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Communism & Cold War
Communism & Cold War
HU OSA 206-2-2 The Representation of the Counter-Revolution (Az ellenforradalom reprezentációja)
Communism & Cold War
HU OSA 416-0-1 Documents on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (Az 1956-os magyar forradalommal kapcsolatos dokumentumok)
[1956 - 2006]
Communism & Cold War, Human Rights
HU OSA 408-2-5 Miscellaneous Documents on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (Vegyes dokumentumok az 1956-os forradalomról)
[1956 - 1994]
Communism & Cold War, Human Rights
Communism & Cold War
Communism & Cold War
Communism & Cold War
HU OSA 300-5-46 Records of Aurél Bereznai on the 1956 Revolution: Old Code Subject Files
[1951 - 1958]
Communism & Cold War
HU OSA 300-5-48 Records of Aurél Bereznai on the 1956 Revolution: Hungarian and Foreign Press
[1956 - 1985]
Communism & Cold War