, Duration: 52 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00010002
BetaSP NTSC #8
Frontline: In Search of Bin Laden
This documentary is the updated version of the Frontline 1999 documentary “The Terrorist and the Superpower.” This time it investigates Osama bin Laden in order to find out whether the bombings were the work of an individual terrorist, or whether they represented the roots of an even deeper hatred toward the United States. It features a new introduction by journalist Bill Moyers, who discusses the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. “In Search of bin Laden” provides background and insight into bin Laden's life and motives, from his formative experience in the Afghan jihad against the Soviets, to the 1998 bombings of two United States embassies in Africa and his statements and fatwas calling for the murder of Americans. This updated version features information on bin Laden's believed role in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, an interview with Times reporter Judith Miller, and a new interview with former State Department counterterrorism official Larry Johnson.
English language, Date of air: 2001-09-13, Date of production: 2001, Duration: 55 min.
Digital version available | HU_OSA_00010003