HU OSA 103-0-7 Publications

Identity Statement

Reference Code
HU OSA 103-0-7
1994 - 1997
Description Level
Extent and medium (processed)
2 Archival boxes, 0.25 linear meters

Content and Structure

Scope and Content (Abstract)
This series consists of scholarly journals (East European Constitutional Review), handbooks, and newsletters, as well as outreach material such as program descriptions published or co-published by COLPI. The most of the handbooks were written by outstanding Hungarian legal scholars, such as Gábor Halmai or Zoltán Fleck, and cover topics such as freedom of expression and freedom of the press in the practice of the constitutional and regular courts.

Not Expected

Conditions of Access and Use

Conditions governing access
Open for research
English, Hungarian, Russian

Description Control

Archivist's note
Arranged by Olena Kuchynska in February, 2003; described by Csaba Szilagyi, April, 2008; revised by Csaba Szilagyi, March, 2010.
Call Number Description
Archival boxes #1
East European Constitutional Review: Poland's New Constitution, 1997
[Volume 6, Number 2-3, Spring-Summer 1997; Published quarterly by Central European University and the Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute (Budapest); Copyright: EECR; 103 p.]
East European Constitutional Review: Understanding Postcommunist Crime and Corruption, 1997
[Volume 6, Number 4, Fall 1997; A Quarterly Published by New York University of Law and Central European University, Budapest; Copyright: EECR; 123 p.]
Leaflets, 1996 - 1998
[In English and Russian; Program Descriptions Spring 1996, 1998;]
COLPI Newsletter, 1998
[Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1998; Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute]
Corruption and Democracy: Political Institutions, Processes and Corruption in Transition States in East-Central Europe and in the former Soviet Union / edited by Duc V. Trang, 1994
[Copyright: Institute for Constitutional and Legislative Policy; 246 p.]
COLPI letter on publication "A lapalapítás és a sajtószabadság magyar és nemzetközi szabályozása" / Kovács Krisztina and Cseh Gabriella, 1996
[Budapest, December 17, 1996]
A lapalapítás és a sajtószabadság magyar és nemzetközi szabályozása / Kovács Krisztina, Cseh Gabriella, 1996
[Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Instute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Budapest; 50 p.]
A kifejezés szabadsága az Alkotmánybíróság joggyakorlatában / Halmai Gábor, 1996
[Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Budapest; 38 p.]
A véleménynyilvánítás határai a magyar bírói gyakorlatban / Fleck Zoltán, 1996
[Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Instute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Budapest; 50 p.]
Administrative Justice in the New European Democracies: Case Studies of Administrative Law and Process in Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine / Denis J. Galligan, R.H.Langan, C.S. Nicandrou, 1998
[Copyright: Open Society Institute, Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford; 652 p.]
COLPI Newsletter, 1998 - 2002
[Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1998; Vol. 2, Issue 1, Winter 1999; Vol. 2, Issue 2, Summer 1999; Vol. 2, Issue 3, Fall 1999; Vol. 4, Issue 1, Spring 2001; Vol.3, Issue 2, Winter 2001/2002; Vol. 4. Issue 3, Summer 2002; Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute]
A médiatörvény és ami utána következik: Fogalmak, intézmények és vitakérdések a médiatörvényben / Cseh Gabriella, Sükösd Miklós, 1997
[Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Alkotmány és Jogpolitikai Intézet (A Nyílt Társadalom Intézet Társintézete), Budapest; 144 p.]
Developing Alternatives to Prison in Central and Eastern Europe and Centra Asia: A Guidance Handbook / Vivien Stern, 2002
[Series: COLPI Paper No. 6, May 2002; Published by Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI); Copyright: Open Society Institute; 60 p.]
Razrabotka mer, al'ternativnykh tiuremnomu zakliucheniiu v stranakh tsentral'noi i voctochnoi evropy i srednei azii: Spravochnik / Viv'en Stern, 2002
[Series: COLPI Paper No. 6, May 2002; Published by Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI); Copyright: Open Society Institute; 62 p.]
Archival boxes #2
Alkotmányos elvek és esetek: Kézikönyv, 1996
[Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute (COLPI); 710 p.]
Grazhdanin v voennoi forme: Pravovye problemy srochnoi clyzhby v mirnoe vpemia / edited by Ilony Kish, 1999
[Published by Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute (COLPI); Copyright: Open Society Institute-Budapest; 191 p.]
Costs of Rights in Psychiatry II.: Comparative Data from Five Eastern-Europen Countries / Edited by Béla Buda, Anna Gondos, Zsolt Demetrovics, 1998
[Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest; 230 p.]
Costs of Rights in Psychiatry II.: Hungarian Study and Conclusion / Edited by Béla Buda, Anna Gondos, Zsolt Demetrovics, 1998
[Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest; 127 p.]
Rozhodcovská činnosť Ústavného súdu Slovenskej Republiky 1993-1997 / Peter Kresák et al., 1999
[Published by: Vydavateľstvo Kalligram; Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest; 632 p.]