HU OSA 300-40-16 Hungary 1956 Revolution Photographs

Identity Statement

Reference Code
HU OSA 300-40-16
Hungary 1956 Revolution Photographs
1956 - 1957
Description Level
Extent and medium (processed)
3 Archival photo box, 0.98 linear meters


Name of creator(s)
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc - Research Institute
Administrative / Biographical history

Archival history
In 1995 the Open Society Archives acquired a collection of 157 photographs from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Hungarian Desk taken by Hungarian and Western photo journalists in Hungary during the revolution. The Research Institute of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) in Munich, Germany collected these pictures, together with their original captions for the purposes of an exhibition organized by RFE/RL Hungarian Desk to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Revolution at the RFE/RL in 1986. ​ ​​ ​ ​Using the original news agency and RFE/RL captions, and identifying locations of the events captured in the photos, the collection was initially processed at OSA in 1996. For reference services, reproductions – both negatives and prints – were created of the photographic master prints in 1996, too. The series was digitized in 2018 by OSA.​ ​ ​

Content and Structure

Scope and Content (Abstract)


​The 157 photographs, negatives and paper prints, were originally taken by Hungarian and Western photo journalists in Hungary during the 1956 Revolution, and collected by Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty for the purposes of an exhibition.

Scope and Content (Narrative)
The 157 photographs, negatives and paper prints, were originally taken by Hungarian and Western photo journalists in Hungary during the 1956 Revolution. The Research Institute of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) in Munich, Germany collected these pictures, together with their original captions for the purposes of an exhibition organized by RFE/RL Hungarian Desk to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Revolution at the RFE/RL in 1986. The curator of the exhibition was Gyula Borbándi. 

Some of the photos of the Western news agencies were published in the special edition of Life magazine in November, 1956. The publication of the photos caused great concern in Hungary and at Radio Free Europe as well fearing that the Hungarian political police might use the photographs to identify street fighters, demonstrators and other participants of the Revolution, which could potentially be dangerous for them. 

The collection comprises of the original RFE/RL master prints, their captions, some additional description from the 1986 Munich exhibition, and of the reproductions created by OSA for access purposes. Many of the photographs have duplicates in various qualities and sizes. 

The 157 unique objects and their copies are assembled and kept in special sleeves in three acid-free archival boxes and are open for the public. A digital set is also available. 


Not Expected

Conditions of Access and Use

Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Digitally available.


Many of the pictures were used in the first ever exhibition organized at OSA at its 5th district Eötvös Street premises, titled “The Representation of the Counter-revolution” 5 November – 1 December 1996. The collection was re-processed by Stephanie Haszczyn (CEU student) and Zsuzsanna Zádori (OSA), the finding aids was edited by Judit Hegedűs (OSA) in 2018.


HU OSA 300-40-16
1956 - 1957
Leírás szintje
Terjedelem, adathordozók (feldolgozott)
3 levéltári fényképdoboz, 0.98 folyóméter


Készítő(k) nevei
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc - Research Institute
A megőrzés története
A Vera és Donald Blinken Nyílt Társadalom Archívum 1995-ben kapta meg a Szabad Európa Rádió/Szabadság Rádió magyar szerkesztőségétől a 157 fotót, amelyeket magyar és nyugati sajtófotósok készítettek Magyarországon az 1956-os forradalom során. A Szabad Európa Rádió/Szabadság Rádió Münchenben működő Kutatóintézete a képeket az eredeti képaláírásokkal együtt a SzER/SzR-ben a magyar szerkesztőség által 1986-ban rendezett, a forradalom 30. évfordulójáról megemlékező kiállítás céljából gyűjtötte össze.  Az OSA 1996-ban dolgozta fel a gyűjteményt az eredeti hírügynökségi fotók és a SzER/SzR képaláírások alapján, a helyszínek és események beazonosításával.  A sorozatot az OSA 2018-ban digitalizálta.

Tartalom és Szerkezet

Tárgy és tartalom (Kivonat)
​A 157 fényképet -negatívokat és papírképek – eredetileg magyar és nyugati sajtófotósok készítették Magyarországon az 1956-os forradalom során. A képeket később a Szabad Európa Rádió/Szabadság Rádió gyűjtötte össze kiállítás céljából. 

Tárgy és tartalom (Narratív)
A 157 fényképet -negatívokat és papírképek – eredetileg magyar és nyugati sajtófotósok készítették Magyarországon az 1956-os forradalom során. 

A Szabad Európa Rádió/Szabadság Rádió Münchenben működő Kutatóintézete a képeket az eredeti képaláírásokkal együtt a SzER/SzR-ben a magyar szerkesztőség által 1986-ban rendezett, a forradalom 30. évfordulójáról megemlékező kiállítás céljából gyűjtötte össze. A kiállítás kurátora Borbándi Gyula volt. 

A nyugati hírügynökségek által készített fotók némelyike 1956 novemberében megjelenet a Life magazin különszámában, ami aggodalmat keltett mind Magyarországon, mind a SzER szerkesztőségében, hogy a képek veszélybe sodorják a fegyveres felkelőket, tüntetőket és a forradalom egyéb résztvevőit, mert a magyar politikai rendőrség a fényképek alapján azonosítani tudja őket. 

A gyűjteménybe tartoznak a SzER/SzR 1956-os kiállítására összegyűjtött papírképek, képaláírások és egyéb információk, illetve az OSA által kutatási célra gyártott másolatok. 

Számos fotónak több, eltérő minőségű és méretű másolata is van. A 157 egyedi kép és ezek duplumai speciális fóliában, három savmentes dobozban találhatóak, szabadon kutathatóak. Digitális sorozatként is hozzáférhetőek. 


Nem várható

Hozzáférés és Felhasználás

Jogi helyzet
Not Restricted
Fizikai jellemzők, technikai követelmények
Digitálisan elérhető.
Call Number Description
Archival photo box #1
HU OSA 300-40-16_001.jpg
Imre Nagy, His Wife Mária Égető and Their Daughter Erzsébet Nagy, 1947
The members of Imre Nagy's family pose for a photograph.
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Red Star Thrown into the Grave of Secret Police Officers in Mosonmagyaróvár, 1956
A young Hungarian revolutionary throws red star into a hole where three State Security Authority officers were buried after the city of Mosonmagyaróvár was taken over by the revolutionary forces. Before the change of hands, the three officers ordered volley-firing which ended in the massacre of one hundred and two civilian demonstrators.
Secret Police Officers Buried After Massacre. A Young Hungarian rebel throws Red Star into a hole where three secret police officers were buried after city of Mosonmagyaróvár was taken over by rebel forces. Before change of hands, the three officers ordered the massacre of 88 persons. Picture taken Oct.28. FRA/ Staff/ Lindlar. LD NEG. NY PS RM MIL STOCK ZUR PRINT.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes e
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HU OSA 300-40-16_003.jpg
Ernő Gerő and János Kádár, 1956
Ernő Gerő replaced Mátyás Rákosi during 1956 and became First Secretary of the Hungarian Working People's Party, the ruling communist party in Hungary. His speech on October 23 denouncing the Hungarian students' protest angered the protesters and sparked the Hungarian revolution. He was exiled from Hungary until 1960 and following his return to Hungary was expelled from the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Pary, the successor of the Hungarian Working People's Party. János Kádár was the General Secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Paryfrom 1956 until 1988.
Ernő Gerő, Vorsitzender des Zentralsukretariats. Erster Sekretär und vorsitzender des Znetralsekretariats wurde in Budapest Ernoe Geroe (links). Zu den gleichfalls in das 11-köpfige Führungsgremium gewählten Mitgliedern gehört Joseph Kadar (rechts), der ebenfalls verurteilt war und jetzt rehabilitie t wurde. 24.10.1956.
Copyright United Pressphotos (UP) dieses photo ist ihnen nur zur veroffenflichung in ihrem blatt verkaurt und darf ohne unsere schriftliche genehmigung nicht weitergegeben,weitervetrieben oder zu reklamezwecken verwendet werden. durch annahme dieser aufnahme erklaren sie sich bereit, an United Press Photos keine verlust - oder schadenersatzanspruche zu stellen die sich aus ihrer verwendung oder veroffentlichung dieser aufnahme ergeben kohnten. frankfurt
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HU OSA 300-40-16_004.jpg
Priest Leads Anti-Communist Demonstration in Győr, 1956
A priest leads a procession of high-school boys in an anti-communist demonstration through Győr.
Priest leads anti-communist demonstration. A priest leads a procession of high-school boys in a parade through Győr, North-western Hungary, October 28, in a demonstration against the communist regime. the whole of north west Hungary appears to be under the control of the "Independent Hungarian Government" at Győr.
AP/VIE F 18381.291056 RG. Associated Press Photo from London (original of Wirephoto)
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HU OSA 300-40-16_005.jpg
Revolutionaries Lead off Captured Officer of the State Security Authority, 1956
Revolutionaries lead off captured pfficer of the State Security Authority, who had tried to disguise himself as a doctor.
Captured secret police man. Budapest, Nov.2. AP. Revolutionaries lead off captured AVH/ communist secret police/ man who had tried to disguise himself as a doctor.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_006.jpg
Funeral Service for Hungarian Revolutionaries in Mosonmagyaróvár, 1956
The funeral service in Mosonmagyaróvár took place on the 28th October after more than 100 residents of the town were massacred by the troops of the State Security Authority.
Trauerfeier Für Offer Des Aufstandes in Ungarn. Unter grosser Anteilnahme der Bevälkerung fand am 28. Oktober 1956 in Ungarison Altenburg die Beisetzung der Opfer des Aufstandes statt. Fast 100 Einwohner wurden hier während des Aufstandes von kommunistischen ungarischen Truppen getötet. WIE/FRA/BER 2565/A 10/B 4/C 8 28.10.1956.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_007.jpg
A Hanged and Cut off Secret Police Officer, 1956
Revolutionaries hanged and cut off two officers of the State Security Authority at this tree in Budapest.
FK-D-1745. Hanged and Cut off secret police man. Budapest, Hungary, Nov.2 -AP-rebels hanged and cut off two (AVH) secret police officers at this tree in Budapest. FRA/VIE/Staff. Nov 3, 1956 HG. LD NEG.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_008.jpg
Four Rebels, 1956
Members of the Hungarian anti-communist rebel forces at the Austrian border checkpoint on the Vienna/Budapest highway. Man second from left was wounded in fighting. These rebels accompanied trucks picking up medical supplies at the border.
Faces of the Rebels. Members of the Hungarian anti-communist rebel forces at the Austrian border checkpoint on the Vienna/Budapest highway. Man second from left was wounded in fighting. These rebels accompanies trucks picking up medical supplies at the border. Picture taken October 28. FRA/Staff/Lindlar LD NEG PS RM MIL Stock ZUR NY Print
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_009.jpg
Temporary Graves on the Street, 1956
Three victims of the revolution were burried in temporary graves in a Budapest street. In the background a burnt-out truck is visible.
Strasse Wurde Friedhof. Drei Opfer des ungarisehen Aufstandee haben in einer strasse in Budapest ein vorläufiges Grab erhalten. Im Hintergrund sieht man die Trümmer eines ausgebrannten Lastwagens. LON/FRA/BER/2620/A 65/B 19/C 43/ 2.11.56
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_010.jpg
Revolutionaries Check a Civilian's Identity Card, 1956
Revolutionaries check the identity card of a civilian in Budapest. Checks are made to to find communist functionaries and members of the secret police.
Revolutionaries Check Civilians. Budapest, Oct.31 AP Revolutionaries check identity card of a civilian in a Budapest street today. Checks are made to to find communist functionaries and members of the secret police. FRA/Staff/Lindlar. LD NEG
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_011.jpg
Hungarian Border Guards on the Austrian Border Talk to a Communist Collaborator, 1956
Two Hungarian border guards at the Austro-Hungarianian border near Szentgotthárd chat with a communist collaborator. The guard on the left, a communist sympathiser, who agreed to be photographed but refused to give his name, carries a Soviet-made submachine gun.The guard on the right, Lieutenant Kanyó, is a Communist who pretended to support the Hungarian freedom fighters when they held the upper hand but switched back when the Soviets arrived to suppress the revolution.
Communist watchdogs-- just inside Hungary at the Austrian frontier, two Hungarian border guads chat with a Communist collaborator. the guard at left, a Communist sympathiser who agreed to be photographed but refused his name, carries a 7.65 millimeter (approximately .32-caliber) Soviet made sub-machinegun. The guard at right, Lieutenant Kanyo, is a diehard Communist who pretended to sympathise with the hungarian freedom fighters when the held the upper hand but switched back when the Soviets cracked down. Photo was taken Nov.6, 1956, near the small Hungarian town of Szentgotthárd, in southwest Hungary 40 miles east of the Austrian city of Graz.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_012.jpg
Border Guard After the Soviet Suppression of the Revolution, 1956
A Hungarian border guard on the Austro-Hungarian border near Szentgotthárd wearing a cap which displays the red star after the Soviet crackdown on the freedom fighters. He agreed to the photograph, but refused to give his name. He carries a 7.65 millimeter (approximately 32-caliber) Soviet made submachine gun.
On guard-- communist sympathising Hungarian border guard has resotred the red star to his cap after the Soviet crackdown on the freedom fighters. He agreed to photograph, but refused to give his name. He carries a 7.65 millimeter (approximately .32-caliber) Soviet made sub-machinegun. Photo was tken on Nov.6, 1956, just insdie the border near the southwest Hungarian small town of Szentgotthárd, 40 miles east of the Austrian city of Graz.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_013.jpg
Poster Calling to Fight and Strike, 1956
Poster of the Hungarian revolutionary youth on a public telephone box on Kosztolányi Dezső Square addressing the Hungarian people to fight and go on with stikes for independence.
Kosztolányi Square: Poster of the Hungarian revolutionary youth on a public telephone box
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HU OSA 300-40-16_014.jpg
Women Returning from Austria to Hungary, 1956
Hungarian women, who escaped with their husbands and children to Austria prepare to retum to the Hungarian border town of Szentgotthárd. The border barrier is just in front of the house with snow on roof. Defying the communist crackdown, the women hope to salvage personal belongings and rejoin their men in Austria.
Bleak Return-- Grim faced Hungarian women who escaped with their husbands to Austria prepare to return with their children to the Hungarian border town of Szentgotthárd. Border barrier is just in front of house with snow on roof. Defying the Communist crackdown, the women hope to salvage personal belongings and rejoin their men in Austria. Photo was take n Nov. 6 1956 at the border just 40 miles east of Graz.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_015.jpg
Fighting Scene on a Street, 1956
Fighting in Budapest, with burning tank, people milling around and smoke rising in the distance. Népszínház Street ; József Boulevard
In Brand Gesteckt.... wurde diezes Geschütz auf Selbatfahr.. lafette von Aufständischen in den Strassen von Budapest während der echweren Kämpfe. WIE/FRA/BER/2570/A 15
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_016.jpg
The Revolutionary Hungarian Flag, 1956
People hanging the symbol of the revolution on their balcony: the national red, white and green flag with a hole in the middle where the communist coat of arms was cut out.
Archiv-Bild Nur leinweise Nach Benutzung zurück an U.P. Frankfurt. Copyright UNITED PRESS PHOTOS 2, Rue des Italiens- Paris (IX) Teleph. TAltbout 62-58 le droit de reproduire la presente photo est vendu uniquement a votre Publication. Vous ne pouvez ni la retroceder, meme gratuitement, ni l'utiliser pout la publicite, sans accord prealable et ecrit d'UNITED PRESS PHOTOS/ Nous degageons notre responsabilite de tous dommages ou toutes consequences du fait de sa publication ou de sa perte, qui sont a votre charge exclusive.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_017.jpg
Anti-Communist Soldiers Checking Documents, 1956
Anti-communist soldiers near the Austro-Hungarian border checking a Hungarian citizen under the road signs pointing to Budapest and Mosonmagyaróvár. The photographer Walter Lindlar managed to get to Győr without any difficulties.
Aufstandische Soldaten Übernahmen Kontrolle-- in dem von ihnen besetzten Gebiet zwischen der Österreichischen Grenze und dem Platten- see führen die anti-kommunistischen ungarischen Truppen an allen wichtigen Strassenkreuzungen Ausweiskontrollen durch. Associated Press Photo zeigt anti-kommunistischen ungarische Soldaten, die an einer Strassen-kreuzung in der Nähe der ungarischen Stadt Gyoer einen Zivilisten kontrollieren. Das Bild machte am 28.Oktober 1956 der AP-photograph Walter Lindlar, der bis nach Gyoer ohne Schwierigkeiten fahren durfte.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_018.jpg
A Broken Tram in Budapest in front of Hotel Astoria, 1956
Smashed and derailed tram cars in Budapest, in front of Hotel Astoria.
Latest pictures out of Hungary.... Just received by air.... smashed street-cars in Budapest smashed and derailed before the Hotel B----t Astoria in Budapest. AP/VIE 18446. An Associated Press photo.
Copyright Associated Press Photo supplied by The Associated Press LTD 83-86 Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Fleet Street 1515.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_019.jpg
Destruction on Rákóczi Street, Budapest, 1956
The wreckage on Rákóczi Street after a Soviet bomb was dropped on Budapest. The Soviets proved unable to break Budapest with tanks and artillery, so they began to use bomber planes.
Russische Bomben Auf Budapest-- unser Associated Press Photo zeigt einen Blick in die Budapester Rakoczy Strasse nach einem russischen Bombenangriff auf die schwerleidende Stadt am 8. November 1956. Nachdem die sowjetischen Truppen nicht in der lage gewesen waren, mit Panzern und artillerie den Wilderstand der Freiheits-kampfer zu brechen, astzten sie Flugzeuge ein.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_020.jpg
Removing the Red Star from the Budapest Town Hall, 1956
Cheering demonstrators watch as one of them rips away the red star that ornates the Budapest Town Hall.
Hungary Rebels. Budapest: Demonstrators watch happily as one of them rips away the red star emblem that ornate Budapest Town Hall facade. Street fighting broke out in the Hungarian Capital between demonstrators and police forces. the government of the newly appointed Premier Imre Nagy had to call on Russian troops to help quell the rebels. Credit: United Press Photo (JM)
Archiv-Bild Nur leinweise Nach Benutzung zurück an U.P. Frankfurt. Copyright UNITED PRESS PHOTOS 2, Rue des Italiens- Paris (IX) Teleph. TAltbout 62-58 le droit de reproduire la presente photo est vendu uniquement a votre Publication. Vous ne pouvez ni la retroceder, meme gratuitement, ni l'utiliser pout la publicite, sans accord prealable et ecrit d'UNITED PRESS PHOTOS/ Nous degageons notre responsabilite de tous dommages ou toutes consequences du fait de sa publication ou de sa perte, qui sont a votre charge exclusive.
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HU OSA 300-40-16_021.jpg
Damaged Killán Barracks and Neighboring Building, 1956
Severely damaged buildings in Budapest. Kilián barracks is on the right side of the picture. Üllői Street.
Budapest Am 16. November 1956. Besonders tiefe Spuren der Kämpfe um Budapest trugen die Häuser davon, die gegenüber der Maria-Theresia- Kaserme (Kilian-Kaserne) stehen, um die lange und heftig gekämpft wurde. Dieses Bild wurde am 16.November 1956 aufgenommen und uns von einem Flüchtling mitgebracht. Wie/Fra/Ber 2786/A16/010. 19.11.56.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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A Captured Soviet Army Tank Flies the Hungarian Flag, 1956
A captured Soviet tank flies the Hungarian red, white and green flag as its crew of Hungarian Revolutionaries prepare to join in the fighting.
58103: A captured Russian Army tank flies the Hungarian red white and green tank as its Hungarian rioters crowd readies to go to the fighting
Archiv-Bild Nur leinweise Nach Benutzung zurück an U.P. Frankfurt. Copyright UNITED PRESS PHOTOS 2, Rue des Italiens- Paris (IX) Teleph. TAltbout 62-58 le droit de reproduire la presente photo est vendu uniquement a votre Publication. Vous ne pouvez ni la retroceder, meme gratuitement, ni l'utiliser pout la publicite, sans accord prealable et ecrit d'UNITED PRESS PHOTOS/ Nous degageons notre responsabilite de tous dommages ou toutes consequences du fait de sa publication ou de sa perte, qui sont a votre charge exclusive.
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The Ruins of a Department Store, 1956
A department store in ruins.
Ruins of a department store (location unknown)
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A Blown Up Soviet Tank Surrounded by Civilians, 1956
A broken Soviet tank sits on the corner of Móricz Zsigmond Circus and Himfy Street, with a small crowd around it.
Móricz Zsigmond Circle: Destroyed Soviet tank at the corner of Himfy Street
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A Destroyed Building on Móricz Zsigmond Circus, 1956
People look at the building in the center of the photo, which was destroyed by point blank fire of Soviet tanks.
Móricz Zsigmond Circle no.2: House destroyed by point-blank fire of Soviet tanks
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Destroyed Apartment Buidling on Móricz Zsigmond Circus, 1956
The aftermath of fighting shows at Móricz Zsigmond Circus.
Móricz Zsigmond Circle: Destroyed Apartment Building
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Red Cross Casualty Clearance in Budapest, 1956
A Red Cross truck has a man in white medical smock waving a red cross flag from the running board as it tours the war-torn Budapest in search of victims of the fighting. A man armed with a rifle sits on the mudguard at the front as an additional precaution against interference.
Casualty clearance. Red cross truck has a man in white medical smock waving a red cross flaf from the running board as it tours the war-torn Budapest in search of victims of the fighting. A man armed with a rifle sits on the mudguard in front as an additional precaution against interference. NCHR F 18593 011156ErG
Associated Press Photo from London. Copyright Associated Press Photo supplied by The Associated Press Ltd., 83-86, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Phone: Fleet Street 1515
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A Bullet Damaged Tram at Rákóczi Square, 1956
The tram on Rákóczi Square was damaged in the early days of the fighting.
Rákóczi Square: Streetcar damaged in the early fighting.
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A Man Looking at a Ruined Building, 1956
A man looks at the ruins of an apartment building.
Ruins of an apartment house (location unknown)
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The Remains of a Corner Building, 1956
As they walk by, women look up at the huge hole in the building.
Heavily damaged apartment houses (location unknown)
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The Austro-Hungarian Border, 1956
A sign in the woods reads country border in German. A watchtower is in the background.
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Removal of the Soviet Emblem, 1956
Workman on a ladder removes Soviet emblem from the facade of a building on Honvéd Street.
Honvéd Street. Workman on ladder removes Soviet emblem
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Destroyed Soviet Artillery on Ferenc Boulevard, 1956
Two pieces of Soviet artillery lie broken on tram tracks. People walk and cycle by.
Ferenc Circle: Destroyed and damaged Soviet artillery
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Caskets of Victims of the Mosonmagyaróvár Massacre, 1956
Mourners pray at the caskets of massacre victims, piled up one atop the other. Over one hundred Hungarians who were shot by order of Secret Police officers in Mosonmagyaróvár before the anti-Communist revolutionaries could take over the West Hungarian town.
Caskets of Massacre Victims. Women pray at caskets, piled up one atop the other, containing the bodies of some of the 88 Hungarians shot by order of Secret Police officers in Magyarovar before the anti-communist rebels forces could take over the west Hungarian town. Picture taken October 28. Fra/Staff/Lindlar Oct 29, 1956 HG. LD NEG NY PS RM MIL STOCK ZUR PRINT
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Endre Horváth, János Tomán and László Germán, 1956
Endre Horváth (in the middle), member of the Transdanubian National Revolutionary Committee, together with his advisors, János Tomán (left) and László Germán (right).
AP Funkphoto Aus Wien. AP Abonnementsphoto. Associated Press photo Frankfurt. Führer Der Aufständischen. Der ungarische Revolutionsführer Endre Horvath (Mitte), Präsident der Transdonauischen Freiheitskämpfer mit seinen Beratern. Links, der militärisch Ratgeber, Johann Toman; rechts, der politische Ratgeber, German Maszlo. FRA/STAFF/VIE/2629/A74/ 3/11/1956.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Hungarian Freedom Fighters Driving a Captured Soviet Tank, 1956
Waving the Hungarian flag, Hungarian revolutionaries hurry to the help of their comrades on a captured Soviet tank in Budapest.
Hungary Uprises. Budapest: After overpowering the crew of a Russian made tank Hungarian rioter crowd on it end go to the help of their comrades waving the flag of Nationalist Hungary during the uprising in Budapest that necessitates the use of Russian troops. Oct 26.56. United Press Photos
Copyright United Pressphotos (UP) dieses photo ist ihnen nur zur veroffenflichung in ihrem blatt verkaurt und darf ohne unsere schriftliche genehmigung nicht weitergegeben,weitervetrieben oder zu reklamezwecken verwendet werden. durch annahme dieser aufnahme erklaren sie sich bereit, an United Press Photos keine verlust - oder schadenersatzanspruche zu stellen die sich aus ihrer verwendung oder veroffentlichung dieser aufnahme ergeben kohnten. frankfurt
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Stalin's Boots Fly the Hungarian Flag, 1956
A Hungarian national flag has been stuck in Iosiph Stalin's boots, the only piece of the giant bronze statue of the Soviet dictator that remained on the pedestal. The statue stood on Felvonulási Square, currently Ötvenhatosok Square
United Press Photo. Budapest. In Joseph Stalin's empty boots a National Hungarian flag has been stuck, sorn in many places by bullets. Two huge empty boots are all that's left of the oversize bronze statue of the late Soviet ruler Joseph Stalin FK23293/3
Copyright United Pressphotos (UP) dieses photo ist ihnen nur zur veroffenflichung in ihrem blatt verkaurt und darf ohne unsere schriftliche genehmigung nicht weitergegeben,weitervetrieben oder zu reklamezwecken verwendet werden. durch annahme dieser aufnahme erklaren sie sich bereit, an United Press Photos keine verlust - oder schadenersatzanspruche zu stellen die sich aus ihrer verwendung oder veroffentlichung dieser aufnahme ergeben kohnten. frankfurt
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The Budapest-Vienna Highway off Mosonmagyaróvár at the Beginning of the Siege of the Hungarian Capital, 1956
A few kilometres from the Austro-Hungarian border near Mosonmagyaróvár, the main road to Budapest has been blocked by the Soviets at the beginning of the siege of the Hungarian capital.
AP Abonnements photo. Associated Press Photo. Frankfurt/main. Mit der blockierung. Der Hauptstrasse Budapest-Wien leiteten die sowjets am 3. November 1956 ihren Angriff auf die ungarische Hauptstadt ein. Under Associated Press Photo zeigt die blockierte Strasse bei Madyarovar, wenige kilometer vor der österrei-ohischen grenze. WIE/FRA/BER/2634/ A 2/B 1/C 2
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A Soviet Tank at Mosonmagyaróvár, 1956
Soviet tanks arrive to stifle the movement of the Hungarian revolutionaries as the siege of Budapest begins.
AP Abonnements photo. Associated Press Photo. Frankfurt/main. Sowjetpanzer Ersticken Freiheitsbewegung. Sowjetische panzer beim einrücken am 4. November 1956 in Ungarisch-altenburg (Magyarova) zur Unterdrückung der ungarischen Freiheitsbewegung. Das Bild wurde von einem Flüchtling, der am 5. November in Österreich eintraf, gemacht. WIE/FRA/BER/2656/A 24/B/ 7/ C 17/ 5.11.56
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Peter Hoffer, Walter Lindlar with Two Others, 1956
In a meadow, Associated Press reporter Peter Hoffer, standing the closest to the Volkswagen, and Associated Press photorapher Walter Lindlar and two others stand by their Volkswagen Beetle in which they escaped from Budapest before the siege began. The car had a dent during their escape.
Durchgekommen.... sind Peter Hoffer, Reporter der Associated Press, und der Frankfurter AP-Photograph Walter Lindlar. Mit ihrem Volkswagen schlugen sie sich über Feldwege zur österreichischen Grenze. Alle Hauptstrasse waren durch sowjetische Truppen abgesperrt. Der Volkswagenerlitt Beschädigungen, als ihn ein sowjetpanzer von der strasse drängte- undser bild- von Walter Lindler aufgenommen- zeigt drei unbekannte personen und den AP reporter PeterHoffwe (direkt neben dem Volkswagen)
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Funeral of Freedom Fighters, 1956
Funeral of victims of the Hungarian revolution. In the West Hungarian town of Mosonmagyaróvár, over one hundred civilian residents were killed by the State Security Authority in the last few days.
Offer des Ungarischen aufstandes beigesetzt. In der west-ungarischen stadt altenberg, wo in den letzten tagen fast 100 einwohner durch kommunistische ungarische truppen getötet wurden, fand am 28 oktober 1956 die beisetzung der opfer statt. Associated press photo zeigt ungarische frei-heitskämpfer, die einen sarg in das massengrab niederlassen. WIE/FRA/BER 2564/A9/B3/C7 28.10.56
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Hungarian Refugees Arrive at Victoria Station, London, 1956
Some of the 240 Hungarian refugees who arrived at Victoria Station, London, on November 19, 1956 with the national flag draped in black. Most of them had no possessions except for the clothes they wore.
Hungarians arrive in London. Some of the 240 Hungarian refugees who arrived at Victorian Station, London, this evening, November 19, are shown with their national flag draped in black. Most of them have only the clothes they wear.
Associated Press Photo from London. Copyright Associated Press Photo supplied by The Associated Press Ltd., 83-86, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Phone: Fleet Street 1515
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Hungarian Refugee Róbert Lipowitz, 1957
Munich, Germany. Róbert Lipowitz, a 34-year-old refugee, radio repairman from Budapest, commenting on RFE programs and broadcast before and after the Hungarian revolution said: Radio Free Europe told off those Russians. They were afraid of the Radio.
RFE: Munich, Germany, Jan 1957- AP Robert Lipowitz, 34 year old refugee radio repairman from Budapest, commenting on RFE programs and casts before and during the Hungarian revolution, said: "RFE told off those Russians. they were afraid of RFE". FRA/STAFF/GODOT (PARIS) jan 19, 1957 HG
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Debris on Baross Street after Fighting, 1956
Debris on the intersection of József Boulevard and Baross Street, and severely damaged buildings in the distance.
Corner of Jozsef circle and Baross street: debris from damaged buildings litters the pavement.
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Shelled Building on Ferenc Boulevard, 1956
Heavily damaged apartment building on Ferenc Boulevard opposite Tűzoltó Street.
Ferenc Square: apartment house in Tuzoltö Street heavily damaged by artillery fire.
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Building Barricades, 1956
Hungarian revolutionaries build a barricade from cobble stones on the first day of the seige of Budapest against the invading Soviet army.
Zu ihrem verzweifelten widerstand... (kampfe in budapest). in den strassen der ungarischen Hauptstadt rissen die Freiheitskämpfer das Strassenpflaster auf, um barrikaden zu errichten. Erst der einsatz von artillerie und flugsaugen brachte den widerstand der im vergleich zu den sowjetischen truppen nur spärlich bewaffneten rebellen gegen das kommunistische regime zum dahinschwinder. Dieses bild, das am 4. november 1956 in Budapest aufgenommen wurde, also am tage des beginns der russichen intervention, erreichte uns erst am 11.november 1956 mit unserem an diesem tage aus Budapest zurückkehrenden photographen. WIE/FRA/BER/ 2713/A9 12.11.56
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Three Hungarians Run across the Austro-Hungarian Border on Christmas Eve, 1956
Three Hungarians dash accross the snowy no man’s land of the Austro- Hungarian border in their flight to freedom on Christmas Eve.
Hungarians Dash to Freedom. Three Hungarians dash across the snow in the no man's land of the austro-hungarian border in their flight to freedom on Christmas Eve, December 24. They spent Christmas Day at a refugee camp in Austria
Associated Press Photo from London. Copyright Associated Press Photo supplied by The Associated Press Ltd., 83-86, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Phone: Fleet Street 1515
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Hungarian Freedom Fighters Burn Photographs of Stalin, 1956
Revolutionaries burn pictures of Stalin and communist literature in a Budapest street during the short-lived victory of the revolution.
Stalin Pictures Burned. Budapest, after the revolution - AP- revolutionaries burn Stalin pictures and communist literature in a budapest street after winning the revolution. Pictures handed out by revolutionaries to Enre Marton, Ap's Budapest correspondent. FRA/BUD LD PS RM MIL STOCK PRINT nov 1 1956 HG
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Crowd Surrounds Food Aid Trucks, 1956
With the shops in Budapest empty, residents had to rely on relief delivery. These two food aid lorries are packed with vegetables, mostly potatoes.
AP Abonnements Photo Associated press photo. Hunderte von Budapestern.... drängten sich am 29. November 1956 um zwei Last-wagen mit gemüse, meist zwieblen, um etwas von der Ladung für ihre eigene Küche zu erwischen. LON/FRA/BER/2997/A29/C21 4.12.56
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Headshot of László Juhász, a Hungarian Refugee, 1957
Munich, Germany László Juhász, a 25-year-old refugee metalworker from Budapest, comments on the Radio Free Europe broadcasts before and during the Hungarian revolution. He said: Radio Free Europe shoots back at the reds, hitting them hard with facts and details. The best way to deal with them is to use their own methods.”
For use with Germany Mailer no.2775 by Herb Altschull. Radio Free Europe. Munich, Germany, Jan.1957- AP- Laszlo Juhas, a 25 year old refugee metal worker from Budapest, commenting on RFE casts before and during the hungarian revolution, said "RFE shoots back at the reds, hitting them hard with facts and details. the best way to deal with them is to use their own methods." fra/staff/godot (paris) Jan 19 1957 HG LD PRINT NY NEG
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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The New Police Force Guard the Headquarters of the Dissolved State Security Authority, 1956
A member of the newly formed police force, called the quilted jackets, guards the headquarters of the former State Security Authority headquarter at 60 Andrássy Avenue, Budapest.
GODOT.F. 22546. 101256. Associated Press Photo from London
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Headshot of Gergely Petrero, a Hungarian Refugee, 1957
Gergely Petrero, 16, an escapee from Budapest, commenting on the Radio Free Europe broadcasts before and during the Hungarian revolution, said: Radio Free Europe was a main factor in the revolution... we listened for news that the United Nations was coming... The Western radio stations betrayed us, because no help came.
Radio Free Europe. Munich, Germany, Jan 1957 AP Petrero Gergerly, 16, an escapee from Budapest, commenting on the RFE casts before and during the hungarian revolution, said "RFE was a main factor in the Revolution... we listened for news that the United Nations was coming... the western radio stations betrayed us, because no help came". FRA/STAFF/GODOT (PARIS) LD PRINT NY NEG
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Damaged Shops on Bartók Béla Street, 1956
A man walks by damaged shop fronts on Bartók Béla Street
Bela Bartok street: damaged shops
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Break in the Fighting on Móricz Zsigmond Circus, 1956
Paving stones were ripped up on Móricz Zsigmond Circus to build the barricade at the far end of the circus. The painted writing on the wall on the right says Death to the State Security Authority. The clothing store in the building on the left corner was burned out during the later stages of fighting.
Móricz Zsigmond Circle: Ripped up paving stones litter the square. Across the square in the background, a pavingstone barricade. "Death to the Avo" (secret police) is painted on wall at right. Clothing store in building at left on corner was burned out in later stages of fighting.
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Remains of Soviet Artillery on Ferenc Boulevard, 1956
Remains of blown up heavy Soviet artillery on Ferenc Boulevard.
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Móricz Zsigmond Circus in Disarray, 1956
View of disarrayed Móricz Zsigmond Circus with people and truck.
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Móricz Zsigmond Circus in Disarray, 1956
View of disarrayed Móricz Zsigmond Circus with people and truck.
Móricz Zsigmond Circle: general views
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Freedom Fighters Ride Tanks through the Streets, 1956
Two tanks side by side roll down the street under the gaze of onlookers.
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Remains of Exploded Soviet Ammunition Trucks on Ferenc Boulevard, 1956
Passers-by look at the last pieces of an armoured vehicle.
Ferenc Circle: remains of an exploded Soviet ammunition truck
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Destroyed Buildings on Ferenc Boulevard Near Üllői Street, 1956
Heavily damaged apartment buildings on Ferenc Boulevard near Üllői Street. The famous Kilián barracks are on the right corner.
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A Destroyed Department Store on Rákóczi Street, 1956
Wreckage of the fashionable department store Minőségi Aruház, Bazar of Quality, on Rákóczi Street.
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The Damaged Rókus Chapel and Rókus Hospital, 1956
Rókus Chapel and Rókus Hospital behind it damaged by fire from Soviet tanks. A Red Cross flag is hung on the building on the left..
Rokus Chapel: Chapel and hospital behind it (note red cross flag at left) damaged by fire from Soviet tanks
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The Damaged Rókus Chapel and Rókus Hospital, 1956
Rókus Chapel and Rókus Hospital behind it damaged by fire from Soviet tanks. A Red Cross flag is hung on the building on the left. Gyulai Pál Street.
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Damaged Artillery in the Rain, 1956
Bajcsy Zsilinszky Street: An overtumed shell of a damaged State Security Authority truck.
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Removing of the Soviet Emblem from the Soviet Monument on Liberty Square, 1956

Soviet Emblem is being removed from the Monument to the Soviet Heroes who died in the Second World War on Szabadság tér (Liberty square), downtown Budapest.
ORIGINAL CAPTION: Szabadság tér (Freedom Square sic!), Hungarian flag flies above monument to Soviet troops killed in the "liberation" of Budapest in 1944-45. A Hungarian on a ladder is removing the Soviet emblem.

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A Blown Up Soviet Tank on Üllői Street near Kilián Barracks, 1956
The remains of a tank lie on the side of Üllői Street next to a the Killán barracks.
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János Kádár, 1956
Headshot of János Kádár, General Secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party from 1956 until 1988.
Janos Kadar
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Houses Damaged by the Soviets on the Corner of Üllői and Miksa Streets, 1956
Houses Damaged by the Soviets on the Corner of Üllői and Miksa Streets
Corner of Ulloi and Miksa Streets: Damaged Soviet tank in front of ruin of dwelling house
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Destroyed Soviet Tanks on Üllői Street, 1956
A broken tank blocks Üllői Street.
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Troops of the Hungarian Army in Front of the Ministry of Defense, 1956
A unit of the newly founded Hungarian Army guards the Ministry of Defense with a tank and trucks.
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Damaged Kilián Barracks and Houses on Ferenc Boulevard and Üllői Street, 1956
View of Ferenc Boulevard near Kilián barracks after the first days of fighting.
View of Grand Boulevard near Kilian-barracks after the first days of fighting
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Damaged Homes on József Boulevard, 1956
Apartment buildings on József Boulevard destroyed by Soviet artillery fíre.
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Ruined Building in Budapest, 1956
Ruined building in Budapest
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Workman on a Ladder removes Soviet Emblem from a Building, 1956
The Soviet Emblem is being removed from the facade of a building on Honvéd Street.
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Soviet-Hungarian Friendship Painted on a Tank, 1956
Soviet-Hungarian Friendship painted on a blown up Soviet tank in the junction of Móricz Zsigmond Circus and Himfy Street.
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Remains of Exploded Soviet Armoured Vehicles, 1956
The skeletons of three vehicles are being examined by revolutionaries.
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A Russian Language Appeal to the Soviet Soldiers at Móricz Zsigmond Circus, 1956
The appeal to Soviet soldiers reads: Soviet Soldiers! Do not fire at people who do not have arms. Traitors of our homeland deceived you. The Hungarian workers and Youth want freedom and more bread. Do not fight Hungarian workers. The Hungarian youth
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A Makeshift Barricade, 1956
Cobble stones from the Boulevard have been dug up and used to build a barricade.
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Destroyed Department Store, 1956
The smoke blackened facade of the burned out fashionable department store Minőségi Áruház, Bazar of Quality, on Rákóczi Street.
Rákóczi Street: smoke blackened facade of burned out fashionable department store
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A Ruined Building on the Corner of Ferenc Boulevard and Mester Street, 1956
A destroyed building in the distance on the corner of Ferenc Boulevard and Mester Street.
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Damaged Apartment Buildings on József Boulevard, 1956
Apartment Buildings Damaged by Soviet Fire on József Boulevard.
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Destroyed Department Store on Rákóczi Street, 1956
Only the skeleton of the department store Divatcsarnok, Fashion Hall, remains after shelling on Rákóczi Street.
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Damaged Building on Baross Street, 1956
Destroyed apartment building on Baross Street.
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Barricade with Sign Russians Go Home!!, 1956
A barricade made from the cobble stones pried from the paving bears a poster saying Russians Go Home!! written in Hungarian and Russian.
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Communist Books and Papers are Burned on Lenin Boulevard, 1956
Communist literature is being burnt in front of the Horizont bookshop, specialized in Soviet literature, on Lenin Boulevard (today Teréz Boulevard).
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Torn and Charred Books on Lenin Boulevard, 1956
Remeains of burnt books and papers cover the street in front of Horizont bookshop, specialized in Soviet literature, on Lenin Boulevard, today Teréz Boulevard.
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Books and Papers Are Burned on Lenin Boulevard, 1956
Communist literature and papers are burned on Lenin Boulevard, today Teréz Boulevard in front of Horizont bookshop, specialized in Soviet literature.
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Blown Up Soviet Tank on Ferenc Boulevard, 1956
Remains of a blown up Soviet tank on Ferenc Boulevard.
Ferenc Circle: remains of an exploded Soviet tank
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Destroyed House on Baross Street, 1956
The inside of a flat is clearly visible in the destroyed the building.
Baross Street.
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Destroyed Building on József Boulevard, 1956
A man looks at the remains of a building.
Jozsef Circle: Destroyed dwelling house
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Damaged Building on Bartók Béla Street, 1956
Locals gather in front of the ruined building on Bartók Béla Street.
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Books Are Burned on Lenin Boulevard, 1956
A crowd of people gathers outside Horizont bookshop on Lenin Boulevard (today Térez Boulevard), specializing in Soviet literature, to burn the books.
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Russians Go Home! Painted on a Shop Window, 1956
Writing in Russian on a shop window says Russians Go Home!
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Corpse of a Revolutionary with a Wreath, 1956
The body of a Hungarian freedom fighter lies on the ground with a wreath laid on him.
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Soviet Officers on the Top of Their Tank, 1956
Soviet soldiers, recognizable from their uniforms, ride on a tank.
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A Damaged Soviet Armored Personnel Carrier, 1956
Display Item Not For Sale is painted in Hungarian on a damaged Soviet vehicle.
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Muzzle of a Soviet Tank Gun in the Budapest Suburb of Pestszentlőrinc, 1956
The street name Avenue of the Red Army can be read under the muzzle of a Soviet tank gun in the Budapest suburb of Pestszentlőrinc.
Under the muzzle of a Soviet tank gun in the Budapest suburb of Pest Szent Loerinz, the street sign reads "avenue of the Red Army"
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Destroyed Buildings on József Boulevard, 1956
Apartment buildings on József Boulevard destroyed by Soviet troops.
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Russian Tanks Outside the Parliament, 1956
Three Russian tanks stand guard on the square in front of the Parliament building in Budapest. On October 25, 300 Hungarians were killed on the square when State Security Authority personnel fired at the crowd.
Kossuth Square.
Russian Tanks in Budapest! russian tanks stand guard in the square outside the Parliament building in Budapest, Hungary. On October 25, 300 Hungarians were killed in the square by fire from the State Security. Russian tanks fought back!
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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The Hungarian Flag is Placed in Stalin's Boots, 1956
Revolutionaries stand on the pedestal and place the Hungarian flag into Iosiph Stalin's boots, the only remains of the giant bronze statue of the Soviet dictator. The statue stood on Felvonulási Square, currently Ötvenhatosok Square
Copyright United Pressphotos (UP) dieses photo ist ihnen nur zur veroffenflichung in ihrem blatt verkaurt und darf ohne unsere schriftliche genehmigung nicht weitergegeben,weitervetrieben oder zu reklamezwecken verwendet werden. durch annahme dieser aufnahme erklaren sie sich bereit, an United Press Photos keine verlust - oder schadenersatzanspruche zu stellen die sich aus ihrer verwendung oder veroffentlichung dieser aufnahme ergeben kohnten. frankfurt
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Revolutionaries with the Head of the Removed Stalin Statue, 1956
A rope is wrapped around the head of the fallen Stalin statue as revolutionaries try to rip it apart.
Copyright United Pressphotos (UP) dieses photo ist ihnen nur zur veroffenflichung in ihrem blatt verkaurt und darf ohne unsere schriftliche genehmigung nicht weitergegeben,weitervetrieben oder zu reklamezwecken verwendet werden. durch annahme dieser aufnahme erklaren sie sich bereit, an United Press Photos keine verlust - oder schadenersatzanspruche zu stellen die sich aus ihrer verwendung oder veroffentlichung dieser aufnahme ergeben kohnten. frankfurt
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The Remains of a Corner Building and of a Soviet Tank, 1956
The hull of a Soviet tank lies in a Budapest intersection, its turret blown off and its mechanism scattered on the cobbles.
in the strange stillness after battle, the hull of a Soviet tank lies in a Budapest intersection, its turret blown off and its mechanism scattered on the cobbles like fragments of a squashed insect
Copyright: 1956 by Time Inc.
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Demonstration of Hungarian Workers in Miskolc, 1956
In spite of the enforced martial law, Hungarian workers in Miskolc organised a demontration against the Kádár Regime on the l0th December, 1956, which ended in bloodshed.
Trosz Verkündung des standrechtes... führten die Arbeiter der ostungarischen Stadt miskolz am 10. Dezember 1956 eine demonstration gegen die regierung Kadar durch, in deren Verlaug es zu blutigen Zusammenstösben mit der kommunistischen polizei kam. Das bild wurde uns heute von einem in Wien eingetroffen ungarischen Flüchtling zur Verfügung gestellt.
Copyright United Pressphotos (UP) dieses photo ist ihnen nur zur veroffenflichung in ihrem blatt verkaurt und darf ohne unsere schriftliche genehmigung nicht weitergegeben,weitervetrieben oder zu reklamezwecken verwendet werden. durch annahme dieser aufnahme erklaren sie sich bereit, an United Press Photos keine verlust - oder schadenersatzanspruche zu stellen die sich aus ihrer verwendung oder veroffentlichung dieser aufnahme ergeben kohnten. frankfurt
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Hungarian Soldier Wearing the Hungarian National Colors on his Cap, 1956
A smiling soldier wears Hungary's national colours instead of the red star on his cap to show his support for the revolution.
Nationalfarben Ersetzen Roten Stern. Der rote stern an der mütze dieses ungarischen soldaten ist ersetzt durch die ungarischen nationalfarben grün-weiss-rot. Der soldat gehört zu den ungarischen freiheitskämpfern, die nach vorliegenden Berichten das an Österreich grenzende gebiet bis zum plattensee unter Kontrolle haben WIE/FRA/BER 2559/A
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Soviet Tanks Guard a Budapest Intersection, 1956
Debris from the fighting can be seen on the right, as two tanks guard the intersection. Two tanks guard the intersection after the fighting.
Copyright United Pressphotos (UP) dieses photo ist ihnen nur zur veroffenflichung in ihrem blatt verkaurt und darf ohne unsere schriftliche genehmigung nicht weitergegeben,weitervetrieben oder zu reklamezwecken verwendet werden. durch annahme dieser aufnahme erklaren sie sich bereit, an United Press Photos keine verlust - oder schadenersatzanspruche zu stellen die sich aus ihrer verwendung oder veroffentlichung dieser aufnahme ergeben kohnten. frankfurt
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Bureau de Presse de l'Assamblee des Nations Captives d'Europe, 1956
A large number of people are present at the Press Office of the Assembly of the Captive Nations of Europe.
Bureau de Presse de l'assemblee des nations captives d'Europe 94, Rue St-Lazare, Paris (9)
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People on Köztársaság Square, 1956
A crowd of people on Köztársaság Square.
Josef Stefan Bischoff, Denninger Str. 108, 8000 München 81, Tel: (089) 913146
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Demonstrators Carrying Hungarian National Flags and Placards in Vienna, 1956
Demonstrators carrying Hungarian national flags and placards attempt to march to the Hungarian Legation in Vienna on 27th October but are headed off by Austrian police. The demonstrators were said to be Hungarian exiles.
Hungarian exiles demonstrate in Vienna. Demonstrators carrying Hungarian flags and placecards are headed off by Austrian police as they attempt to march on the Hungarian legation in Vienna, Oct.27. The demonstrators were said to be Hungarian exiles. AP / vie f18342. Associated press photo from london. (original of wirephoto)
Copyright Associated Press Photo supplied by The Associated Press LTD 83-86 Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Fleet Street 1515.
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Erzsébet Bridge in Ruins, 1956
A high column of smoke rises into the sky behind the ruins of the Erzsébet Bridge.
Über dem Leidenden Budapest.... steht eine hohe Rauchsäule und im Vordergrunde links ragt ein Pfeiler der zerstörten Elisabeth-brücke traurig in den Himmel. Dieses bild wurde von unserem erst heute aus Budapest zurück-gekehrten photographen während der Tage in denen sowjetische truppen den widerstand der freiheitskampfer zerschbugon
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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A Hungarian Soldier Wearing His Cap without the Red Star, 1956
Hungarian guard on duty at the Austrian border wearing his cap without the red star gives light to a civilian.
Border incident. Hungarian guard on duty at the Austrian border has ripped the red star from the front of his cap in this photo made as he gives a light to a civilian, october 26.
Associated Press Photo from London. (Original of wirephoto)
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Hungarian Freedom Fighters Request Medical Supplies, 1956
Hungarian freedom fighters arrive at the Austrian border post at Nickelsdorf to request medical supplies, including urgently needed blood plasma for their injured. Viennese locals queued at Vienna’s main hospital to donate blood for the Hungarian Revolutionaires, who reported that Soviet bullets killed seventy five and injufred two hundred.
Hungarian Rebels ask Austrian blood. Hungarian "freedom fighters" called October 27 at the Austrian border post as Nickelsdorf to request medical supplies, including urgently needed blood plasma for their injured. Viennest queued outside Vienna's main hospital to donate blood for the rebels, who reported 75 dead and 200 injured from Soviet bullets.
Associated Press Photo from London. (Original of wirephoto)
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The Greatest Show Trial Against the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Begins, 1957
On the 18th of February, 1957 the greatest show trial against the Hungarian freedom fighters began. The twelve were accused of agitation against the Soviet Army and calling for strikes. In the photo there are some of the accused, a student girl among them.
Schauprozess in Budapest. In Budapest hat am 18. Februar 1957 der bisher grösste Schauprozess gegen Teilnehmer am ungarischen Freiheitskampf begonnen. Verhandelt wird gegen 12 Angeklagte, von denen drei des Mordes beschuldigt werden, während den anderen "Aufhetzung zum Streik und zum hass gegen die Sowjetarmee" vorgeworfen wird. Es wird mit einer Prozessdauer von einem Monat gerechnet. Associated press photo zeigt einen teil der angeklagten, unter ihnen auch eine studentin, am ersten Verhandlungstage. Hinter den angeklagtensitzen bewaffnete Polizisten.
Copyright by and the property of The Associated Press G.m.b.H. Bilderdienst- Frankfurt/Main. Moselstr.27 - telef: 3299733377. Vervielfaltigung, Verbreitung und Vorführung dieses Bildes ist nur mit unserer Genehmigung und unter nennung des urhebervermerkes 'photo AP' oder 'photo ASSOCIATED PRESS' und gegen Ubersendung eines Belegexemplares gestattet. Verwendung zu Werbezweken ist untersagt. Die ASSOCIATED PRESS G.m.b.H. übernimmt keine direkte oder indirekte Haftung für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die im zusammenhang mit der veröffentichung dieses Bildes entstehen.
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Hungarians Release British Students Accused of Espionage, 1957
Four British students Roger Cooper (20), Christopher Lord (21), Basel Cripps and Judith Cripps, the daughter of the one-time British Chancellor, arrive in Austria on the 2nd February after unexpectantly being released by the Hungarian Kádár Regime. The students had been held in Hungary since 17th January.
Hungarians Release students. Four British students released by the Hungarians are shown at Nickelsdorf after crossing into Austria, Feb 2. Right to left- Christopher Lord, 21; Basil Lord, 25; Roger Cooper, 20; and standing in front of Cooper is Judith Cripps, 19. The British students have been held in Hungary since Jan 17. (Original of Wirephoto)
Copyright Associated Press Photo supplied by The Associated Press LTD 83-86 Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Fleet Street 1515.
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Watchtower Near Szentgotthárd, 1956
The watchtower is located near Szentgotthárd, forty miles east of the Austrian city of Graz. Austro-Hungarian border.
hated symbol- this was a watchtower on the austro-hungarian frontier near Szentgotthard, 40miles east of the austrian city of Graz, on nov.6 1956. (1) the symbol of Communist terror silhouetted against the Central European autumn landscape...
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Watchtower Near Szentgotthárd, 1956
The watchtower is forty miles east of the Austrian city of Graz. The photograph was taken before it was set on fire by an escaping Hungarian freedom fighter.
hated symbol- this was a watchtower on the austro-hungarian frontier near Szentgotthard, 40miles east of the austrian city of Graz, on nov.6 1956. (2) .... before flames set by an escaping Hungarian freedom fighter.
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The Remains of the Watch Tower Near Szentgotthárd, 1956
Set on fire, only charred ruins remain of the watchtower three hours later.
hated symbol- this was a watchtower on the austro-hungarian frontier near Szentgotthard, 40miles east of the austrian city of Graz, on nov.6 1956. (3)... leave only charred ruins three hours later
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Imre Nagy Meets People, 1956
Imre Nagy holds the hand of a crying woman in a crowd.
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János Kádár on Holiday in the Soviet Union, 1956
János Kádár, László Rajk, Mrs. Rajk and an unidentified person on holiday in the Soviet Union.
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Two Men in Front of a Microphone, 1956
Two unidentified men.
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Mátyás Rákosi and László Rajk, 1956
Mátyás Rákosi on the steps of a train and László Rajk involved in conversation with someone not seen in the photo.
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Pál Maléter, 1956
A headshot of Pál Maléter in uniform.
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Imre Nagy, 1956
Imre Nagy delivers a speech.
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László Rajk's Family, 1956
Júlia Rajk, wife of László and her son László Rajk Jr.
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A Crying Man Carrying his Belongings, 1956
Four refugees walk through a field in the snow, the man is crying.
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Smoke from a Fire in the Distance, 1956
A cloud of smoke pours into the sky in the distance in South Budapest.
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Watchtower, 1956
Watchtower in the middle of a field.
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The Personal Tank of Colonel Maléter, 1956
Colonel Maléter's tank blocks the entrance to the Kilián Barracks.
Üllői Street.
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Officers of the State Security Authority Face Their Captors, 1956
Crowded against a wall near their fallen building, security police officers face their captors.
Crowded against a wall near their falled building, Hungarian security police face their captors. These men had chosen to live by the sword. To them torture and death had long been a way of life
Copyright 1956 by Time Inc.
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People Spit on the Head of Stalin, 1956
As the revolution begins, the hated symbols of Communism are the first to be destroyed. Here the angry people spit on the head of Iosiph Stalin, broken from toppled statue and left on a street of Budapest. Soon after this photograph was taken, the head was broken into pieces.
As the uprising begins, the hated symbols of Communism are first destroyed. Here the head of Josef Stalin, broken from a toppled statue, is spat upon in a Budapest street. Soon it was broken into pieces.
Copyright 1956 by Time Inc. All rights reserved by International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. C.p.7.
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Bodies of Victims of the Massacre at Mosonmagyaróvár, 1956
In the town of Mosonmagyaróvár, grief stricken Hungarians mourn over the bodies of relatives and friends. Over one hundred of them were massacred by the State Security Authority. Their crime was asking for the Soviet emblems to be removed from the State Security Authority building.
Massacre at Magyarovar. In the town of Magyarovar, grief stricken Hungarians mourn over the bodies of relatives and friends. Eighty-five of them were shot and killed by security police. Their crime: asking that Soviet emblems be removed from the AVH building
Copyright 1956 by Time Inc.
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Students Gather around the Statue of General Bem in Budapest, 1956
Masses gather around the statue of General Bem on 23rd October, 1956. At the rally that touched off the revolution, Budapest students proclaim their solidarity with the Polish people beneath the statue of General Bem, a Pole who fought with the Hungarian revolutionaries in 1848.
At the rally that touched off the revolution, Budapest students proclaim their solidarity with the Polish people beneath the statue of General Bem, a Pole who fought with the Hungarian revolutionaries of 1848.
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A Hungarian Flag Flies from the Captured Building of the State Security Authority in Budapest, 1956
The Hungarian State Security Authority building a day or so after it was captured by the freedom fighters. A Hungarian flag flies from the balcony.
The Hungarian secret police (AVH) building a day or so after it was captured by the freedom fighters. A Hungarian flag flies from the balcony
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A Tank Guards the Residence of Cardinal József Mindszenty, 1956
Hungarian soldiers backed up by a tank guard the bullet and shell-pocked Budapest residence of Cardinal József Mindszenty.
Hungarian soldiers backed up by a tank guard the bullet and shell-pocked Budapest residence of Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty
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Soviet Soldiers Wait for Orders by Their Tank, 1956
Waiting for orders to begin the onslaught, Soviet tankmen stand by their vehicles.
Awaiting orders to begin the slaughter, apparently so confident that they are not even on guard against snipers hiding in the battered buildings all around them, Russian tankmen stand by their machines.
Copyright 1956 by Time Inc
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A Captured Soviet Tank Flies the Hungarian Flag, 1956
People look on as the tank is taken by the Hungarian revolutionaries.
A captured Soviet tank flies the Hungarian flag. October 30.
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A Man in a Hat, 1956
A behatted man smokes a cigarette in the midst of a crowd.
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Imre Nagy, 1956
Headshot of Imre Nagy.
Imre Nagy. A muscovite communist, Nagy became prime minister in June 1953 with a reformist program. His name and policy became associated with the elimination of Stalinist abuses and a general relaxation of policies. In early 1955 the Stalinists staged a comeback. Nagy was forced to resign in April and subsequently was condemned as a "right wing deviationist". During the months of pre-revolutionary ferment many hopes were attached to is person and his possible comeback. On October 24th the Party leadership once again made him prime minister.
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András Hegedüs, 1956
Headshot of András Hegedüs.
Andras Hegedus. When Imre Nagy was forced to resign in April 1955 Party boss Rákosi picked Hegedus as the new prime minister. On 24 October 1956 he was replaced by Imre Nagy. He then left the country, together with Ernő Gerő, for the Soviet Union. He returned to Hungary in 1958 and started a new career as a maverick Sociologist. In 1973 Hegedus was expelled from the Party.
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Ernő Gerő, 1956
Headshot of Ernő Gerő.
Ernő Gerő
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Hungarian Red Cross Flies a Flag Painted with Human Blood, 1956
Hungarian Red Cross workers carry a Red Cross flag painted with human blood. The volunteers applied first aid and evacuated the wounded.
Hungarian Red Cross workers carrying a red cross flag painted with human blood. The volunteers applied first aid and evacuated the wounded. October 28.
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Zoltán Tildy, 1956
Headshot of Zoltán Tildy.
Zoltan Tildy
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Béla Kovács, 1956
Headshot of Béla Kovács.
Bela Kovacs
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Hungarian Revolutionaries at the Hegyeshalom Border Station, 1956
Armed Hungarian revolutionaries lie on the ground at the border station of Hegyeshalom.
Hungarian rebels guarding the highway near the Hegyeshalom border station on November 8.
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A Damaged Building on the Corner of the Kilián Barracks, 1956
Corner of the Kilian Barracks. The gun turret in the centre foreground was blown off the tank on the far right. Üllői Street.
Corner of the Kilian Barracks. Note the gun turret in the centre foreground and the tank off which it was blown at the far right.
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A Hungarian Army Anti-Tank Gun, 1956
A Hungarian Army anti-tank gun used against Soviet tanks. It is standing in front of a motion picture theatre. Signs from the theatre have been placed on the gun. The sings say in Hungarian, from bottom to top: Prolonged; Only for persons over sixteen; Box office hours.
A Hungarian Army anti-tank gun used against Soviet tanks. It is standing before a motion picture theatre. Signs from the theatre have been placed on the gun. Roughly translated, they mean (from bottom to top):"held over" (i.e. "the fight goes on") ; "only for those over sixteen"; "box office will be open".
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Entrance to Kossuth Rádió, 1956
Entrance to Kossuth Rádió. At the beginning of the revolution, the security police shot out of the windows of this building into the crowd. The new banner reads Free Hungarian Radio in Hungarian. Bródy Sándor Street 5-7.
Entrance to Radio Kossuth where, at the beginning of the revolution, the security police shot out of the windows into the crowd. The new banner reads: "Free Hungarian Radio". (on the front of the photo).
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Mass Anti-Soviet Demonstration in Budapest, 1956
Hungarian patriots hold an anti-Soviet mass demonstration in a torn-up Budapest street late on 24th October.
Hungarian patriots hold a mass anti-Soviet demonstration in a torn-up Budapest street late on October 24
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The Funeral of the Victims of the Mosonmagyaróvár Massacre., 1956
Over one hundred people were killed by State Security Authority officers in the Mosonmagyaróvár massacre. Here, a coffin is being lowered into the ground.
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Photographs from Life Magazine used by the Communist Authorities After the Revolution, 1956
Life magazine photographs cut out from a Communist newspaper. Names of the State Security Authority officers in police uniform standing by the wall are Sándor Vörös, Sándor Könczöl, István Kálmán, István Holicza, József Csalai, Zoltán Kucsera, József K. Farkas, Lajos Berta Somogyi, László Elek. Six of them testified after the revolution, Kálmán, Kucsera and Elek died. The photo on the back side shows Somogyi and Farkas celebrating their award an promotion for fighting the counter-revolution.
These pictures, taken by a Life corresppondent, show unarmed defenders of people's democracy in Hungary being dealt with summarily by counter-revolution. Two of the men- Farkas and Somogyi- who escaped death by chance, appear in the third picture (see over), after receiving award for fighting against counter-revolution
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Original graphic design for a poster on the First Anniversary of the Revolution, 1957
The poster says Remberer October 23, 1956. Hungarian brothers either living on free land or suffering the terror at home! We, Hungarians living in camps in Yugoslavia, in our souls celebrate with you the anniversary of the days of our glorious revolution. We bow with reverence to the memory of our heroes and to the united will of fighters. We pledge: We will be faithful to the pure spirit of October 23 and fighting heroes, and our lives are the proof that Hungarians merit freedom. Group of university students. A special record in this series of photographs.
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Poster Saying Russians Go Home, 1956
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lived on in Hungary, were appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action was taken by the police, who waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. The painted text says in Hungarian Russians Go Home.
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lives on in Hungary, have been appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters have attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action has been taken by the police who have waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. Photo shows: "Russky, go home" still the watchword
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Poster Saying S.O.S. Hungary, 1956
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lived on in Hungary, were appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action was taken by the police, who waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. The text says SOS Hungary in Hungarian and the poster representss the appeal of a nation behind bars.
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lives on in Hungary, have been appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters have attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action has been taken by the police who have waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. Photo shows: "SOS Hungary" is the appeal of a nation behind bars
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Poster saying Our Only Weapon: Strike, 1956
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lived on in Hungary, were appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action was taken by the police, who waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. The poster s the entrance to a mine shaft, the cart bears the word Strike in Hungarian.
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lives on in Hungary, have been appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters have attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action has been taken by the police who have waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. Photo shows: At the entrance to a mine shaft, "our only weapon: strike"
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Poster saying Dec 4, 1956, 1956
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lived on in Hungary, were appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action was taken by the police, who waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. Photo shows: Black flag with text which says Dec. 4, 1956. It was exactly one month earlier that reinforced Soviet troops cracked down on the Hungarian freedom fighters.
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lives on in Hungary, have been appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters have attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action has been taken by the police who have waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. Photo shows: Black flag with "Dec. 4" marks the passing of one month since reinforced Soviet troops cracked down on the Hungarian freedom fighters.
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Poster saying Budapest Does Not Forget, 1956
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lived on in Hungary, were appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action was taken by the police, who waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. The poster says Budapest Does Not Forget in Hungarian.
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lives on in Hungary, have been appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters have attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action has been taken by the police who have waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. Photo shows: "Budapest DOES NOT forget" marks the spirit of the devestated city
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Poster saying:Collaborators: This Will Be Your Reward, 1956
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lived on in Hungary, were appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action was taken by the police, who waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. The poster shows a gallows in the background, the words say Collaborators: This Will Be Your Reward! in Hungarian.
Posters such as this, showing that the spirit of resistance lives on in Hungary, have been appearing on walls and trees in Kispest on the outskirts of Budapest, since Dec. 1 1956. The posters have attracted large crowds, but during the daytime no counter-action has been taken by the police who have waited until nightfall before trying to remove them. Photo shows: Gallows is background for warning, "collaborators: this will be your reward".
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Original Caption List to the 1956 Photographs from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1986
List of the photographs from the Munich exhibition in 1986.
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Stalin's Statue after Demolition, 1956
Newspaper cutout of a photograph with a caption labelling it as the decapitated statue of Stalin in Budapest in October
Octobre, à Budapest, les insurgés décapitent la statue de Staline
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