Not Expected
Call Number | Description |
Archival boxes #1 | |
East European Constitutional Review: Poland's New Constitution, 1997 [Volume 6, Number 2-3, Spring-Summer 1997; Published quarterly by Central European University and the Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute (Budapest); Copyright: EECR; 103 p.] |
East European Constitutional Review: Understanding Postcommunist Crime and Corruption, 1997 [Volume 6, Number 4, Fall 1997; A Quarterly Published by New York University of Law and Central European University, Budapest; Copyright: EECR; 123 p.] |
Leaflets, 1996 - 1998 [In English and Russian; Program Descriptions Spring 1996, 1998;] |
COLPI Newsletter, 1998 [Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1998; Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute] |
Corruption and Democracy: Political Institutions, Processes and Corruption in Transition States in East-Central Europe and in the former Soviet Union / edited by Duc V. Trang, 1994 [Copyright: Institute for Constitutional and Legislative Policy; 246 p.] |
COLPI letter on publication "A lapalapítás és a sajtószabadság magyar és nemzetközi szabályozása" / Kovács Krisztina and Cseh Gabriella, 1996 [Budapest, December 17, 1996] |
A lapalapítás és a sajtószabadság magyar és nemzetközi szabályozása / Kovács Krisztina, Cseh Gabriella, 1996 [Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Instute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Budapest; 50 p.] |
A kifejezés szabadsága az Alkotmánybíróság joggyakorlatában / Halmai Gábor, 1996 [Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Budapest; 38 p.] |
A véleménynyilvánítás határai a magyar bírói gyakorlatban / Fleck Zoltán, 1996 [Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Instute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Budapest; 50 p.] |
Administrative Justice in the New European Democracies: Case Studies of Administrative Law and Process in Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine / Denis J. Galligan, R.H.Langan, C.S. Nicandrou, 1998 [Copyright: Open Society Institute, Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford; 652 p.] |
COLPI Newsletter, 1998 - 2002 [Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1998; Vol. 2, Issue 1, Winter 1999; Vol. 2, Issue 2, Summer 1999; Vol. 2, Issue 3, Fall 1999; Vol. 4, Issue 1, Spring 2001; Vol.3, Issue 2, Winter 2001/2002; Vol. 4. Issue 3, Summer 2002; Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute] |
A médiatörvény és ami utána következik: Fogalmak, intézmények és vitakérdések a médiatörvényben / Cseh Gabriella, Sükösd Miklós, 1997 [Copyright: Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute (Affiliated with the Open Society Institute), Alkotmány és Jogpolitikai Intézet (A Nyílt Társadalom Intézet Társintézete), Budapest; 144 p.] |
Developing Alternatives to Prison in Central and Eastern Europe and Centra Asia: A Guidance Handbook / Vivien Stern, 2002 [Series: COLPI Paper No. 6, May 2002; Published by Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI); Copyright: Open Society Institute; 60 p.] |
Razrabotka mer, al'ternativnykh tiuremnomu zakliucheniiu v stranakh tsentral'noi i voctochnoi evropy i srednei azii: Spravochnik / Viv'en Stern, 2002 [Series: COLPI Paper No. 6, May 2002; Published by Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI); Copyright: Open Society Institute; 62 p.] |
Archival boxes #2 | |
Alkotmányos elvek és esetek: Kézikönyv, 1996 [Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute (COLPI); 710 p.] |
Grazhdanin v voennoi forme: Pravovye problemy srochnoi clyzhby v mirnoe vpemia / edited by Ilony Kish, 1999 [Published by Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute (COLPI); Copyright: Open Society Institute-Budapest; 191 p.] |
Costs of Rights in Psychiatry II.: Comparative Data from Five Eastern-Europen Countries / Edited by Béla Buda, Anna Gondos, Zsolt Demetrovics, 1998 [Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest; 230 p.] |
Costs of Rights in Psychiatry II.: Hungarian Study and Conclusion / Edited by Béla Buda, Anna Gondos, Zsolt Demetrovics, 1998 [Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest; 127 p.] |
Rozhodcovská činnosť Ústavného súdu Slovenskej Republiky 1993-1997 / Peter Kresák et al., 1999 [Published by: Vydavateľstvo Kalligram; Copyright: Constitutional & Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest; 632 p.] |